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Topics - BeertheBrad

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Gameplay Feedback / App Update
 on: January 04, 2019, 09:50:50 PM 
Any plans to update the App? Maybe add Guild chat?

Gameplay Feedback / Question for MSE
 on: September 07, 2018, 08:27:55 PM 
Its great that you released Ayana's new weapon. It being a Common blueprint. How the hell am I supposed to get it if all I see are Rare blueprint locations? Since the transition to F2P, I have seen a total of 1 Common BP. I am guessing that is due to my tier.


I have the Founders pack. Now I see: "Acquiring this skin is an exclusive reward for PlaystationPlus subscribers"

The button to select the skin is "grayed out"

Is this skin now being given for free to PS+ members, if so, will my purchase be refunded???

Bug report & Technical Support / Patient Boy
 on: August 04, 2018, 11:37:03 PM 
17 hours straight and not a single drop, not one single Blueprint. Can anyone say they actually have it? Seriously, is it even in the game???

Suggestions / Developer Appreciation Thread!
 on: June 20, 2018, 08:29:46 PM 
You can't throw a rock in these forums without hitting a dozen complaints about nerf this or change that. I'm sure as a Developer they feel very unappreciated, so I want to throw a little love their way.

Just consider what they have done so far...

16 completely different missions
15, soon to be 16(Rak)
65 distinct weapons
A ton of cards that really impact the game(I'm sure Draco or Drow have the number)
And a completely unique Antagonist feature

That being said, there are some issues, but they are listening and working to resolve them. THEY ARE LISTENING TO THE FORUMS!!! The fact that comments in this forum impact the game is amazing!!!!

Let's show the Devs that even though we complain, we care. Share what you love about this badass game.

"Analepsy" and "Adaptative Evolution" (normal and rare ones) causes the game to crash. Until we fix the issue, these cards will be replaced by the "Spores" Card temporarily.....

It seems that the "Spores" card doesn't work. Unless i misunderstand how that card works.

"When you are wounded, all enemies with in 12 meters of you are impregnated. If you have an Aleph super boost, it increases to 18 meters."

I haven't seen that, and I am wounded constantly....  :D

Suggestions / Endless Missions
 on: April 21, 2018, 01:10:37 AM 
What about an endless survival mission that ticks off team rewards the longer you survive?
5min = 2500 gold/2500 faction
10min = 5k/5k
15 = Blue blueprint
20 = Gold blueprint

Credit to theBrentWoody

Suggestions / Antagonist Idea
 on: April 09, 2018, 06:36:09 PM 
What about allowing the Antag to switch it up in the breaks?

I ran into a group that I couldn't CQC(Thanks 300 ping/Euro servers.) I would have loved to switch it up to a sniping class.

I am sure that this power would be well within Uras' power.

Spacelords Universe / New Weapon Wednesday
 on: March 20, 2018, 08:12:44 PM 
Wonder who will get the next new weapon? Who is due?
Ginebra? Possibly... she does have 2 really decent choices though
H.I.V.E? Same here too.... She needs another skin though, nothing to discount.
Loaht? Poor Loaht, he is almost unplayable. He definitely needs something.
Doldren? Yeah his starter is about it. He too could use an upgrade.
Iune? Can you possibly produce a gun that could pull BrentWoody from his Sigh obsession.... yeah I don't think so.

Spacelords Universe / I got the Offline 502 blues
 on: March 07, 2018, 11:47:38 PM 
I can admit it.... I am a junkie needing a fix.... I hear TheBrentWoody keeps the online server in his basement.... Hey Brent! Go kick the server, reboot it or something, there is a new Kuz gun I need!!! I NEEEEEDSS IT!

Bug report & Technical Support / Fistfull of Sand/Kuzman Bug
 on: February 27, 2018, 12:51:34 AM 
I have found a bug where if Kuzman has aleph and explodes near the protector, no matter how much health/shield the protector has, it ends the game. I have found it only happens with Kuzman.

Spacelords Universe / Genebra's Slave Skin
 on: February 21, 2018, 05:59:00 PM 
Has anyone actually seen a player use this skin?

1x$80 = $80
100x$10 = $1000

Just sayin......

Spacelords’ Advice / Hive: Novera S1-1
 on: February 09, 2018, 10:54:35 PM 
Can someone explain this gun's abilities or how to use them? Feels like it doesn't drain like the other guns... Am I using it wrong?

Spacelords Universe / Finally did it! All weapons unlocked!!
 on: February 03, 2018, 04:19:58 AM 
Serious Grind lol but the last gun dropped tonight!!!

Bug report & Technical Support / Possible bug with faction cards
 on: January 23, 2018, 10:58:07 PM 
I just dropped 27k faction points with 0 rare cards. That's 21 shuffles with no drop. I get that they are rare, but not a single rare drop????

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