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Messages - B30

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
 on: May 08, 2019, 09:19:29 AM 
I played a bunch of missions now, and I must say I really HATE this new aleph collecting! It's BAD because it totally breaks the flow of the game, everytime you have to look around for the Aleph drop! And others can steal it from you (elite/ raiders). And no one can deny that this mechanic in the current state is worse than before (no one can say I'm stubborn, but this mechanic is just bad implemented right now).

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Auto-take what you need on ammo an leave the rest on the field, but totally revert back the old aleph collecting (for healing purpose too!).

Gameplay Feedback / INSANE Difficulty!
 on: May 07, 2019, 11:30:59 PM 
I do not know, am I missing something or did the difficulty increase so much with this new update??? I mean, I don't remember that I ever surrendered on a mission, and if so, that may have been only once or twice since I play (and I play since the release in 2017). But today I played 3 missions and I had 3 surrenders!? For example "A Low Blow", we couln't even fill more than 2 segments of the meter, man there where scientists everywhere, a ton of snipers etc. wth is going on!?

Edit: My 4th game now was good, it was really challenging, but it was good fun. But still, there is somthing wrong with the difficulty setting.

Gameplay Feedback / Ammo and Aleph Drops
 on: May 07, 2019, 07:39:44 PM 
These ammo and aleph drops are really annoying because they are constantly breaking the flow of the game. I mean, the ammo drops are okay, because I usually just ignore them, but the aleph drops (I do not know who thought this would be a good idea), are totally annoying me because every time you hit an enemy you have to turn around (everytime!!!) and collect the aleph. This is even more annoying in hectic battles! If you insist in this mechanic, keep the ammo drops but please remove the infuriating aleph drops.

Ship's Log / Re: Patch Notes 14.0
 on: May 07, 2019, 02:53:00 PM 
Great stuff in here, but gaining cards still remains frustratingly atrocious. Please focus next on the card system, but of course thanks for this huge update!  :)
Keep it up MSE!!!

Too high MMR does not make any sense anyway, just long waiting times, and the reward difference of having lower MMR is not noticeable. Most of the time it's just an annoyance and brings no benefit at all.

Geez, first-naked Loath, now discoball, cat-hats and heart-guns, what's next pumpkin hats and santa skins. Oh my goodness, that's totally not my thing.

I know MSE want's to gather new players, but turning Spacelords into somthing more "over-fortnite-watch", I don't like that. Hopefully this gets not out of hand.

And I'm not either a fan of showing everybody which cards I use. And I also have my doubts about the MVP feature and the floating ammo stuff.

But well  –  let's see.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: cqc worse than ever
 on: April 10, 2019, 01:53:52 PM 
This happened to me many times. The system always chooses the lesser of the two evils. If there is an elite and a normal soldier close by, and you try to grab/attack the elite your character always grabs/attacks the soldier and then you get killed by the elite.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Plague drop chance
 on: March 26, 2019, 05:45:11 PM 
Yesterday they said on Twitter "that there is a problem and they are fixing it right now." But I can't see any difference, still getting duplicate after duplicate (MM6 and Raceme). So, I asume this hasn't been fixed yet, right?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: MMR is a poor mechanic
 on: February 12, 2019, 02:23:56 PM 
… Currently, I'm sitting at 70ish... and honestly I spend a bit of time evaluating a match. This isn't particularly bad but when I think of the amount of effort being put into making this system relevant and valuable through so very many iterations I wonder if that time wouldn't be better spent elsewhere. …

I always try to stay between the late 40s and 60, so that the waiting times are bearable.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Card suffering… um shuffling
 on: February 08, 2019, 03:22:54 PM 
… in order to get the card into the draw pool you need to have the correct affinity …

I know how it works, of course I had Antag-Affinity. :)

I spent over 100,000 faction points, but this card did not even appear ONCE. As long as I can not just buy the card, I'm not interested in wasting even more faction points. I'm done with Aneskas Antag-cards.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Card suffering… um shuffling
 on: February 06, 2019, 11:14:48 PM 
I tried o get "Vial of Epinephrine (rare)". I've stopped counting how many times I tried again since last time to get this card, but it doesn't show up. And now I'm sick of loosing all my faction points (already wasted thousands for nothing), I don't care anymore. I'll go with the cards I have.

No offense, but I'm really tired of this mechanism.  :(

Gameplay Feedback / Card suffering… um shuffling
 on: February 03, 2019, 06:44:19 PM 
Is that just my bad luck, or is the card-shuffling getting worse with every new patch?

I tried to get a specific Aneska Antag-affinity card, there are only 9 (!!!) cards in the game right now, I shuffled 10 times (I gave up after the 10th time) and I did not receive it. No cards were locked in, so I got 40 (!!!) chances. And by the way, within these 40 chances I only got 1 rare card!

That's ridiculous, considering how much faction points it costs!  >:(

Suggestions / Improved cutscene skip function
 on: February 02, 2019, 09:57:51 PM 

Like the image shows, every player gets the chance to vote for skipping or watching a cutscene. If it's a draw just add some player stats.

Suggestions / Re: Aneska's weapon solaris
 on: February 02, 2019, 08:01:54 PM 
My favorite weapon of her arsenal is the Ionizer. It does good damage, has a great range and it's reload speed is quiet fast too (of course this all depends on how you build the weapon).

Suggestions / Re: Aneska's weapon solaris
 on: February 02, 2019, 02:55:12 PM 
Maybe someone can have some fun in Solo-Mode with low-level Ai enemys, but in hectic high MMR PVP/PVE matches, this weapon is really NOT fun to play, because it's waaay to complicated to use. But maybe I'm just bad with that weapon.

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