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Topics - Velgeder

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / Unnerf the Whip.
 on: May 10, 2019, 04:59:53 AM 
Title says it all. Please undo the the latest rework to the weapon. This change has made the weapon useless. I was cool with the previous nerf but now it's even worse. Its a Rare weapon, and its simply no good anymore. Please Make Whip great again. That is all.

Gameplay Feedback / Fith Council not feeling like Tanks.
 on: October 21, 2018, 12:33:05 AM 
Is just me or do the Fith Council feel like regular characters. I use Ginebra y Valeria but they don't feel Tanky anymore. My mmr has fallen from upper 40s to upper 30s. I feel like they are as squishy as locals.

Is it just me? Anyone else feel the same?

Gameplay Feedback / In shock difficulty spike/ soldier glitch
 on: October 02, 2018, 04:14:01 PM 
I just had the worst mentor match on In Shock. Im level 115 and played as Mikah. Lvl 1 Lycus and Alicia were my partners along with a lvl 9 Harec.  There had to be roughly 25 or more enemies including the snipers. 

Now I'm not the greatest player but I am competent. I could barely move before being killed or close to. It didn't help that the Beholder barely gave any time out in the open. It felt like maybe 2 or 3 seconds before it unleashed its unforgiving skin peel. 

Within the first 5 minutes we collectively burned through 10 lives. Spent most of the game pinned down or watching my teamates be gunned down with one or two shots.

I actually became frustrated, long story short.  We failed the mission. So i tried the level once more. This time with a lvl 1 lycus, a level 59 constatine, and a lvl 28 hive.

The snipers were not as pronounced and i exaggerated when i said 25 enemies, more like 12 to 13. The beholder granted 3 to 4 seconds time before incineration, i counted despite evading the beloved sniper range. 

I also noticed Kuzmann fought more aggressively, you'd think Shae was his woman. But i did notice you had to hold down the levers this time instead of a quick flip to save our beloved Shelia. Kuzmanno didn't allow for either myself or teammates to pull the lever before ko with his force lightening.
 Is it suppose to be this difficult?

Lastly, on both play throughs i observed glitchedv soldiers in the background of the mountains to the right of the start point. I'm not sure it affected gameplay though.

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