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Messages - alef321

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Spacelords Universe / Re: Harek, the Unquestionable Leader
 on: October 04, 2017, 05:20:58 PM 
Mikah seems very childlike ,yelling and being hyper active.

Spacelords Universe / Re: The Elephant in the Room: AFK Players
 on: October 04, 2017, 07:40:24 AM 
in my case I only afk when the ping is 999+
If I try to move i start getting warped around and eventually fall to death ,so its safer to just stand still and wait the bad host leave or offer surrender.

[VISUAL GLITCH]-If you do jumps ,specially with alicia and an elite grunt grabs you, you just get stuck on the air for a while then fall and die even tou your body is standing there .
[GAMEPLAY RELATED GLITCH]-This one is exclusive to Alicia and Hans ,If you start flying with hans or alicia's float, while aiming and the skill timer run off then you fall, you stuck get in aim position without being able to do anything(reload,aim,move camera,fall down,shoot) for a couple of seconds ,then you abruptly fall to ground floor .

They may be related to the high ping (over 200) that many are forced to deal with currently

Fan Corner / Re: Loads of fanart <3
 on: October 04, 2017, 07:28:36 AM 
I really wanna do some, but the in-game art is already so danmm good I feel like i would be disrespecting it.
every danmm time I keep staring at these posters
the konstantin one is extra eye catching after reading Alicia's frankstein skin and his profile description.

Edit: been having some discussions about how is their day to day on the barracks and done this (rather quickly), god I really want more of this franchise

Spacelords Universe / Re: Lycus is Bae
 on: October 04, 2017, 07:23:23 AM 
Lycus is just pure badass, I love the guy ,really hyped for his chapter

Spacelords Universe / Re: Harek, the Unquestionable Leader
 on: October 04, 2017, 07:22:23 AM 
I love every interaction the raiders have with each other, it feels like a sitcom...

I really wish they made some scenes inside of their barracks ,like how do they sleep? where? I imagine Lycus just go full bare and really doesn't care.
I'm also very intriguid by  Harec's polymorphing scale armor goop and how Alicia joined the raiders in more detail.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Matchmaking is a Joke
 on: October 04, 2017, 06:58:42 AM 
if only we could play with 2 or 3 or even solo (without the crappy rewards from the actual solo mode) this would be fixed.

everymatch you get :
-999 ping
-1 or 2 disconects
-someone afk

and again as I say everywhere. you pull your weight and everyone's else just to get robbed of a blueprint or have to shared your hard earned loot with some guy that did literally nothing.

Gameplay Feedback / HP values on raiders
 on: October 04, 2017, 05:29:11 AM 
I hope you're aware how frustrating it is that the hp values are all over the place, instead of giving everyone 100hp and 200 for the slow heroes, you just give garbage hp to shae and harec, a lot of hp to hades corps , etc.

I can't even understand how your tester played it without breaking a few controllers.

the 60 hp raiders ,if you get hit once ,you're dead, and if 1 bullet touches you,you're insta downed state.
Harec pases 75% of his time crawling like the maggot you made him be.Konstantin can't be a bruiser or tank or protect anyone at all.

my only guess is that you're guys have a support esque healer like raider planned for later.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Your Community
 on: October 03, 2017, 03:09:40 AM 
thanks loadedterror13!!!
I really want this to fly like warframe did ( I bought then the founders back when it was on alpha) ,look at where they are now!

a game must always evolve and never get cozy into it's system or else you'll see another hawken/evolve/battleborn/many others.
what I trully love and many others that tried get the same feel is that MercurySteam LOVES RaidersoftheBrokenplanet , it's not a money making scheme, it's a legit passion project of many.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist isnt that bad
 on: October 03, 2017, 02:30:09 AM 
I'm done with you and I don't need to keep repeating myself on every post about the melee, plus i'm not the only one.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist isnt that bad
 on: October 03, 2017, 02:01:15 AM 
blaming the player for a faulty system is one of the main reasons many games die.
,developers love your kind tou.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hanging by a thread
 on: October 03, 2017, 01:27:16 AM 
There are a lot of annoying things in this game that make its majority lol. Too bad the devs do not talk about solutions and only say "sorry you feel that way".

ouch ,reminds me of  battleborn forums.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist isnt that bad
 on: October 03, 2017, 12:51:24 AM 
it's bad cause the reward system and the melee system is below subpar and just enables a lot of rage and headaches.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Your Community
 on: October 03, 2017, 12:45:56 AM 
every implementation of the reward system on this is a kick in the balls

-getting blueprints
-you only get 1 currency
-the currency is shared
-if you don't get the blueprint,you don't get shite
-you don't get anything as antagonsit regarding currency

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hans is OP
 on: October 03, 2017, 12:27:30 AM 
not op.
every antagonist can get locked and ass spanked duo to being 1vs4 no matter the map/raider you chose.

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