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Messages - MSE_Hellath

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Ship's Log / Re: Mikah Announcement
 on: October 04, 2017, 01:08:26 PM 
Hello! The amount of Gold you need to invest on new characters is not fixed, and will vary depending on the new Raider's "complexity". We cannot unveil the exact figure at this moment, but I would encorage you to save significantly MORE Gold than the one you invested on Hans  ;)

Hello. You might ask Microsoft for a refund for the Alien Myths campaign if you desire so, but please bear in mind we don't oversee that process, nor have any influence over it, as Xbox manages the store on its own.


Spacelords Universe / Re: A question for the PR of MercurySteam
 on: October 04, 2017, 12:15:03 PM 
Hello! My name is José Herráez, PR Manager at MercurySteam. We would of course produce products that would expand the Raiders of the Broken Planet universe. Our brilliant artists have produced enough material for filling up 10 art books! I also believe that a figurine line with the Raiders would be amazing, and that's something we definitely want to pursue in the future.

For the moment, however, our main goal is to improve and expand the gaming experience, fixing those problems that have arisen and tweaking the game with the feedback you guys are providing.

We will keep you updated with any news on this when the time comes!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist vs Raiders
 on: October 03, 2017, 07:30:28 PM 
Hello all,

First of all, please keep it civil guys. This is actually a great topic to discuss.
The 4 vs 1 gameplay is in the game's core. Wizard hits the nail when he says that you have to play the sneaky bastard part when you run as the Antagonist. Let's face it: facing the enemy honourably, face to face, won't take you far! You have to plan your ambushes and prey over incautious Raiders when the opportunity arises. And expect to die a lot -that's the way it is, and that's why you have unlimited respawns.

Also, consider the mission objectives. Maybe you can win without having to kill all the Raiders -by delaying them when there's a countdown or by killing the VIP they are escorting, maybe? Play it smart, and get in the spirit of the Antagonist, and it's a really rewarding experience.


Thanks all for your feedback. Yes, some rewards are dependant on playing as the Antagonsit, but achieving the required rank is not truly that hard, needing only to win a few games in order to meet the requirements.

This was a conscious design decision. Raiders' 4 vs 1 core gameplay is ingrained into the mechanics and the rewards system itself. As we have commented in the past, we pay close attention to your feedback, and that will have a direct impact in the game in the long run.

Having said that, weapon are valuable, and (like in any game) valuable rewards aren't easy to access and require some dedication to be obtained. If you plan your way towards unlocking one new gun once you have obtained the blueprint, you will find it's a quite smooth process.

As Muzét points out on his great post about the different weapons available, the unlockable weapons work more as a sidegrade than as an upgrade, allowing you to explore different ways to play with the same characters.

Thanks for your input!

Hello guys,

We recently made a post aknoledging this point. You can visit it here:

Spacelords Universe / Re: Private Matches/Games
 on: October 03, 2017, 02:40:38 PM 
It's difficult to estimate a time frame for such a significant change, as the whole game (missions and reward system) would need rebalancing. We are not speaking about years, but probably more than a couple of months.

That's, of course, if the team decides to implement this change.
Thanks for your feedback!

This is a cool idea, Dayton! We are definitely passing it to the Design team :)
If any other Raiders out here want to contribute with Card ideas, let us know! We will name them accordingly to give credit to the creator.

The Antagonist's performance is something largely dependent on the player's skill. It's easy to get discouraged by early games where an experienced Raiders Team can pile up and totally neutralize an Antagonist.

However, once you get a good understanding of the map you are playing in, and the team of Raiders you are facing, you can come with different strategies in order to be successful. A good example is precisely what alef321 comments -they clearly faced an Antagonist who knew his business.

But it works the other way around too, as you can make sure no character is left unprotected and susceptible to being ambushed.

Please, remember the melee system works on both ways! For every move, there is a counter. Whatever the Antagonist throws at you, you can beat.

Thanks for the great feedback guys.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Alien Myths bug
 on: October 02, 2017, 04:52:32 PM 
Hello Raiders,

The latest update on this issue can be found here:
We expect Microsoft to release the solution shortly.

Thanks for your patience.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Private Matches/Games
 on: October 02, 2017, 04:40:27 PM 

We understand what you are proposing. Raiders of the Broken Planet is, in its core, a 4v1 game, and the game is balanced around that concept. Touching that up would mean a total overhaul of the game.

We have had more feedback on this regard, and it's something we'll definitely consider, but please understand that to undergo a change of this magnitude, if we decide to go that way, would take significant time to implement.


We are taking this feedback directly to the design team, guys. If we make any changes on this regard, you'll be the first to know.

Hello guys. We are looking into it right now. Obviously, we don't want such a cool skin to vanish! (It's my personal favourite!)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Upgrading from single campaign
 on: September 28, 2017, 05:05:58 PM 
Hello. It's not currently possible to buy the Founders Pack with a discount if you already purchased the Alien Myths Campaign. We are aware some of you guys would like to have that option, and we are studying the issue.

We'll keep you posted on what we come out with. Thanks!

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