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Messages - B30

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Suggestions / Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
 on: January 14, 2019, 02:45:01 PM 
… The plan to improve the suffle system …

You certainly meant the "suffering system", right?

But thanks anyway for the future changes to the card system (hopefully good ones) - rather late than never!

Suggestions / Re: Buying cards instead of locking them
 on: December 29, 2018, 06:12:29 PM 
Almost a year later and nothing has changed on the card shuffling, this needs a fix, a change or whatever.

Today I once again wanted to get a specific card for Mikah, I spent over 50,000 faction points but in the end I was once again frustrated (specific card of course not received). I did not even get 1 single rare card with all these shuffles - what a joke, right?

Suggestions / Re: How to Portray Women in Video Games
 on: December 09, 2018, 05:50:46 PM 
Geez, what's the problem with you? You should not snack so much cotton candy while riding the rainbow with your unicorn.

Ship's Log / Re: Inside Spacelords 04: SpaceGuilds
 on: December 07, 2018, 06:40:59 PM 
Get them now while the odds are better.

Well, it's not like I'm not trying, but it's just a slot machine, so if you're out of luck, you're out of luck.

Ship's Log / Re: Inside Spacelords 04: SpaceGuilds
 on: December 07, 2018, 05:15:06 PM 
Oh boy, more than 200 new cards, I will NEVER get the cards I want.  :'(

Suggestions / Re: Plot and Character Design
 on: November 28, 2018, 05:40:16 PM 
Gosh, look there's a strong woman in a video game, astonishingly!

Where is this clip from?

Looks like "In Shock".

Gameplay Feedback / Re: What SPACELORDS really needs …
 on: November 28, 2018, 10:24:36 AM 
That's good news and I'm looking forward to the changes, thanks Hernan for responding.  :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: What SPACELORDS really needs …
 on: November 27, 2018, 12:46:45 AM 
… To compare Warframe to Spacelords is unfair. Considering one has a 5 year head start on the other.
But Warframe set a standard and other Game Developers should strive for that standard. …

I don't see anything unfair here - just feedback. Why not compare it to Warframe when it comes to improving Spacelords.
It's not the point if it is already 5 years longer on the market or not, important is, DE does things differently than MSE (of course they do!) and does some things even better, and MSE can learn from that and take inspiration from that. And that's a good thing.

Suggestions / Re: Plot and Character Design
 on: November 26, 2018, 09:44:41 PM 
Sorry, but NO! Who says it always has to be this way? If everyone in the industry would exactly follow this formula (sadly it happens often enough anyway) from now on, everything would be pretty boring, right?

This is the hero, he needs to look like this, this is the evil villain he needs to act like that, and that is the beautiful princess … wait, ughh!

No offense, but think again.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: What SPACELORDS really needs …
 on: November 26, 2018, 12:55:17 PM 
It's funny how Warframe is known for RNG, but it doesn't feel nearly as impactful as the RNG in a game like this. The card situation is currently just a glorified slot machine that just eats up faction points and is severely limited by the amount of cards we can hold at once, and the cost of rolling does not care if we are rolling 4 cards or 1.

Also the cost of rolling has DRAMATICALLY gone up as the game's life goes on. I used to be able to make a few rolls after winning 2 game. Now it takes several wins to even make 1 roll, and we have more card choices than we did back then. Yes we get faction every single game, but the amount is so low that if our goal is to roll cards, it has become an agonizingly long process.

Totally agree! Yes, the card-rolling always was bad, but it became much worse. And that's really a shame, I mean 4000 fp for one roll, it's ridiculous. And you can waste hundreds of thousands of faction points without getting the card you want.

MSE you really have to think about this!!!

Gameplay Feedback / What SPACELORDS really needs …
 on: November 25, 2018, 10:12:00 AM 
… are more CHOICES!

I've been playing Warframe in the last few days, and I was wondering why the player's progress in Warframe is so good and addictive because Warframe gives the player choices.
First it lets you choose your preferred play style (Solo PVE, Multiplayer PVE or just PVP) and second, you can set yourself a goal / task in the game:
e.g. in Warframe:
1. I want to build a specific weapon/ equipment
2. I go and earn the necessary amount of credits
3. I buy the blueprint
4. I go and earn the necessary amount of materials
5. I craft the weapon and achived the objective I set myself and in the end I am happy

e.g. in Spacelords:
1. I want to build a specific weapon/ card
2. I go and earn the necessary amount of credits/ faction points
3a. I can just hope that I will get the blueprint someday (RNG!)
3b. I am stuck, there is no way to get the specific card I want. The only option is to turn the wheel of fortune (again only RNG!!!). There are some cards in the game that I've been trying to get for months - but no luck. And in the end most of the time I am frustrated

More choices brings more joy and players to the game. No or few options will drive away players.

My favorite amazon is Wonder Woman.

… Also, we should not forget that we were noobs in the past and the veterans of this time had to deal with us too. …

That's not quite true, because there were no veterans on the release day, everyone was a noob back then.

But of course we should help them out (although sometimes these mentor matches get really annoying).

Ship's Log / Re: State of the Game Address #2
 on: November 21, 2018, 03:27:16 PM 
… On the upcoming big update, high MMR players will have better rewards.

And don't forget about Antag matches!

As mentioned many times, why should I (when playing as a Raider), complicate my mission with an antag, when I can play the same mission without an antag (lesser deaths, faster playthrough) and thus a better result in the end? Only for the challenge, that's too insufficient for me.

Spacelords Universe / SPACELORDS Forum Word 2018
 on: November 16, 2018, 08:03:17 PM 
Don't take me too serious on this, just wanted to lighten up the mood again (the atmosphere turned quite sour in this other thread).

Spacelords Forum Word 2018:
1. duplicate
2. optional
3. antagonist or maybe even
4. passport

Have a great weekend on the Broken Planet.  ;)

PS: Karen, we love you all!

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