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Topics - reydelpro

Pages: [1]
Bug report & Technical Support / Report cheaters on PS4
 on: November 12, 2018, 09:17:17 AM 

I do not know if there is open thread about this but as I have not found it there my question goes:

How do you inform cheating people on PS4?

Yesterday a player of my group spent the whole game circling on the site, obviously he had left the joystick pressed so that his session would not be disconnected and he could take the loot without playing the game ...

Español (foro general) / Reportar tramposos PS4
 on: November 12, 2018, 09:06:31 AM 

No se si hay abierto hilo sonbre esto pero como no lo he encontrado ahi va mi pregunta:

¿Como se reportan los tramposos en PS4?

Ayer estaba jugando y un jugador se paso la partida entera sin moverse del sitio dando vueltas, obviamente habia dejado pulsado el joystick para que no se desconectara su sesion y llevarse el loot sin jugar la partida...

Pages: [1]