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Messages - Beefwater

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It breaks my heart to see a game with fantastic gameplay and story. It is just wonderful. And all of that is being killed by the following:

1) Not being able to play all the characters immediately. For the first 30+ levels  you are only allowed to play a certain amount of characters and the others are very expensive. So you are unsure if you even want to risk buying them.
If some one chooses a character you've used your time building up, then you are forced to play a different character you don't connect with.

2) Users have to grind through 30+ levels to experience more of the game. Obviously this is how many games work. But the question is, Do players care to grind through all of this while there are "Other" free games out there? It gets boring.

3) Grinding content leads to empty servers if its not fun I get grinding and I get paying for gold to keep the game going. That's fine. But I truly believe that if you are going to do a free game, the life of it is a populated game. The more people are playing, the more investment they have, easier it is to spend money. Keeping the freeloading player happy is just as important as the spenders. But trying to buy characters that are so expensive, just isn't worth the time. It as I said before, is boring.

This game is pretty amazing, and it's losing out to the mass amount of other games people could be playing because this game is asking too much from players that don't want to dedicate all of their time, just to find out if it can be fun.

Other games already are fun.

I'd love to spend money on this game. I really like it. But there is nothing worth spending money on. I feel like they are focused on the long grind and not  the fun. If they don't return the fun to this game they are going to lose alot of players who would love to give them their money.

Great post. I really hope they address these before people get tired of grinding the same characters and maps over and over.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions! just that
 on: August 27, 2018, 11:44:00 PM 
This post is dead on. I fear that people may get bored and move on before these very much needed changes come.

Suggestions / Bored before unlocking all characters
 on: August 27, 2018, 12:19:59 AM 
I understand the purpose of the progression system. As you progress, you'll have to unlock characters according to the campaign you progress through. It makes sense.

One thing I am finding with my friends that I play with is, not everyone wants to have to grind it out to play all characters. There are too many online games for people to have to grind through to enjoy it all.

I worry that many if not most players will get bored of playing the same characters over and over to a certain point before moving on to another game.

The game is absolutely fun. But grinding through the same levels over and over and with the same characters over and over, only to have to grind even more to unlock them can bring players to a point of boredom.

I suggest a way for players to unlock all characters, campaign or not. Most people skip the story. They just want to play. If the character I want to try out, is the highest level, all of that time in between will possibly burn me out. 

Its the gameplay that keeps me coming back, not the grinding. Please don't let it get boring.

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