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Messages - Tekato

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Life Support - Aneska's card
 on: February 07, 2019, 02:24:01 PM 

Hello Raiders,

When designing this card my idea was to try to give a new use to the Mech, use it as an "attacking" shield, that is, if you deploy the mech, go back a couple of steps and let the enemies get closer, centering the damage on the mech and you help your mech to kill enemies or shoot the mech to maintain its life without having to worry about yours for a few seconds. It is true that it is a risky move because you will lose the Mech very quickly, but for high difficulty levels where you can accumulate several enemies in a single zone can be a good way to eliminate more grouped enemies, and quickly collect the cells of energy to have the mech available again to launch. Anyway, I will keep your comments in mind and I will check the numbers on this letter.
There's no reason to run this card when you can just use prevail. Like you said the mech will just die in seconds anyway so you can keep re-activating prevail by collecting energy cells and just letting the mech die. Vial of epinephrine can also work better in that scenario. Just increase the range on life support to 15 meters and it should be fine. That way you can at least hide the mech somewhere so it won't die in 3 seconds and it will still heal you.

Ship's Log / Re: Patch Notes 13.1
 on: February 06, 2019, 04:10:23 PM 
I thought this patch was gonna fix the bug on aneska's mech. Guess we gotta wait another week.

Hello guys,

Thank you very much for taking the time to leave your feedback about Aneska, I'll try to explain myself the best I can.

We have been collecting data about Aneska during the weekend and we keep iterating so she feels balanced. When Valeria was first released, the players felt she was overpowered and we are still making adjustements so she doesn't excel too much compared to the other characters.

It's most likely a matter of expectations, but we don't want Aneska to be neither overpowered nor underpowered. Please, have in mind her skills are divided: the character itself, the mech, her weapons, etc., while other characters' skills, like Valeria, relies on a single element: her portal and weapons.

Regarding Solaris, it's a rare weapon which rewards the player's ability. We want it to be deep, different from her other weapons.

As for the mech, it's soon and it needs to settle but as soon as we have collected some data, we'll consider increasing its life or damage if necessary.

Sounds like they are still collecting data.
There was another post a few days ago where they said the mech was supposed to scale with weapon forge levels and that the next patch would fix the issue.

Ship's Log / Re: Patch Notes 13.1
 on: February 06, 2019, 01:22:58 PM 
I thought this patch was gonna fix the bug on aneska's mech. Guess we gotta wait another week.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Aneska
 on: February 05, 2019, 10:21:47 PM 
I'd like to see the mech at least get immunity to beholders. I don't see many people commenting on this but I think it's a huge issue for aneska on in shock, mind over matter and mouse & snake. The mech can't be recalled insantly like you can with schneider's drone making it almost  impossible to get it out before it blows up.

Not sure it should get immunity but the fact you can't see the beam going to it perhaps is where the tweak needs to be. You can't actually 'tell' when it's targeted or how close it is to being nuked by the lazer. Since it's such a large object it should require careful placement and giving immunity just means people will stuff it right into spawn points to nullify them.
Don't people already do that on any other mission it's not like I'm asking for it to be immune to bullets ... Even if you could see the beam hitting it you still need to stand in place for 4 seconds to call it back. At higher mmrs the laser barely takes 3 seconds to kill lol. You would still need to properly position the mech so it doesn't get shot down by the ads in seconds.

Anyway that's just my opinion.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Aneska
 on: February 05, 2019, 06:13:31 PM 
I'd like to see the mech at least get immunity to beholders. I don't see many people commenting on this but I think it's a huge issue for aneska on in shock, mind over matter and mouse & snake. The mech can't be recalled insantly like you can with schneider's drone making it almost  impossible to get it out before it blows up.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: February 04, 2019, 04:07:39 PM 
I like where you're going. But, no bp's in pve? The biggest problem with antags is that juggernauts come in and ruin win streaks for rares.

If all you're playing is PVE, you really don't need BPs to win.  Further, as Karen and other MSEs have said, they really want people to do the 4 vs 1.  As such, BPs would be one of the ways to get people to play PVP.
Try running any mission at 70%+ mmr with forge lv 0 weapons and let me know how that goes. Imo pve does require blueprints or enemies will eat up all your shots.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Necessary changes to aneska's mech
 on: February 03, 2019, 02:13:49 PM 
Lol I guess nobody's having issues with summoning the mech on in shock or mouse and the snake. Guess I'll just have to git gud.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Playing as antagonist.
 on: February 02, 2019, 07:12:29 PM 
I'm not really sure what you want then the whole point of antag matches are 4 v 1. If you're asking for matchmaking to be fixed that's not gonna happen it's been like this for who knows how long now.

Suggestions / Re: Aneska's weapon solaris
 on: February 02, 2019, 06:34:57 PM 
This is actually one of her better weapons it's at least better than her default. Just shoot an orb near the enemies feet then pop it when it bounces.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Playing as antagonist.
 on: February 02, 2019, 01:57:42 PM 
What's the issue with antagonist mode now? So far all the antags I've faced since the update have had hordes of enemies on their side so....

Gameplay Feedback / Necessary changes to aneska's mech
 on: February 01, 2019, 06:00:23 PM 
- The mech needs to be immune to beholder beams. It's practically useless on in shock or mouse and the snake due to it's size.
- It also shouldn't be able to shock players near it when hit by kuzzman. It draws too much aggro and it takes a while before you can recall it so it can end up killing a teamate without you noticing.
- The health/damage reduction needs to be much higher. Aneska relies heavily on the mech for distraction and it's special ability but it dies way too quickly depending on the mmr.
I don't mind the damage on the mech being so low, but it's short time on the field is a big issue.

Inb4 git gud scrub.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Aneska
 on: January 31, 2019, 03:46:23 AM 
Did they even test her out in an actual match before releasing her? Her mech can't even kill engineers it's so sad, how could they release her like this. I've had the mech get destroyed by a single grunt.

Suggestions / Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
 on: January 13, 2019, 08:06:11 PM 
I think the worst part of this is that it has no effect on monetization because you don't sell faction points for real money. So it's just grindy for the sake of being grindy, which I can only see as another pointless negative thing. It's almost like this game just wants to fail by constantly screwing people over.

Suggestions / Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
 on: January 13, 2019, 05:02:18 PM 
It's been months already and this is still an issue how difficult is it to adjust the faction points really? I know it takes a very long time to develop a new card system but this is the least you can do in the meantime.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The Painkiller
 on: January 12, 2019, 10:26:17 PM 
Damn that was a waste of a forge. I've been experimenting with unconventional ways to antag. I was hoping to use it to heal bosses.
Bosses have thousands of health points the gun only heals like 8 hp at most.... I've been asking for these healing guns to get buffed but everyone seems fine with it. Meanwhile schneider is laughing with his bonus card at those tiny heals.

Honestly i've given up on suggesting things since i've seen some shady things going on but I'll keep my mouth shut. At the end of the day it's the devs choice who they want to listen to.

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