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Messages - Level9Drow

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Spacelords Universe / Re: Doldren
 on: February 20, 2018, 06:45:37 PM 
Yea I chose Doldren. I've had great success at taking about Antag alien snipers, even decent ones. They really can't to much if you have certain cards that allow him to hit really hard. At 60 health they're done for the moment you become corporeal.

Fan Corner / Re: D&D Alignment in RotBP
 on: February 17, 2018, 05:39:14 AM 
Excellent list! Truely better than mine. You've convinced me of all but Mika and Hive, I think she would be CN. Selfish doesn't equate to evil. And I would say Hive is vengeful but not sadistic, I think she would be better fit as CN or N.

Fan Corner / Re: D&D Alignment in RotBP
 on: February 17, 2018, 02:10:49 AM 

Cortez: You decide LOL

Cortez is the Dungeon Master. XD

YES, this is so perfect! :D

Spacelords Universe / Re: Doldren
 on: February 17, 2018, 02:01:07 AM 
Bloody Mary rate on Fistful of Sand.
Submachine gun common on Short Fused.

He's amazing at killing antagonist, but he feels really squishy, more than Harec or Shae. Good damage on first gun, much prefer it over submachine gun.

Yea, he seems like an anti-antag raider. He's ok as an antag, but me and my usual team haven't had any troubles with him so far. He's really squichy and if you are paranoid enough he can't get the jump on you.

I'm saving up for a new raider. I'm torn between Iune and Doldren. I want Gin, but feel she is too expensive. I currently bought Kuzzy and Hive and that's all.

Lots of reports about this in Discord as well. I have only played a couple of antag games since Doldren Day, but should get some co-op in tonight.

The difficulty was fine before patch 07, seems to only be getting harder just because some players have hit the 100% cap... can't punish everybody because 4 people play exclusively together :(

I understand, I realize that after so many successes you are going to start getting your but kicked as the ELO adjust to your success. And I've now accepted this and just take my lumps, but also understand that it's ok, becuase getting your but kicked enough makes the system adjust the other way. But this wasn't happening, LOL. I know the finish screen "says 35%" but it didn't feel like it went down at all. We kept getting our buts kicked. Ironically the only time it got easy was when we fought an antagonist, LOL. Imagine me saying that out of all people, Level9Drow relieved to see an antag.

My Squad and I noticed the same at 76%+ .

Yikes! 76%?? Omg, I would not want to experience that, even in the old version. I thought I hated 60%.

Suggestions / Re: 2 player Co-Op
 on: February 16, 2018, 06:50:49 PM 
Yea I was thinking the same thing yesterday. I have a friend who is going to get this game soon and want to go through the story lines (all cut scenes and missions) with him on both campaigns. But most random people you group with don't want to go through the cut scenes or each mission in chronological story line order. And solo is kind of lonely and less rewarding.

Bug report & Technical Support / Difficulty % Overtuned After Update
 on: February 16, 2018, 08:24:24 AM 
I think your difficulty score % are overtuned after the most recent update. 31% feels and hits like 50%. Me and my usual team if people I group with are fairly experienced with the missions and found that while losing games at 61% is understandable we kept losing game after game after game, even as the difficulty score went down to "adjust", and out of about 6 or 7 games we only managed to complete 1 or 2. We knew something was wrong when we lost one at 21%. Mind you, before you criticize, I have beaten all missions off line on hard, we have had plenty of successes before the update at 35% - 45%. So while I'm not the most stellar player, I should and have been able to deal with 30% to 35% easily.

Is 20% the new 40%, 30% the new 60%? Was this on purpose to stagger the rewards progression and force more grind? Or is this a bug and are they overtuned? Can we tune them back to normal please? It isn't any fun to lose several games in a row with very little to show for your actual real life time. This was a very unhappy night, VERY unsatisfying, NO feeling of accomplishment or even entertainment.


Fan Corner / Re: D&D Alignment in RotBP
 on: February 16, 2018, 12:47:16 AM 
I agree with all of your amendments (HIVE? Lawful?) except Lycus Dion, I still think he's CN. He doesn't actively peruse evil, he's selfish and debaucherous for sure, even with a violent streak, but he doesn't have plans of evil.

But since we're talling about it, what do you think the alignments of the 3 protectors are? And how about Cortez?

It would be epic to hear from the developers!!

Fan Corner / D&D Alignment in Spacelords: UPDATED
 on: February 16, 2018, 12:08:16 AM 
So Doldren just came out today, and he's really frickin evil. It got me thinking of the other Raiders in the game. Those of you who are familiar with alignment (morale compass) and D&D don't need any introduction. Those who aren't familiar the alignment of a character is divided into two sides, Law and Chaos (which has nothing to do with good and evil) and then Good and Evil (which has nothing to do with Law or Chaos). Robin Hood would be considered Chaotic Good (CG) whereas Darth Vader would be considered Lawful Evil (LE). Just a bit of small context there.

Here's the simple breakdown of alignments:
Lawful Good (LG): Uses law and order to do good.
Neutral Good (NG):  Only concern is good.
Chaotic Good (CG): Is not bounded by law to do good.
Lawful Neutral (LN): Is only concerned with order.
Neutral (N): Balanced and unconcerned.
Chaotic Neutral (CN): Selfish and chaotic, not evil.
Lawful Evil (LE): Uses law to do evil.
Neutral Evil (NE): Only concerned with evil.
Chaotic Evil (CE): Does whatever evil they want any way they want to.

Here is the Wikipedia source:

Here's what I think the alignment of the characters in RotBP are based on what story I've seen and read. Some of the characters I'm less clear on or are hard to know their motivations. I'd love to hear your opinion on their alignments.

Harec, Neutral Good (NG): Harec was willing to go against his culture's more peaceful tendencies to fight his evil. But despite this, the most aggressive plan he has is to teleport the humans away, not murder them.

Shae, Neutral Good (NG): Shae's situation is very similar to Harec. I know it would be cool if she was different, but as much as they argue their goals and morals align pretty close.

Doldren, Neutral Evil (NE): Doldren is a psychopathic assassin that was imprisoned by his own kind. Although he is evil he is willing to work with others and isn't too so chaotic that he can't cooperate, for now.

Iune, Chaotic Good (CG): Iune is clearly outside of the box and far from being normal, even among the Locals. But she is good, a very sweet, but odd and slightly insane. Because she is unorthodox but has a benign nature, albeit a bit crazy, she would be Chaotic Good in my book.

Alicia, Chaotic Good (CG): Alicia is hot tempered but believes in doing the right thing, if you see her comic you will see this. She doesn't care about laws or structure though and will do what she thinks is right regardless of them. Being from the Ubral Wardogs also means she would be chaotic, as they are not a well put together group and addicted to Aleph. UPDATE: Clone Alicia: we don't know much about her. But her dialogue is, so far, officially the same as Alicia. So despite her imprisonment with the 5th Council and torture and cybernetic implants she seems to be mentally the same as Alicia so far.

Loaht, Chaotic Neutral (CN): I wanted to think Loaht was Chaotic Good because of his personality, but he hasn't displayed enough story line that would make me believe he is truly good and not self serving and unconcerned. For now he is technically just Neutral, but I think he may be Chaotic Good like Alicia.

HIVE, Neutral (N): Hive is unconcerned with good or evil, just her babies. She clearly doesn't care about laws or the lack of them. I think she is true neutral. Harec gives her an opportunity for freedom. UPDATE: I think she is very accepting of Harec and surprisingly very friendly and conscientious when going over her dialogue in the game. Although not enough to be completely good, I would say she is further from being evil, despite her scary looks.

Rak Mayura, Neutral (N): Rak hasn't shown any particular aptitude towards evil intention, but also not good either. He seems to be with Harec out of necessity. He is pleasant enough, but so far I haven't heard or seen enough to know his deeper motivations. For now he is Neutral to me.

Lycus Dion, Chaotic Neutral (CN): Lycus is selfish, lawless, and doesn't care about doing good in the world, but isn't abjectly evil. He believes the world is already messed up and gets what he can out of it. He doesn't do anything for evils sake, but certainly not for good unless it profits him or if he gets a kick out of it. And he's a Czarnian.

Hans, Lawful Good (LG): Hans saved every member of his military group instead of sacrificing them in order to save the base he was stationed. He was honorably discharged, because of his great honor and willingness to sacrifice I now say he is lawful good. And he cooks really good, and that is automatically a good alignment.

Schneider, Laweful Evil (LE): Coming from an organized military group he has to be used to regimented rank and order and lifestyle. He also is a hacker which means he has a mind of numbers and calculations. But, he is very selfish, so selfish he doesn't care about others and, at times, takes pleasure in mocking people he tortures and fights against. If it wasn't for Mikah, Schneider wouldn't be with Harec. I say he is Lawful Evil.

Mika, Chaotic Good (CG): From her storyline so far we know  Mika is very good natured, doesn't like mean or nasty people, but steals and avoids the law. Even though it says she's from the Hades Division, she wasn't really "from" or "with" the Hades Devision. She was more of a stowaway who stole from them.

Aneska, Lawful ? (?): We don't have enough information on her just yet to  know. But she must be lawful coming from the military and being so high up the chain of command. The military isn't a place for chaotic people. Whether she is evil or neutral or not, highly unlikely to be good, we will have to wait for that day everyone is waiting for.

Konstantin, Lawful Good (LG): This honorable cyborg is clearly Lawful Good. He has a strong code of honor, is concerned with helping the week and fighting evil, to the point of self sacrifice. And his cyborg mind makes him very orderly and calculating. This is one of my favorite characters.

Dr.Kuzman, Lawful Evil (LE): Kuzman is clearly evil and works within the boundaries of the 5th council's laws, or did, as a meticulous calculating, but twisted, scientist. Although Harec has forced him to work with him, he is still Lawful Evil. Kuzman was the easiest alignment to guess. UPTATE: Both the clone and the "REAL" Kuzman, who is now captured anyways, are LE.

Ginebra, Neutral Good (NG): I would now say Ginebra is Neutral Good. When she attacked and severely wounded Konstantin, and when Konstantin, despite being near death and disarmed begged her to leave the locals alone and let them escape, this sparked something deep inside. This act of sacrifice moved her to emotions and this witness to an act of extreme good broke her mind free from the 5th Council's control. She was later helped by Konstantin to further this departure. Also, based on all of her dialogue, and she is my main so I know it all, she is genuinely a good person now, a bit shallow at times, but when things are serious she displays concern. She just uses her formal ruthlessness and cunning for fighting the enemy. The Council Apocalypse campaign also shows she has no love for the 5th Council anymore and is happy to fight them, unlike Kuzman who constantly laments doing missions against the 5th Council.

Valeria, Lawful Evil (LE): A rich selfish woman born form a rich and evil family who works within the 5th Council, she loves decapitating her enemies and using their heads to make more Hollow Ones, is vain and has modified her own body to the point of reflecting her own desires AND has Doldren's admiration. So yea, she's evil as hell. fitting into a figid hierarchy of a family dynasty and the ordered cyborg faction the 5th Council would place her as lawful, she operates within the bounds of her factions laws to do evil things that further her factions cause.

Cortez: OFFICIAL! Cortez is the Dungeon Master

General Marmalade, Neutral Evil: Marmalade is clearly evil, however he is willing to create a structured army to attain his goals, although this army is very rag tag. I place him about NE.

Uras Berit, Chaotic Evil (CE): This guy has no boundaries and is clearly a Lovecraftian entity. He is pure chaos with a large dash of evil.

The 5th Council, Lawful Neutral (LN): Although many would be inclined to say The 5th Council is Lawful Evil, I honestly believe he/she/them/IT is operating on cold calculating efficiency and order to only further it's own goals best. It has a great Hal reference from 2001 Space Odyssey, and I would place Hal the same alignment. I would also extend this alignment to all of the Nimrod brains as well.

I am looking forward to others opinions. Hope you enjoyed. :)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Doldren
 on: February 15, 2018, 08:24:43 PM 
Seriously though? stuck at work. Hah

Are you kidding? The only time I am on these forums is when I'm in my cubicle at work, LOL.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Doldren
 on: February 15, 2018, 07:35:18 PM 
What does he cost? Gold and Money?

your SOUL and your TEARS

Spacelords Universe / Re: Doldren
 on: February 15, 2018, 06:50:15 PM 
Holy crap! He an astral project himself and become invisible then grab people. Bloody Hell, he's a monster! I'm always going to be paranoid when up against him.

Spacelords Universe / Re: how you find out about RotBP?
 on: February 15, 2018, 04:57:17 AM 
LOL! Oh my god, the tears. Great response.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Weapons Locked Behind Antagonist Ranks
 on: February 15, 2018, 01:32:10 AM 
That seems like a pretty fair compromise, *including* for the antag-locked lore entries!

I know people talk about the weapon requirements a lot, but there's not a weapon currently in the game that takes more than 2 wins to rank up high enough for. But Uras's universe pages take rank 18! Getting that rank was not easy and definitely not a viable hurdle for many players to overcome, considering that achievement is competitive leaderboard-based, just for the final text paragraph of a story...

Shae has a weapon you need rank 10. I'm not sure how many games that is, I don't do antagonist more than I need to so I wouldn't know. I've experienced rank 8 or 9 with 2 wins. That weapon must be pretty damn good.

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