Mercurysteam's Hangout

BARRACKS => Bug report & Technical Support => Topic started by: immortanjoe on October 29, 2018, 03:25:07 PM

Title: MMR Glitch on PS4
Post by: immortanjoe on October 29, 2018, 03:25:07 PM
I'm on PS4 and recently had an issue with my mmr not going up after consecutive wins, but still going down after losses. I think this was a bug. Also it seems that wins only yield 1% MMR increase while losses often yield 2% decrease. Is this on purpose and if so, why?
Title: Re: MMR Glitch on PS4
Post by: LordDraco3 on October 29, 2018, 08:00:28 PM
I wouldn't call it a bug, it's just a very poor algorithm.

Once you get above 70%, it takes hours of wins to raise any %, but one loss can drop 2-3%

Ultimately, MMR is a scam, my advice is to not worry about raising it. Currently the player average seems to be 30-40, if you are at 50+ you're gonna struggle.
Title: Re: MMR Glitch on PS4
Post by: XjabberwockieX on November 01, 2018, 04:35:02 PM
Yeah I noticed this too, when I returned from a 'hiatus' from this game my mmr was at 60. I quickly realized the double edged sword of playing with randoms at 30 mmr that every loss would devestate my mmr by 2 or 3% and even winning a ton of matches inbetween barely moved the bar upwards. So im kind of stuck in a mid 40's purgatory.