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Topics - flowone

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Gameplay Feedback / Harec Nerf When?
 on: January 30, 2020, 12:53:17 AM 
So when are we going to get a nerf to Harec's Stalk? It's been a very long time and it's amazing that it's allowed to exist in it's current state. Its a complete unfair ability with virtually no downsides. There's a reason why a lot of vets use him, cause he's so easy to abuse.

Everyone has some kind of limitation or condition to their ability. Why is it that other Raiders have a high cooldown limitation to their ability like Hans, Mikah, Schneider (sans a card that can help it but its a card you have to dedicate to it), but Harec can spam it constantly if he's only sticks briefly. And that's the only method people use so of course that's what happens. The transition has no wind up, the range is practically infinite, and the initial jump has INVULNERABILITY FRAMES. So good luck stopping him if you have a not so optimal connection. You shoot, he immediately presses it, shots go through him while he does his spin before the jump, he goes far enough where 70% of the cast cannot hit him due to their weapon class range limits. Already aiming shot while transitioning so all he has to do is pull the trigger as soon as he lands. Body shoots you. Comes back down to melee if you're close enough or jump immediately again and shoots you again. Repeat until win.

You need to do something about it. Make it have larger costs on usage no matter how long they stay. Have it have a wind up with no invulnerability frames. Range limit, cooldowns, something. It's kind of gotten worse with the new system. Build a bit of toxin, go for body shots and the toxin damage will kill everything for you.

Suggestions / Daily Rewards
 on: November 29, 2018, 05:01:51 PM 
I really don't like the current system of the rewards/bonus mission drops. When you start out it's actually perfectly fine, but gets progressively worse the high level you get.

 When you get into the final tier and you get those 8 hr rotations, that's when it completely gets horrible. My rotations now only have 3 drops now. 3!!!! In the 12 hr rotation I would have 5 - 6 per rotation. The 8 hr one is just horrible with 3 - 4 per rotation. With the timing of the rotations I can only get 3, at best. And let's be realistic, I won't. I lost 2 of my 3 just yesterday due to noobs just feeding and causing us to loose the mission. Nothing better than low levels making your drop giving you a 2.2 score drop (this is why I antag). I miss 2 of the 3 rotations every single time, and there's nothing I can really do other than a. not go to work or b. not sleep as the 2 rotations fall on exactly those 2 moments.

It really makes leveling up feel like a punishment as it greatly slows my resource acquisitions.

Can we please get this looked at and maybe increase our drops or just put the 12 hour rewards rotations back?

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