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Topics - knux

Pages: [1]
Bug report & Technical Support / General Marmelade bugged
 on: June 02, 2018, 08:59:29 AM 
The boss "General Marmelade" is bugged in the mission "The beasts lair".

After loading up PIG and dps'ing the head, one arm remains on the ground with all it's yellow blobs shot out.
It's impossible to continue the mission, because there is fire/smashing hands everywhere and nothing to do about it.
Really frustrating, happened several times.

Raiders in group:

No antagonist.

Why is her stress meter constantly full no matter what?

Gameplay Feedback / Ping and players needed to start a mission
 on: August 07, 2017, 05:28:08 PM 
I actually don't mind the wait times, but a sure fix would be to be able to launch a mission with only 2 or 3 players.
I assume the wait times will be fixed upon release anyway, when matchmaking will be handling more players.

I have 2 friends who play this game with me, and not being able to launch mission with just them seriously blows; and the 4th random guy _ALWAYS_ ends up being the host with 400 ping.

So my suggestions are the following:
Be able to launch game with 2/3 players.
Set a ping restriction for matchmaking.

(Also nerf Konstantine pvp, jesus h christ. he 1-shots close range)

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