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Topics - Anderson_JAG

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Spacelords Universe / How to disable the radar?
 on: December 13, 2018, 07:42:32 PM 

I don't want the radar on screen and I want to disable, but I cannot find any option on 'Settings' section...

Spacelords Universe / Schneider tresspassing the Sphere?. Huh?.
 on: December 07, 2018, 10:13:04 PM 

First off: I don't own Schneider, so I know nothing from nothing about him (and that includes his own cards).

I'd like to know if there's some kind of special ability card that enables him to tresspass any kind of barrier, force field, etc. -including Konstantin's Sphere, that's the main point- so that he can tresspass the Sphere and beat Kohnstantin, something theorethically impossible.

Because this is what has just happened to me playing with an Antagonist who were playing with Schneider (his level were about 142). I can understand his tought blasts since Hades Division are the strongest ones doing melee damage... but not the fact of trepassing the sphere, like if it where no sphere. It happened to me twice, and the sphere was not displaced in any of them (you can see the core of the sphere moving when that happens).

It's been "a bit weird", to say the least; just wanted to know that's possible or whatever. Thanks in advance.

Bug report & Technical Support / Set of bugs (PC)
 on: October 28, 2017, 11:25:04 PM 
The most important one:
1) Ranked as '05: Alepth Addict' I gathered 75 points. It's supposed to upgrade your rank to '06: Typhoid Mary' when reaching 76. Then I built 'Ignis Fugit' for Harec, the message explaining that I was upgraded to Typhoid Mary was shown up... but went only registered on my 'Raiders' game section. If I double-click on the rank, I still was registered as 05 Aleph Addict on the Raiders Hall of Fame, I still was introduced, when a new game begins, as a 05 Aleph Addict when the screen to select your Raiders is being shown up, etc. Only the rank was upgraded in the proper way after recruiting Dr. Kuzzmann.

A few small ones:
2) After winning a game as a Raider when the game was in a state "out of Aleph, Cortez going for more", the alarms are still ringing on the screen when the Raiders choose their rewards.
3) Playing as an Antagonist with Hans, and using the 'Ansgar Warm MM1': when applying this gun to the raiders, visually an 'IMMUNE' message is shown instead of showing the HPs baing lost. The lifebar of the Raiders works properly.
4) 'A Breath of Hope'. While playing the cinematic that shows the Raiders reaching the Inner Sanctum, the guns of the Raiders are not shown up in the brief period of time that a Raiders says 'The Inner Sanctum!' and 'Where is the Protector?'. No big deal. :P

Gameplay Feedback / Send messages to a specific Raider.
 on: August 21, 2017, 05:16:31 PM 
Greetings to everyone,

I use a lot the message system in order to communicate with other Raiders during playing, I miss a lot to have the chance to send a message to a specific Raider.

A system "a-la-Full Throttle" could be implemented:

1) Hover the pointer over the message, as usual, then click.
2) With the button still pressed, a circle around the pointer will be shown up, showing as options the faces of the other three Raiders, plus and an additional "To EVERYONE" option (this one would be the selected one by default); hover the pointer to the Raider you want to communicate to, or not if the message is for everyone.
3) Release the button. The message will be sent. The phrase of the message will be built by setting at the beginning of the phrase not the name of the player, but its Raider character.
4) The icon showing the message on screen will have another icon showing the Raider to whom the message has been sent.

In this way, messages like "Lycus, come with me", "Alicia, I need ammo" could be sent on specific situations to specific Raiders. I think this could lead to a better communication between Raiders, and to work more as a team.

I'd like to hear another people if they think this could be a good idea. :)


This is somethig I've seen only from this weeked. There's been two matches (both on A Fistful of Sand) in which the antagonist couldn't be playing anymore because, immediatly after being killed, was keeping up on a specific animation state and couldn't continue with the match.

-First One. Ant: Lycus, mission stage: Uru Gal had arrived to the place for chanting the invocation. I was playing with Konstatin, and remember that I threw away Lycus Antagonist, using the barrier sphere, then he fell down the gap between the two last bridges and died. After that, he was respawned in an wrong respawning location (remember, Uru Gal was already chanting the spell), kept the "falling from above" state, and couldn't get away that state. It couldn't be beaten, nor shoot as well. Only after five minutes or so, he was able to play again.

-Second One. Ant: Hans (me), mission stage: the Protector had not been found yet. I was on one of the main stairs (the closest one to the place where Raiders are spawned) and was grappled and finished by either Konstantin or Lycus. It was confusing, don't know if I could be caused because I was killed meanwhile Konstantin projected its barrier sphere, but in this time Lycus grapped and finished me... or because I was closed to the wall, so I was in a "cover" state. Whatever the case, I kept myself on the stairs on "wounded" animation state, and I couldn't move; the Raiders couldn't punch neither shoot me, and only played again once the second stage of the mission started (once the Raiders and Uru Gal go down the platform).


I've seen sometime (twice for now) that, while playing the last stage of 'A Breath of Hope' (that is, when the three Guardian spheres must be destroyed), one of the spheres doesn't fall off the ground (so it cannot be destroyed); it keeps floating in the air, searching for its corresponding location to fall off.

On first match, it took about a minute to fall on the ground; on the second one it just didn't make it, kept flying for more than two minutes.

Does the sphere have just a single location to go, or just the pathfinding went out of its mind?.  :P

Greetings to everyone,

I've been playing "A breath of hope" for several times, and despite is a different kind of level (in this one, Alicia can show its fully potential by climbing on the biggest walls), I found specially annoying the third temple configuration, when you have to charge the third monolith. I'm not sure if the devs have tried to make a more tower defense mission in this level but, with the current configuration, the area surrounding the third monilith becomes a rathole. It is hard to leave the area and access to the central part of the temple (and thus try to catch some looters with five Aleph charges, or just keep the Wardogs at bay coming from the central part).

Could the access to the central part of the temple be improved a bit in some way?. Maybe with smaller walls at the side of the monolith so that the Raiders could climb by, or with small ramps so they could jump to the other side?. 

Anyone else thinks the access should have to be improved as well?.

Before starting to play "A Breath of Hope", I selected Alice to play (she was carrying her 'Smoking Daisy'), but then I changed my mind and I selected Konstantin. Then I pressed the "Start the mission" button, but the crosshair being shown on when aiming was not Konstantin's Hornet HH3, but Alice's Smoking Daisy.

Only the right crosshair were shown up after a Devil-tongue Wardog Sargeant killed me.


I've been experienced some kind of slow-motion movement while striking to an enemy, as if the strike movement couldn't be finished for whatever reason. The time depends on, from about 5-6 seconds to almost a minute (in this case, the blow couldn't be performed, and I could move around while the character was doing that neverending blow).

It happened with Konstantin and Harec. Has anyone experimented this issue?. 

OK, there must be definitively a bug when, after a played mission and a blueprint is available, more that a player reclaims the blueprint (so a "wheel of fortune" type-game is enabled to decide who gains the blueprint).

Today, me and another person reclaimed a blueprint. It is supposed that I won (the arroe fell into my area) but the other person was the one who receve it.

If just played a mission in which the for people has reclaimed a rare sniper rigle for Harec. I gave up and went for the gold, three people left to go. For what i saw, someone called "MasterPie" or so should have won the blueprint (the arrow fell on his area), but it went to another person.

Can this be confirmed?.

I quit with enough time for the three areas went created correctly.  :P


Diving through some comments I've realised that just clicking on the option at the upper right square to toggle between 'Solo' and 'Matchmaking' game modes seems not enough to realise that this is the place to change on game mode; I suggest that both options are shown at the same time, having one of them selected at a time (the selected been enlighted or framed, whatever).

Ship's Log / Feedback by Anderson_JAG
 on: October 26, 2016, 02:44:53 AM 
Not sure about what to say, since I'm a lot more focused on seeking and reporting bugs that in gameplay quality, but I have some suggestions    to make (just in case it could be possible to be reliable):
   Alice: She has a big scar around her neck, like Jed Cooper ('Hang 'Em High') or The Kurgan ('Highlander'). I was wondering if her voice had to sound hoarse, rough and/or raspy (in other words: noticing that her larynx and trachea were badly damaged from the day she gained that scar, and now she has issues to speak correctly).

   'A breath of hope': the pilot says oftenly: 'If it helps, the should be an Aleph portal around there in the shape of a monolith'. At first, I thought he was saying there was a souce of Aleph in the shape of a monolith around the scene, to charge the character with an Aleph and then discharge him on each monoliths, but then I realized that the pilot was referring to the whole set of portals that must be overriden; since you see the portals on the cinematic (and thus, they've catched the player's attention since they are stranglely shaped and crimson/golden coloured) I think it's not necessary for the pilot to say the phrase, or at least not so frequently.
   Current narrative issues: Since this game focuses on being an asymetrical adventure game, with a strong narrative as one of their crucial and killing features, maybe it's not too early to start speaking of them:

      Lycus: You can select Lycus for the mission where you have to rescue... Lycus!!!. Did I missed something related to clones, or so?. :P
       Shae: Same with Shae after rescuing Lycus.
      Hans: At the cinematic before the mission to rescue Lycus Hans says to Harec that, after that mission, he'll be away for a while since his bussiness can't wait for longer. 'Whatever. Let's go!' responds Harec. But then you can select him at the following mission, the one regarding to rescue Shae. I understand, at least, that if Hans said this, he'll be very busy and won't be available for ...who knows?. Three or four missions?. Maybe even al this time he wasn't available could be launched as independent, spin-off missions.

May it helps in some way to make a better game. :)

Bug report & Technical Support / Set of Small Bugs
 on: October 26, 2016, 01:48:57 AM 
-When starting a new single player game, the following keys return to its default values and doesn't the values that player has set on previous games:

   -Aim/Use power

-On tutorial mission, at the point of showing the skill for Harec, the text of the right side says 'Harec stalks enemies. Hold LControl **even if changed**, aim anywhere  AND RELEASE LControl TO PROJECT YOURSELF' (acreenshot '0001'). Well... the first time I played the tutorial I was about... three minutes? trying to execute the skill by  releasing the 'Aim/Use Skill' button, and starting a new game about three or four times before I gave up and tried Left Mouse button while pressing  the 'Aim/Use Skill'. It worked, but you know... some players are not so calmed. :P
-'A breath of hope': Textures not being shown, Z-fighting (acreenshot '0002' and '0002b').

-'A breath of hope': At the intro for this mission the characters doesn't move their lips while speaking, and no music is heard for both single player and multiplayer; is this something not being implemented yet, or is it a bug? .
-'A fistful of sand': The guy on the center of the image (screenshot '0003') was spawned on that somehow tiny position and got stuck, he run and run like in a threadmill and couldn't get off the location where was spawned.
-'Hanging on by a thread': The funny guy that cannot be seen now (only his life and alert indicators on screenshot '0004') really made it: getting into the energy field  created by me (playing Konstantin) and beating me one or two times; "that's right" -I though- "Konstantin probaly doesn't create a whole sphere, just a half-sphere, and because the guy came from below running up the ramp he passed inside BELOW the bounds"... but I saw that, after one or two blows that game me, he was instantly rejected out of the bounds. In conclussion: maybe there's some kind of issue with Konstantine's force field if an enemy comes from below using a ramp.

Bug report & Technical Support / Androids blocked on a starway
 on: October 09, 2016, 07:43:05 PM 
Description: If you get covered at a certain position, on the snowed scene with the giant tentacle machinewar, some androids may get stuck on a starway on their way downwards towards you, the enough amount if times to be reported as a bug.
I am trying to upload an image that I've made in order to be seen the effect and the position of the player covered -it is closed to the start point- but I can't (I don't want to upload the image to a file service like PhotoBucket or Dropbox since I might violate the terms of use in some way). What other ways do I have in order to send the image to you?.  :)

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