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Topics - reaperofsorrows7

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Gameplay Feedback / Cross platform exchange
 on: December 08, 2018, 02:46:15 AM 
Ive had spacelords when it was first released as raiders of the broken planet with founders pack and was wondering if i would be able to have my ps4 profile moved to pc somehow? Im around Lv 120 and i do not want to do the grind again from the beginning, but i also dont want the game to be held hostage becasue i no longer have PS plus. Not to mention the cosmetics and what not. Just wondering what can be done mercurysteam.

Suggestions / Sabertooth heavy suggestion
 on: October 02, 2018, 07:01:24 PM 
Personal opinion. For Ginebra's Sabertooth heavy skin can she have the helmet that she has in her animated comic? I just think it would look better, because as the skin currently is the head looks bland and uninspired. If it doesn't happen oh well, but if it can that would be pretty kick ass.

Gameplay Feedback / Newest record for antagonist level difference
 on: September 28, 2018, 09:50:20 PM 
Just had a game where the antagonist was level 473 and my team had a level  7 and 9. Hell at level 107 my rock and roll did 30 damage while the antagonist one shotted me.

Any better ones?

Spacelords Universe / Vortex or Wisdom for Lune
 on: September 27, 2018, 10:01:38 PM 
Which better or are they worth the time and gold?

Bug report & Technical Support / HBAT cannot spawn
 on: September 27, 2018, 07:45:43 PM 
While in the last section of hanging by a thread I got killed just before the countdown where we have to escape starts. When the timer for more respawns as i just used the last life i couldnt spawn in even though there was 30 seconds to be extracted. Don't know if this is a bug or not, just want a confirmation.

Gameplay Feedback / matchmaking? what is that?
 on: September 27, 2018, 04:38:39 AM 
Probably done to death, but I have hit my tolerance of the issue.
- Can I not get antagonist when im trying to mentor noobs through a level
- Can the antagonist not be 20 time the level of my team members

Its stuff like this that is really putting off newer players. Whenever i run into a situation where my team member is new and a level 200 antagonist come the noob gets curbed stomped. Then they DC and I bet money that i will never see that player again. This game is very unwelcoming to new players at time and it makes me worry for the future. Want the game to succeed, but noobs getting violated by veterans is not a very promosing prospect.

Suggestions / Urban warfare
 on: September 26, 2018, 05:40:12 AM 
I think it would be pretty cool to have some urbanized maps that take place in current or old local cities and townships. It would be refreshing to have more maps that aren't so open as the one we currently do. Plus some real verticality in these areas could make the game much more interesting.
Any other ideas more maps?

Gameplay Feedback / Nerf Kuzmann on upside down please
 on: September 24, 2018, 05:22:53 AM 
Seriously, given how the boss battle is handled Kuzmann needs a nerf. He is too tanky to be shot down and come back up as we try to move his head to a termianal. I swear hes has more health than the campaign bosses considering how much ammo is needed to take him down once. Its not that Kuzmann is hard per se, but his fight drags on for so long and is an absolute chore to play.
Lower his health, make the body recover partial health instead of the whole bar, give him critical weakpoints or something. This level has to be one of the worst given how much of a slog it is to get through it

Gameplay Feedback / Does mmr work?
 on: September 11, 2018, 08:51:13 AM 
Is it just me or does mmr not affect rewards at all. I play at around 40 mmr for sometime and make about 2000 gold per game if i win. At 50 mmr its still the same. Hell ive had level 1-5 make around double pretty consistently.  Does this apply to anyone else?

Gameplay Feedback / Schneider is ridiculous
 on: September 10, 2018, 01:45:54 AM 
Fought Schneider as an antagonist on In shock and the damage he dealt at the angles he did were beyond ludicrous. The beholder lasted maybe a minute and no matter where i hid or went we shot me to death in seconds without having to have line sight. Kuzmann died in maybe 2 minutes or less as his health was burned to nothing without Schneider being in any real danger. Maybe this is me complaining which it possibly is, but i will never play antagonist again. Just dont see how any antagonist can survive these kind of raider teams. Seriously that kind of damage output without any real danger the raider? Destroy the drone as you may, but the instant recall and deployment just adds to the lunacy of trying to do just that.

Suggestions / H.I.V.E. needs some buffs
 on: September 08, 2018, 05:15:33 AM 
After playing lots of hive on lots of levels i have found her needing some help as she has a hard time doing damage and staying alive.So ill  make it short:
- Increase the range at which she can absorb vitality as the current distance even with the card leaves her dangerously exposed as she is very easy to down by just about anything.
- Since absorbing essence is her main source of damage and her guns do very little reliable damage on their own I propose increasing the damage while balancing the values with her range. Maybe the closer she is to the target the more she absorbs.
-I would love the ability to exit wounded state if hive has say 50% of her ability bar filled and she activates her ability, this would add much utility and boost the usefulness of her ability.
Honestly her ability would suit a 5th council member much better however, since she is in the wardog faction i think these buffs could really help her be better overall. I want to use her more, but man she is tough to use in most situations.

Gameplay Feedback / Enemy within
 on: May 08, 2018, 07:07:30 AM 
Basically get all the previous talk of re-spawn hell along with high damage boss mobs. Now add on a boss that has to be overloaded with aleph and shifting weak-points.  Sounds pretty manageable.

Now add an antagonist into that hell where they don't have to do much considering the hell that has already swooped down on your team. Still bearable.

Then add instakill monsters with the boss and possible antagonist and you have enemy within. Where the boss battle is a horrid concoction of all of these points boiled into an unholy terror of a gaming experience. The solutions are obvious so ill leave it at that. The other bosses (Aneska and Marmalade) are annoying , but they are much better balanced than the uras behreit battle.

A challenge is good, but masochistic torture ins't so much.

Gameplay Feedback / Difficulty curb too high
 on: May 07, 2018, 09:07:09 PM 
Just finished an 59% MMR match and all i can say is that it is too difficult. All the mobs are boss level bullet sponges and if they hit you once you are dead. Add on the fact of relentless, overwhelming spawns and you have an impassible meat wall of enemies.
I understand making a game more challenging, but a pure boost to health, damage , and spawn just makes the game unbearable at higher levels. No matter how much you kill and survive you just cant cut through these hoards. I say make them smarter not just all around boss level mobs.

Gameplay Feedback / Why can't people stay in the damn match
 on: May 03, 2018, 04:34:23 AM 
why cant we have a system where people can hop into ongoing games when the other leaves? and if the game is still going to screw you by leaving you a man down, how come the difficulty stays the same as if you had all your people?
This just compounds into a painful experience where you just sit there with your knees capped and still trying to run a marathon. This is just ridiculous that everyone suffers when a person leaves and there is nothing you can do about it.

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