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Topics - Lancer

Pages: [1]
Spacelords’ Advice / FOR NEW PLAYERS
 on: May 05, 2019, 06:38:11 AM 
 -Wait every 3-5 forge levels to forge an upgrade or new gun
 -Invest points into bounty hunter, even if you dont max it you'll lessen the grind, im making 4-5k gold on my own 29% bounty hunter bonuses
-Play with friends, that will help with teamwork and if they run bounty hunter too the less the grind
-If you are having trouble sticking with this game then it is simply not your cup of tea
-Research on the forums for advice, ask a vet, im sure they would be more then glad to help out. I played my first 20-40 hours trying to figure out this games complexities, trust me its just better to ask around or search the forums for answers.
-You CAN get the 180K gold for a character in 1 day i have done it before(With great determination and Patience i frankly dont have for this game anymore)

This is most if not all the advice i have gotten or gained through experience playing over a few Months if any vets would like to add to this i thank you and hope i can learn from them too.

Gameplay Feedback / Rewards.
 on: November 22, 2018, 11:33:45 PM 
Im getting a constant average of 3-5k gold and my mmr is trucking up i like this patch

Suggestions / Daily log in rewards?
 on: October 27, 2018, 07:05:25 PM 
So most free 2 play games have daily log in rewards, it could cut down on grinding, and it being on a system that rewards you consecutive log ins. It could be rewards like day 1 is 2k faction points in a random faction, day 2 is 4k in random faction, day 3, 500 gold, day 4 1k gold, day 5, 2k gold, day 6, 4k gold and day 7 a random bp?

Since we all faced baby herecs lately i had an idea, most "hero/champion" shooters have that one guy with an assault rifle and a grenade ability, Wouldn't it be great to play as your favorite ace pilot? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

Gameplay Feedback / Patch rate,
 on: October 20, 2018, 08:50:20 AM 
So i've only been here long enough to go through 2 minor patches and i like the time in between with the little skins and weapons that coe out between patches. Anyone know how consistent they are?

Gameplay Feedback / Tier rewards?
 on: October 20, 2018, 08:14:48 AM 
So i noticed im getting 3 rewards missions in tier one and i know i had more reward missions in tier 3-2 so am i just unlucky or are the rewards missions reduced?

Anybody else not getting the Hades betrayal campaign completed even though it gives you the troughey? Idk if its level locked or what? But i beat the last mission twice and haven't been able to get the cutscenes for completed it. Any fixes?

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