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Topics - Deathprize

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Suggestions / Full cross-play between platforms
 on: September 26, 2018, 06:26:54 PM 
Hey just seen news that Sony are allowing cross platform play with Xbox and Switch starting with Fortnite. I know this is early but will it be added to Spacelords in time as I guess this will be opened up to all games in the future?

Suggestions / Make every character be able to hit bosses
 on: September 17, 2018, 02:23:53 PM 
Ok another mini rant here.

I feel there are now way to many characters and guns that cannot hit objectives correctly or at all. There is no warning for newer players about this either. It should not be possible to enter a match where barely anyone can hit things, this forcing surrender or a loss.

The single player mode gives these warnings so why not multiplayer? Or at least add an alternative means to cause damage to objectives to even it out a bit. The best option would be for the weapons to actually be able to hit, but I know that may not be the preferred option.

It sucks because it means certain characters barely get chosen as around half the levels now feature distant objectives. It would add more variety of everyone was viable on every level not matter what team composition.

An example would be fighting marmalade with Ayana, Loath, Lucia ( with short range gun) and Alicia (with sort range gun) it would be nearly impossible to do as no one could damage him quick enough or hit the distant faces.

Suggestions / Add random mission select for the antagonist back in
 on: September 15, 2018, 02:24:55 PM 
So I understand you can choose so as to get the blueprints when playing as an antagonist.

However everybody only plays the levels which heavily favour the antagonist such as all the counsil levels and as fistful of sand. This makes it incredibly difficult for newer players to progress.

I haven't seen an antagonist outside of the mentioned levels for a while.

It's especially rubbish with a fistful of sand as the antagonist can just kill the protector about a minute after he spawns. So that definitely needs addressing now.

Was playing a mentor match against an antagonist on hanging by a thread. When one person extracted at the end he logged off. The game proceeded to the reward screen. It then crashed and after reconnecting, the match counted as a loss as the MMR dropped and the win counter reset.

Antagonist was playing as Alicia.

The team was Hans, Harec, Alicia and Kuzmann.
Harec had the elite skin on and raider Alicia the umbra wardog skin. Everybody else only had defaults on.

Gameplay Feedback / Low MMR antagonists
 on: May 31, 2018, 11:57:55 PM 
Ok, this is really starting to upset me now. There is an an antagonist almost every game. Most have a low MMR score which means the AI absolutely rinses you. To the point were the second the invunerability runs out a normal bad guy kills you in a second or two.

This especially sucks as it's really obvious that this is the case. It's easier to win against higher MMR antagonists because the opposite is the case, barely any men spawn and they die really quick.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Does anyone feel this level is incredibly difficult with a high difficulty modifier due to the spawn rate of shotgunners at the start, which forces certain character picks.

If you get past that and onto the last section, the final orb's health regeneration and bad guy spawn rate is crazy high. To the point of certain character and weapon combinations cannot finish the level as the required DPS the kill the orb cannot be met.

Also on the last orb one time the team survived so long the normal bad guys stopped spawning. We still couldn't kill the orb and had to surrender when we all ran out of ammo.

It's not impossible, but I feel as every combination of characters and weapons should be able to complete any level.

Gameplay Feedback / Getting to extraction on Low Blow
 on: May 20, 2018, 12:27:40 PM 
Ok going to do a series of post on different levels that have sections that when you lose you feel a bit robbed. I feel the end section of A Low Blow is one.

At higher difficulties or against a semi skilled antagonist (general playing as Konstantin) taking down the last shield is very difficult without choosing characters and weapons specifically for that section.

Between the high spawn rate of the dreaded shotgun men and Konstantin spawning directly behind you dropping repulsion spheres it feels a tad like shooting fish in a barrel, as there isn't really anywhere to take cover.

It's not impossible, it just doesn't feel quite right it terms of the flow of the level up until that point.

If you are going to lose against an antagonist it is most likely on this section, 2 minutes before the end, seemingly regardless of performance before then.

Gameplay Feedback / Fistful of Sand Protector's Health
 on: May 20, 2018, 12:17:01 AM 
First time posting here. I just wanted to know people's thoughts on whether they feel that protector does way too easily when there is an antagonist present. Every lose to an antagonist on this map lately is due to the antagonist killing the protector. With someone using an upgraded javelin with Ginebra, he dies before you can do much about it, roughly six shots at a distance. Besides killing them as soon as they spawn throughout the whole match which is highly unlikely as it is Ginebra what can you do?

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