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Messages - OutlawSiamang21

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Privat CO - OP
 on: January 22, 2018, 03:39:27 PM 
Hey guys to anyone looking for help and players on Xbox one, me and all the guys i play with on here are more than glad to play with new players to build up the community and offer tips to help. I'm usually always on at some point, shoot me a message via xbox and I'll help out as much as time allows me an the others. Don't be dishearten, I love the game and all it's missions Dev team keep at it I'm wanting more.

Suggestions / Re: Rewards Suggestion: Performance Based Rewards
 on: January 22, 2018, 03:30:38 PM 
To the Dev team keep it up. I have a reward suggestion it might help but what if the system rating tied more in. So basically where if you get an 8 rating or higher you get guaranteed a bp drop. Have the bp still be random but give us a guarantee on hard work. The rest of the reward system is kept nicely in my opinion. I just feel that a guaranteed drop with 8 and 8+ ranks should be rewarded albiet still keep the wheel it adds a competitive edge. Hey I absolutely love the game, nice knockout the park with this indie. Thanks for the Shae card upgrades love them, makes grinding even more enticing to make a build where I can make players new and experienced fear and respect Shae.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Difficulty Score?
 on: January 22, 2018, 03:07:09 PM 
Black you are so right lol. I feel like. trash when that happens. 66% props to you highest I've completed is 61 and I'll admit I was a weak link that played my hardest to not embarrass the team. We had fun though lol. The difficulty is absolutely nice though when varying from antag to without cause seriously who would play a match if the ai scaled exactly to 66 without antag but you go against an antag like moth, bird, jojoe, or dagg. Wouldn't even be funny lol. Keep up the work Mercury love the game.

Man if smoking has you burnt lichtbogen and light pulse will make you eye gouge lol. THE GRIND IS REAL. Jokes aside, the grind is an awesome part. I've had my crew of friends I made through this game help me get two weapons I wanted and it was exhausting. The reward of it though is absolutely awesome though. I have learned how to tank and carry with a Shae through all my grinding. Antag isn't even bad to maintain, a few matches a week and you can maintain rank with no worries. These guys have done grade a effort in the game. Keep at it and if you still need that bp hit me up when I'm on and I'll help.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Loaht's forever beast form has to go
 on: January 22, 2018, 02:27:37 PM 
The glitch is a rare occurrence as i have gotten to use it but only as a raider, where my health no longer degrades. Loaht is easy to beat as Quanrian said. Take yourself and a partner to hunt him down as he spawns in. Strategy plays a huge part and complimenting characters is really a massive hinderance for any antag on the game. There are tons of ways to counter any character just take time, learn cqc patterns, weapon capabilities, and the abilities.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: server problem
 on: November 12, 2017, 07:51:12 AM 
So essentially this first time event as Xbox one users we all get to miss out on the first event? Me and all the friends I've made across the long grind to get my main and favorite characters weapons and cards, we haven't been able to get on long enough to play. I love the game along with all the friends I play with. We have grinded out long hours and grueling trials. It's a real shame and let down because we all were stoked for the event. So is there something you guys can do to spend up the event or even just give us another event to give all of us on Xbox one a chance to put in grind time for kills? We'd all appreciate it if we could get something because it's the first event but because we don't play on PC we're going to miss out until the next one.

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