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Topics - gearedbeast

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I know everyone's moans and cry are justified. As usual the new campaign update came with it's fair share of major hiccups, but come on, if we are still here sticking it out with all the flaws the least we can do is be grateful they tried!

Yes, Mercury steam makes very bad decisions. Almost all the ideas we give them gets messed up some kinda way but at least they are trying! Did we forget that no other developer would work with their community like MS is? There is so much to be annoyed with but also plenty be grateful for!

No more shared rewards, not forced to play as antagonist, weapons asked to nerfed got nerfed and some got buffed, and some other shit!

I'm not saying to accuse their blunders but if you're willing to put up with there shit the least you can do is say "thanks for listening!" Or come up with more interesting topics that aren't reminders that the devs sucks. Show appreciation for the game. Talk about lore, discuss  characters and weapons but enough of the hate. It's burning me out and coming to these forums aren't really fun and kinda never really was since most of what we did/do is talk about the flaws and how to improve them.

How would you feel if you were a noob just now coming into the offical forums and so everyone talk about how 'this and that' sucks? Think about how deterring it is for the developers to see their community constantly upset? They are not EA they deserve a little respect.

I'm not very creative but I'm gonna make a effort to start more positive game related topics instead being so angry with the devs. They're only humans. Humans fuck up sometimes

Spacelords Universe / how Hades Division "fixed" gold grind
 on: July 26, 2018, 01:57:23 PM 
Let me start out with a disclaimer: I'm slow. It can take me longer time than most to pick up on things, and I also didn't run with pre-made groups a lot before so I'm sure most people already know this.

So we all know that bounty hunter helps gain more gold and having a squad with everyone having a high bounty hunter percentage can make for some excellent loot gain but how many people thought to do sort of a "round robin" with the gains? Like, everyone gets a turn to take the gold without anyone else touching it for how ever many rounds the team chooses. You win 10000+ gold and only one person touches that for that round, and then you move to the next person.

Like i said, i'm sure most people figured that out; I just wanted to get it off my chest since I only thought about it a week ago but something else to think about also is that forge helped with weapon variety. have weapon for gold farming, weapon for blue prints, and a weapon for mobs/antagonist. 

Yes, discovering this stuff is super late since it's confirmed that the next campaign is going to be crazy different but if they don't change things related to this thread then here is some ideas to help get through those not changed.

Fan Corner / princes of the universe by Queen
 on: July 26, 2018, 01:14:54 PM 
Thought of this since the new name. If you could licence this song and put it in a trailer I think the game could garner lots of attraction. It's a song by Queen an i think it really fit the game!

Spacelords’ Advice / Can this turn into a fun community?
 on: July 23, 2018, 12:22:28 AM 
Since there's a update with big ass changes coming very soon, can we take a brake from all the bitching and trying to solve the devs problems and actually talk about something interesting and fun?

Like,  does anyone know how to make memes (I do not), or theories on characters and the world.
Maybe some fun hyperbole for the future of the game. I mean,  who expected an arena mode. I think anything's possible now!

It's just feels like we've been commoners in the king's castle giving advice on how he should run the kingdom while he secretly take notes then goes off to the round table leaving us to bicker and complain. It sucks!

I mean any thread beyond trying to fixi the game would be great.

Spacelords Universe / Gearedbeast: the friendly antagonist
 on: July 05, 2018, 06:04:09 AM 
After a night of running with a team,  Getting BP drops, using tickets and most importantly,  harmless(thank you level9drow for easy match) antagonists I have been inspired to play a friendly roll where I give aleph and try to help with objectives, like carrying Schneider.

It felt really good and several raiders noticed which made me even more happy! I'll be doing this when ever I need to change alignment.
P.s. I'm on ps4

Gameplay Feedback / How do you grind gold?
 on: June 30, 2018, 03:17:59 AM 
Rak is out, Schneider is out and I'm sitting at a little over 46000. I don't normally play games fixed on grinding, I actually really hate it, but RotBP is super cool blah blah blah so i want to stick with it (here since the first campaign).

See a lot of people defend the grinding and treat it as no big deal,  so can someone help a brother out?

Spacelords Universe / How much would you spend on skins?
 on: June 01, 2018, 02:28:02 AM 
 So I've been eagerly waiting for Iune's skin from her bio. More excited for this skin than a new weapon or character to be honest, but everytime I think about it I also think about the price and constantly question how much I'm willing to pay and if it's even ethical for them to charge a high price.

So honestly, I did buy Shae's when it was the highest priced skin to purchase. Even though I knew a skin for $20 was just stupid I prioritized my love for the art and design of this game. The character designs are main reason I love this game as much as I do in  the first place and supporting it didn't seem like a bad idea,  but ethically I knew it was a dumb move.

Till this day I'm dating how much would I spend now. I Question if I should let my love for whatever design push me or think more business like.  I noticed most fighting games charge $10 for a CHARACTER. Would you pay $10 for a skin when something much more practical cost less?

Would you, Or is it more about your personal taste, amount be damned (to a point)? This could also hurt people that think higher of their money and that's what I'm debating.

by that I mean when's the next comic, character release, new weapon, and new outfit?

Spacelords Universe / Having fun again
 on: April 15, 2018, 12:54:26 AM 
Recently been having fun and making a lot of progress lately. RNGesus has been real good to me,  though I assume it's also help from people having Treasure Hunter. Really feels good,  ya know.

Also,  been kicking ass as antagonists! All in all good times.

Spacelords Universe / questionable decision making skills
 on: April 12, 2018, 04:58:06 PM 
Right off the bat, i'd like to make an assumption that Mercurysteam is prideful of their game. They have a set idea for what they want the game to be, and in a way I respect that. I understand that artist sometimes have to stick to their guns, not let outsiders control their ideas, and do what they want with their work because it's theirs. I respect that, but if that is indeed true for Mercurcysteam, and I'm not saying it is, then letting the player base help develop the game was probably the first questionable decision they've made.

The reason I assume MS could be too proud of their game is because despite community backlash and suggestions the resent update didn't really fix the big issues. Two big changes are a new progression system were we level up and rewarded after hitting a threshold with characters, gold, and forging (a brand new system focused on enhancing weapon capabilities), and now Antagonist get the same rewards as Raiders with both Raiders and Antagonist acting as balance for the new  Aequilibrium system that effects the amount  of experience points gained. All of this comes with problems and begs the question "why they do this".

For starters one of the reasons for the new progression system is obviously made so that players would always get something of their on at the end of a mission if not a good sum of gold/faction points or a blueprint. Instead of XP, why didn't they just give us our on separate gold or faction points? In the end that's what it comes down to. XP keeps us from actions not actually unlocking anything. Once you reach the level to unlock a character/ faction card you still need to spend faction points to completely unlock them. that goes for rerolls too. Instead of unlocking character you unlock the ability to purchase a character. It's obvious the XP to keep the grind alive because that's supposedly what's going to keep the game alive, but feel the time working in the progression system could've been time spend improving the rewards.

Speaking of rewards, if we're keeping the forge system and team pool, we need to increase drop rate for weapon blueprints much much higher. because there's multiple of each stage, there should be a weapon blueprint drop every match and the actual weapons should be random. The treasure hunt perk for weapons shouldn't have been a thing, or rather it should be fixed so that it increases the chance of that specific Raider's weapon to drop. Also, why they locked behind  raider and antag affinity?

I don't think the devs trust the player base. I am certain that they don't think enough players are going to play antagonist. This is the reason why, I believe, we're being forced to play antagonist. It's not as horrible as before the update and they almost fixed it but it's still bad that it's a thing, but is their fear justified? They want this to be a PvP 4v1 game first and foremost with the ability to play PvE being a counterpart as a "smart" business decision, but the player base has way more people wanting to play just co-op. Instead of locking content being PvP they should've made Antagonist more appealing by simply giving literally the exact same rewards as Raiders (9000+ faction points anyone) but with the pleasure of not having to share! Even the most opposing of antagonist wouldn't be able to resist such a deal!

These are just my thoughts and ideas to improve the game. I'd love to read what fellow Raiders and even developers, if it's ok, opinions on these are. I apologize for the filler! I had a set idea to write this in but it changed and I also got tired of writing and somethings may be off and left unsaid. If you made it all the way down here, I am very grateful you took the time to read this, thank you!!!

Fan Corner / Iune (risque)
 on: March 03, 2018, 06:33:46 PM 

From sgtmadness on deviantart

Spacelords Universe / .... on the Switch
 on: February 18, 2018, 07:41:05 PM 
Kinda wish this was on the Switch. I'd like to play this game in burst when ever and where ever.  I think because of the grind that I feel this way.
  It ain't a big deal just wanted to let the devs know I was thinking about it.

Spacelords Universe / how you find out about RotBP?
 on: February 12, 2018, 10:29:56 PM 
Been scrolling through ArtStation for awhile and noticed that artist for the game pop kinda often, and recently thought about how often I see a post from an artist and how many people see them and get into the game from that.
i actually saw the game for the first time on one of the YouTube channels I follow that post game trailers of all kinds. so, how ya'll find this game or where did you see it for the first time? 

Spacelords Universe / Reminder of other issues
 on: January 24, 2018, 04:41:11 PM 
the topic of microtransactions has cooled down a bit so I'd like to take the opportunity to discuss and remind people of other issues that we may have forgotten about or not discuss enough. I think this should be good since after the next character releases we have the next campaign to look forward to, and issues we should expect fixed. Disclaimer: this thread isn't to bash the developers but rather just to remember other problems that should be solved in the next dlc.

Loudouts: I am honestly surprised by how little this gets mentioned, which is why I doing it first. This is technically a economy issue, something I didn't want to talk too much about, but different enough I feel to mention it. The issue is that we have to pay mercury points for character's gameplay variety mid mission select. It's not the biggest issue but does make a big difference when you have to select all missions in the hope of decreasing wait time while at the same time wanting to play as a specific character.
An example would be wanting to play as Shae but getting put into a mission she isn't recommended for. Even though she shouldn't be chosen, there are faction/character cards that can help her be reliable in non-favorable situations. If you have a card that shortens the detection radius when someone's bewitched she can be useful in close quarters, but you have to be prepared for that unfavorable outcome and you can't do that if you don't at least a second loadout for it.
In conclusion, don't have us pay for loadouts so we can more gameplay variety, or at least not pay with such an unlucrative currency.
(this is was a bit longer and a tad messier than planned. I'll do better with others)

Antagonist: A issue explored but not fixed. We Now get at least something even though we lose; that's a great start but for a game made specifically 4v1 this game mode doesn't encourage constant play. If this sohuld play out as a 4v1 then the system should keep players, who want to be, in that game mode by providing the rewards that raider receive (gold, MP, weapon blueprints, character/faction points). It should be treated as almost a separate thing.
On the other than, Raiders should get Antagonist rewards or rather something similar (not calling them stigmas). This'll help keep the two modes separated and players not being forced to play something they don't want to, and don't worry about not having enough Antags there are plenty of assholes willing to ruin people's games.
In conclusion: make Antagonist more rewarding and separate it from thw Raiders game mode

Invitations: Later last year we got invitations; A good system to help with matchmaking but still needs some work. I believe we need a ingame system to invite other people that we played with.
I'm a PS4 only player so I don't know about other consoles but as a PS4 player I have to go to someone's account and friend them before I can even invite them to play raiders ingame. I usual do this after a match to increase the chance of someone accepting instantly and beginning another session but this doesn't always work.
There should be a way to click on players' name and have an option to invite them to play with you with having to go out of a game. Honestly I don't have a lot knowledge on how this system work so I'm going to leave it to other raiders to discuss it.

Those are a few issues that I can remember and think should be or should have been looked at and worked on by the time the next campaign releases. There are things I know I missed, forgot about, or just messed up so feel free to discuss any and everything related to this topic. ( I had a better ending paragraph but forgot it, sorry.)


Gameplay Feedback / loadouts behind a paywall!?
 on: December 18, 2017, 06:19:24 PM 
this has been a thing for a long time but glanced over because of other major issues but I wanted to remind people this is a thing, and it makes no since.

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