Mercurysteam's Hangout

BARRACKS => Gameplay Feedback => Topic started by: ButterPoached on October 06, 2017, 06:44:05 AM

Title: Quality of Life changes
Post by: ButterPoached on October 06, 2017, 06:44:05 AM
So I put some time into Shae and, while I like the idea, the design feels a little rough. I know that this forum is 90% people complaining about game balance, but I do have some requests for gameplay clarity.

-Provide a visual indicator of when a Bewitched target will be able to see you. I know that, when you are close enough, you reappear, but I'm never sure exactly when that is. Not knowing if the enemy can see you or not is almost as bad as not being able to see the enemy, which feels bad as a character power.

-When you hit the lockon button, I'd really like the reticle to actually lock to the target until you break line of sight. It is very disheartening to be 1 second from firing, only to have a grunt wander into your reticle and break your lockon, starting the charge process from 0. I get that Shae shouldn't be good at targeting groups, but as it is, she is trash at fighting anything that isn't alone...

-Stats! It would be nice to see the HP, stress ratio (is it just weight? Konstantin gets stressed way more easily than Harec, for instance), and the stats on the different guns would be a great thing to be able to see from the Raiders menu.

-More stats! I'd like a breakdown at the end of the mission of who did what on the team. Aside from bragging rights, I don't really have a good idea of when I am getting carried in a game as it currently stands. I FEEL like I am doing well, but I'd like to know if I am, in fact, a chump.

Edit: I am a chump and only just now noticed the way Shae's reticle works. However, I thought of other stuff.