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Topics - Demonic Spirit

Pages: [1]
Spacelords Universe / Utterly broken matchmaking !
 on: June 30, 2019, 04:58:30 AM 
As level 46 with forge lvl 6, It is really frustrating to play with high-level players ( raiders ) which makes the enemies too op for me ( can kill me in 2 shots ) while my shots barely scratch them. On the other hand, many antagonists that I am fighting can also kill me in 2-3 shots if not less ( being max lvl with forge 20 weapons and maxed cards ). The matchmaking is supposed to find similar level players ( on a close range of levels compared to mine ) for me to play with, not veterans.

Spacelords Universe / SCHNEIDER/Hive weapon stats useless ?!
 on: June 24, 2019, 04:37:49 PM 
As you all know, the main source of damage of both SCHNEIDER\Hive is not their weapon itself but the drone\swarm. Will weapon stats (such as Caliber , Effective , Exterminator , Hero Killer & Lethal ) increase the drone\swarm damage as well or only the weapons shots damage ?

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