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Messages - JestersShade

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Personal feedback
 on: September 26, 2017, 03:48:13 PM 
"I think the only solution there would be to allow people to queue without an antagonist for a quicker, easier match and a lower reward"

At least, it would be a start ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My considerations
 on: September 26, 2017, 03:46:01 PM 
I think I understand what the game "currently" is, and your example of Evolve is precisely what I meant.

Tried it, didn't like it, wasn't going to change so uninstalled it.
Apparently, I wasn't alone since it failed.

If it had a "solid single player experience", maybe (?), it could have been different.

Raiders is also a new experience, multi only, asymmetric PvP, but this time, the lore seems deeper than Evolve, with factions in play, stories behind characters, and so on.
Everything is there to also be a solid solo adventure.

"Why would you want to play the campaign over and over ad nauseum in single player?"

I think here is your perception that is wrong.

I'm not wanting to play in single mode only, but have choice.

If I want to try a new character ? -> solo
If I want to play now and the matchmaking doesn't find anyone ? -> solo
If I'm with a group ? -> multi
If I just want to go easy and look at the environment ? -> solo

That's it.
Not asking to change what it is, but add options so everyone can play with people who actually want to be there, and don't feel forced to it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My considerations
 on: September 26, 2017, 03:17:50 PM 
Currently, rewards in solo can only be won once per difficulty.

And bigger rewards for harder content is obvious, but bigger doesn't necessary mean exclusive.
It could be more gold / points + better chance for blueprints.

I (we ?) am "repeadly" asking for a real solo mode because I already experienced investing in games which didn't last long, and so, I won't put money anymore in multi only games since they could be off in a week.
And their "fun" relies too much on your teamates / opponents (aparently you play with friends, but I don't, or may not want to all the times)

And also, I'm not asking to change the modes for those who like it, I'm asking to add options for those who don't.

The universe and characters seem really nice and interesting but strange for a multi only game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My considerations
 on: September 26, 2017, 02:18:02 PM 
Matchmaking is a big concern to me and one of the reason I didn't bought any pack yet.

That's why (I've posted another thread about it) I'd really want more game options like a 4 players co-op PvE (no antagonist) and the same rewards available whatever the mode (solo, 4p PvE, 4v1 PvP), to be sure that when I want to play and earn something, I can, even if no players can be found at the moment.
(and also, the ability to launch a public game without waiting, in which players could jump in while in progress)

Personally, I would buy it if I could be sure I can play whenever I want to and win the same rewards regardless of the mode (see Warframe matchmaking for reference)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback on the current game content
 on: September 25, 2017, 02:55:05 PM 
Agreed with your intro: love the atmosphere and launched the game just for it a few times.
But when wondering what to play, I usually turn it off because I really don't like what is currently there. (not event bought the first campaign and won't do it if I can't play solo or co-op PvE to get the same rewards as the current PvP)

A 4 players co-op PvE option is clearly missing, but also, solo (and this new option if added) should reward the same things as 4v1 option.

Gameplay Feedback / Pros and cons from a beginner on Xbox One
 on: September 25, 2017, 11:46:20 AM 
Hi there.

A bit of context:
- I've been following this game since its announcement and really wanted to try it out.
- I love sci-fi co-op games (3000 hrs on Warframe) and thought this one would be like it.
- Free player for the moment (would love to buy the founders pack but definitely not in the current state)

** Pros:
- design
- really interesting lore and universe
- nice mechanics (shoot or combat)

** Cons:
- Needs a new game options : 4 co-op PvE (in addition to the existing Solo / 4v1 PvP)
--> and again, if no game can be found, I should be able to start a public one alone, or with just 1 other player or a full roster, not just wait until the 4 players lobby is full
- All game options should give the same rewards!
- Rewards should always be gold + points, and, maybe a blueprint (amounts would obviously depend on mission success)
- No reward should force you to play the antagonist!
- Every character can only be selected by one player, so you have to choose fast or play what's left (really nice to never be able to play the character you like...)

To detail a bit:
- currently, you're forced to play in 4v1 because solo doesn't reward anything after the first time, and only gives gold anyway.
But you can wait a really long time to play ... and end up in a game where raiders don't organize and lose after 10 minutes ...
I've quit the game a lot of times because I couldn't play and re-try later on ... to re-stop for same reason.

If I could play solo (and get rewards!), I would have done it instead of waiting for nothing on the matchmaking screen.
(maybe even have the possibility to play solo while looking for online game and be able to go in a public game and come back in solo mission after it ?)
- If players don't like PvP ... they're forced to play it anyway.

Personnaly, I will keep an eye on this game for a bit to see how the dev reacts but without a solo / 4 players PvE with same rewards, I won't buy the game, which is sad.

Thanks for reading.

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