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Messages - Ebisu_rkz

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Devs and reward system
 on: October 13, 2017, 11:35:27 PM 
I like the idea a guy posted on steam I think where you always get faction points,character points and gold but you can choose one to get an extra bonus , also no sharing with team members (that just creates dispute and toxicity)

also blueprints still do the roullete but you can still choose the bonus on a currency , the idea of getting nothing after a hard mission is just gut blasting.

I would like to see something like that, IIRC it was suggested during the beta period too.

Right now imo, it is too random and frustrating, you can get 15k gold with one mission or something like 1.5k-500 most missions. My impression is that I am losing my time until I get one of that missions of 10k-15k (and with some luck wont get splitted), which are completely random, you can win a hard mission with great score and against an antagonist and get no blueprint or a blue blueprint to boost the rewards, but not close to a yellow blueprint.

I also think that the cards system should be redone. It is really expensive, the bonus are really low. Blocking cards is expensive, but I only need one. The loadouts can only be bought with mercurypoints, but I can't see the utility of that loadouts because I can't even try them without paying first.

I have bought cards in the betas, and I have played since the release with a founder's pack, but I haven't been interested in them yet.

Yes, there are some cards that are useful, but most of them are really ridiculous, bonus of 10% dmg or something like this. That won't make a difference, and it's not worth their cost.

Some example:
HP life: 100.
Kons default weapon dmg: 22-30? (I cant remember well).
Dmg with card: 24-33?
bullets to kill without bonus: 4-5.
bullets to kill with bonus: 4-5. (If the bonus or base dmg would be higher would be 3-5, great improvement)
PD: all numbers could be wrong probably, I don't remember the exact bonus or dmg.

All the economy system needs changes imo. A menu tutorial where you are forced to buy different cards and how to set them would be nice. You are leaving too much things without explaining and letting the players to explore by themselves, when the game can already be overwhelming at the start with the gameplay.
Different Missions give different rewards in terms of gold char and faction points. Also your reward depends on final score.

I already know that. Try to play A breath of hope (not the best mission for gold, but I guess the bp boost make that mission the best ime), when you get yellow bp you will get like 15k of gold as reward, otherwise the rewards are pretty low compared to that.

All the boost is useless when 80% of the boost or so come only from having the luck to get a yellow bp. Yes, I guess you have better probabilities to get a bp if you have a high score. But if you don't get any bp is like you wasted your time.

Just to answer a question to the best of my ability on Loadouts. Those are the 'only' way possible to change your character's setup once it is chosen. The real kicker being you can never guarantee you will be 'any' specific character since it's almost a quick draw for the most popular characters. So, if you have a loadout (not sure if you buy them per character...) this will give you the chance to swap to a style that might better help you either on the mission itself or to counter an Antagonist. Either way, like your main loadout it must be set up before the matchmaking since absolutely no tweaking to characters can be done at that point. So it's really, no choice or two choices.

I already tried the loadouts on the betas. The only thing I am saying is that you can't test them now. I know they are useful (at least to change weapons, I wouldn't buy them to change the cards setup), my main problem is that it is something sold with mercurypoints but you don't know exactly what you are buying bc you can't try it and there isn't anyone that explain that to you in-game. Other games like LoL have rune pages (very few pages) that you can buy with ingame gold and then you have some extra pages that you need to spend real money.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Devs and reward system
 on: October 13, 2017, 07:04:14 PM 
I like the idea a guy posted on steam I think where you always get faction points,character points and gold but you can choose one to get an extra bonus , also no sharing with team members (that just creates dispute and toxicity)

also blueprints still do the roullete but you can still choose the bonus on a currency , the idea of getting nothing after a hard mission is just gut blasting.

I would like to see something like that, IIRC it was suggested during the beta period too.

Right now imo, it is too random and frustrating, you can get 15k gold with one mission or something like 1.5k-500 most missions. My impression is that I am losing my time until I get one of that missions of 10k-15k (and with some luck wont get splitted), which are completely random, you can win a hard mission with great score and against an antagonist and get no blueprint or a blue blueprint to boost the rewards, but not close to a yellow blueprint.

I also think that the cards system should be redone. It is really expensive, the bonus are really low. Blocking cards is expensive, but I only need one. The loadouts can only be bought with mercurypoints, but I can't see the utility of that loadouts because I can't even try them without paying first.

I have bought cards in the betas, and I have played since the release with a founder's pack, but I haven't been interested in them yet.

Yes, there are some cards that are useful, but most of them are really ridiculous, bonus of 10% dmg or something like this. That won't make a difference, and it's not worth their cost.

Some example:
HP life: 100.
Kons default weapon dmg: 22-30? (I cant remember well).
Dmg with card: 24-33?
bullets to kill without bonus: 4-5.
bullets to kill with bonus: 4-5. (If the bonus or base dmg would be higher would be 3-5, great improvement)
PD: all numbers could be wrong probably, I don't remember the exact bonus or dmg.

All the economy system needs changes imo. A menu tutorial where you are forced to buy different cards and how to set them would be nice. You are leaving too much things without explaining and letting the players to explore by themselves, when the game can already be overwhelming at the start with the gameplay.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: HP values on raiders
 on: October 12, 2017, 12:44:00 AM 
the 60 hp raiders ,if you get hit once ,you're dead, and if 1 bullet touches you,you're insta downed state.
Harec pases 75% of his time crawling like the maggot you made him be.Konstantin can't be a bruiser or tank or protect anyone at all.

Pls, don't buff kosntantin anymore he already can tank enough and does big damage, I can agree that snipers need more live or different ways to be more effective on melee.

I dont know in what platform you play jojo, but I played against both top 1 (this week and last week) and plenty of top 15 of steam and we didn't let them do anything. All the games I lost have been without antagonist or with a team of new players, but I rarely have lost any game since the release day tbh. And I know that I am not that good to get that winning ratio.

I dont think its that hard to get into champion rank, rarely losing as antagonist is another history. So, I guess you are a really good player. That doesn't change the fact that your typical experienced antagonist will struggle against a team of experienced players, probably being more time death than alive and posible camping.

That is something that needs to change, I don't think saying them "learn and don't cry if you lose" is an excuse to justify camping antagonist (I am not even talking about new players, who struggle in both sides).

concerns noted. All I want is for the mode to be fairer for both sides without it being one-sided favoritism for the raider or antagonist. A good ability would be for the antagonist to call for aid from nearby mobs or they can use aleph to provide an edge such as timed buffs or hell, being able to give aleph to elite enemies on their side. These small things don't overtly make the antagonist better seeing as they need to be able to make good decisions, but it hopefully spices the game up while keeping it fair.
Any of the proposals above should be scaled to an optimal degree, you can be summoning the entire map to help you, that would be ludicrous. The suggestions are just a utilization of your feedback and I appreciate it.

Actually, I really like that idea! The game already has an emote system, and if the Antagonist could use it to direct goons on the map, it would make being the Antagonist more rewarding AND use some buttons that currently have no purpose for them. Good idea!

I would like to see that, the antagonist would have more options and the people would get more used to use the warning signals, which make the game more fun.

It would need to be some restriction on some degree so you cant pull all NPC with you, but it would be a nice and different feature imo.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: $20 and $10 skins! Seriously?
 on: October 03, 2017, 02:15:24 AM 
I also think 20$ is too much.

In my case, I would buy 5 or more skins of 5$ before only 1 of 20$. I would even buy a few really cool skins of 10$, but 20$ scare me too much, even if I woul pay more with skins of 5$-10$, but it is harder for me to pay for one of 20$.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist isnt that bad
 on: October 03, 2017, 02:10:35 AM 
blaming the player for a faulty system is one of the main reasons many games die.
,developers love your kind tou.

So, everyone that is not with you is wrong?

It's fun that you say that the melee system is subpar when most shooters the melee part is inexistent.

About the reward system, there was a thread during beta period to discuss that matter.

There are things that need to be fixed or changed like the queue times or camping the antagonist or some way to make it easier to new players. I don't think re-doing all the melee system is one of them or should be a priority.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist isnt that bad
 on: October 03, 2017, 01:59:22 AM 
You can hear a sound when someone tries to grab you, so you can punch when you hear that. I have saved myself from antagonist behind me without knowing they were there. And a lot of time I punch in the air alone....

I have found that ones too. I can understand why they do that, but I find it more challangeing to fight against AI alone if the difficulty is high enough, almost all the matchups I lost have been against AI alone. Funny enough that I have fought him, pretty boring match, we killed him all the time, probably he chose a bad character for that mission.

I hate when that happens, because I want my difficulty score to go up, so I won't surrender and go down on my difficulty score only because he want to play against some antagonist.

Sometimes is faster to do the mission fast than having to hold survives of 3 mins.

Edit: he is not the only one that does that, but if anything is done this will be extended because he is on the top of the antagonists.

We should be able to have 2 second invincibility after we spawn AND are able to MOVE AND ATTACK so we can punish their spawn camping with a quick grab and get 1.5 second immunity after executing a player to avoid their spam grabs that they follow up with after our kill animation.

I agree that something need to be do to avoid that camping, but what you are proposing is really unfair. You would see antagonists spawning on raiders and kill them while they are invulnerable, only because the raider was on a spot that the antagonist can spawn and he didn't knew it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist spawn locations
 on: October 01, 2017, 05:21:22 PM 
Hey there! (aaagain)

Prologue (Phase 2):
I find the spawn locations to be placed unfortunately to the left of the Raiders in their favour.
It's easy for 2 of them to suppress the antagonist at any time by sniping said corner and camping the one spot behind a crate nearby the stairs while one is at their turret and gets the job done.

I don't think the problem here is the spawn location, but the map and mission design. The raiders have to hold one position that only has 2 entries,  both next to eachother, so it's easy for the raiders to block and to whatch out that entries. The antagonist is seen from far away whatever spawn he choses or you add, and can be shoot down pretty easily before he gets to the protector.

You can't make an spawn just where the protector is casting his spell, it would make no sense. I think that the only way of balancing that mission is through the AI and waves, considering that changing the map itself is out of question. Although IMO would be the best option.

Edit: I think there are missions on overall that are much harder for the antagonist than this one. In shock or A Breath of Hope are much harder for the antagonist. In fact, this one is one of the missions that IMO the antagonist has the edge, until the raiders get to the last part, at this point the mission is almost done.

Hanging by a threat I would say is one of the more balanced ones.

I have played almost 200 hours between the betas and since the release up to now.
I have almost all weapons, I am lacking Mikah's weapons. I have got and tried all weapons in the betas.

I only played 3 games as antagonist, I have won the three games. I don't enjoy this gamemode because I am a coop player. I really enjoy the coop mode because it is harder than most coops, forcing you to play together in some stages. I enjoy coop games where you are forced to play as a team and not as 4 individuals. So, I have high hopes for this game on that regard.

My problem is, since the release I have lost 5 games or so, all games the first day in the early hours from the release. The problem is that I am not that good to justify that result. And yes, I have played against the top antagonist. Maybe I have been exremely lucky with my games...

I don't have any solution because I don't know how to balance it, but there are problems on both extremes in my opinion. If you let an antagonist play against new people they get wrecked pretty soon with a bad experience for the raiders, they only die and they get frustrated and probably will leave the game.

If you have 4 people that really know how to play and know how to play together, they can't lose.... I am lying, they can lose, because they can get a survive time with some deaths and they can die in that window.

My problem is that I dont think this is enjoyable for the antagonist, he dies like in 15-30 secs and maybe he get some kill or a few kills and then he has to wait the respawn time. if the raiders don't seperate too much and try to stick together mostly when the antagonist spawn, they will often beat the antagonist on melee bc of how the close combat works.

The game is new yet, but the time will come when most ppl will know how to move and be aware of the antagonist. And then the antagonist mode won't be that fun.

I am not saying that you should do it easier for the antangonist and harder for the raiders, I explain myself pretty bad. The start of the game is already hard for the raiders and news antagonist, when they face experienced players, even enemies with little experince.

I think that the curve of difficulty should have more slope, and be much harder for teams full of experienced players as a team of 4 experienced players is really different from a team of 2 experienced players and 2 new player, even if the second team elo is higher than the first one imo.

The ppl of both sides should spent more time playing than trying to suicide themselves to get some kill.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: No reason to play Antagonist
 on: September 24, 2017, 04:50:08 AM 
AS the title says being the antagonist is a waste of time. Its 1.5 vs 4 nothing to make it enjoyable or even equal. Its just 4 vs 1 and the 1 is the exact same as the 1 of the 4, The antagonist would need 300% health and 150% damage to make it anything close to a competition. U can finally get 16 kills and have a 1% hope of winning but then u get 1 shot by the sniper and half your time limit is gone before u revive. Plus it feels like other people have more health in last stand mode than normal. I played as victor and took down the aussie chick in 4-5 seconds but when they are crawling they magically don't die even If I shot them 10 times. The grunts are good for 2 seconds of distraction but then 2 people can just come up and grapple u while you shoot the third.  It seems like no game company ever actually plays their games to test ideas. even if your on a roll Halec can just project onto a high spot and 1 shot you.

I only played two games counting all closed betas and open beta and official game as antagonist. I have won both of them.

The grunts are more than 2 seconds of distraction.
Game would be cool for actual multiplayer like 10v10 but antagonist feels like a last minute F@(k it add this in

The maps are too small for a 10vs10. The second/third part of hanging by a threat specially.

Maybe you had a bad experience in some matchs, if you like to play as antagonist I would suggest you to try it again, get used to the melee system and the different characters. I am sure that you will change your opinion with more experience, the game is not easy, so it can be overwhelming for new players if they try to go for the antagonist mode directly without knowing how the game works.

Suggestions / Re: There NEEDS to be a Melee Tutorial
 on: September 23, 2017, 10:57:09 PM 
I dont think lot of ppl will read that. You can't call a tutorial some text guide.

You only need to look at some new streamers that this game need a melee tutorial, and probably an aleph tutorial too. It is where most new players look lost.
problems of people who can not read in 2d17

people also know how to walk and they use cars to do short distances.

Suggestions / Re: There NEEDS to be a Melee Tutorial
 on: September 23, 2017, 06:07:00 PM 

I dont think lot of ppl will read that. You can't call a tutorial some text guide.

You only need to look at some new streamers that this game need a melee tutorial, and probably an aleph tutorial too. It is where most new players look lost.

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