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Messages - taterthot

Pages: [1]
Spacelords Universe / Re: Upgrading from single campaign
 on: September 29, 2017, 04:39:48 AM 
Hello. It's not currently possible to buy the Founders Pack with a discount if you already purchased the Alien Myths Campaign. We are aware some of you guys would like to have that option, and we are studying the issue.

We'll keep you posted on what we come out with. Thanks!

Ok thanks. It's mostly an issue of with all the financial responsibilities I have and what games are coming I have to choose wisely. This game scratched an itch I didn't know I had, and I want to support it, but obviously I don't want to spend $10 to eventually pay $40 and get something I had already paid for. But it's also possible the episodic system would work better for me anyways.

Suggestions / Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
 on: September 28, 2017, 06:23:10 AM 
OP is asking to basically have the co-op experience without the added feature of having a real-life opponent trying to hinder you, so I don't know why everyone is telling him there's no point to single player etc.

I was wondering this too, last I played. I think it's fair to want a co-op experience over something that loosely resembles a versus setup or an "Evolve" mode. Having an option to play missions with "invasions" enabled or disabled would be nice.

Spacelords Universe / Upgrading from single campaign
 on: September 28, 2017, 06:19:54 AM 
I haven't purchased yet, mostly because I am curious if there's a system in place for upgrading. If I buy the first campaign, will buying the pass be discounted at all?

Gameplay Feedback / Melee mechanics in matches w/ Antagonist
 on: September 28, 2017, 05:55:23 AM 
Maybe a discussion on melee in general? I played my first match where an Antagonist dropped in. Multiple situations resulted in just getting grappled from behind with no real method of awareness, having them around a corner invisible to me and grappling out of cover which gives me a solid .5 seconds to react (the grapple windup for their character was incredibly short compared to the NPCs), or me having gotten into a fight with a standard enemy and just getting grappled during that.

There doesn't seem to be a way to easily and quickly switch between targets, and attempting to melee out of an action doesn't really work either. Or I go to dodge an enemies attack, and in the process the Antagonist goes to grapple me without me being able to get an attack in to counter in time because I am locked into the dodge.

I appreciate the Souls-like experience of an invader, and I appreciate the diversity a melee system brings to a shooter. But if you want there to be fighting/melee combat, I don't think it's really balanced to have a situation where 2 NPCs and an Antagonist can all charge you and there's no clear way to get out of that situation given the current melee system. If dodge is a method of countering and not simply a roll/escape animation, you're left with nothing you can do in a situation where things are happening too rapidly and in close proximity to be able to determine quickly enough what the biggest threat is.

Also maybe the tutorial should be longer and more varied. Showing a single characters skill and how to walk into cover isn't much. I didn't even fully understand that you have to melee enemies to acquire ammo until I got into a match (unless I totally missed a cue, all I remember was hearing "You'll need their supplies for later" and that being the information you receive suggesting that's your method of picking up ammo).

tl;dr melee needs some work.

What's the point in letting free players customize their loadouts? You can only play one mission if you're a free player lol.

Suggestions / Re: There NEEDS to be a Melee Tutorial
 on: September 24, 2017, 05:46:04 PM 
I dont think lot of ppl will read that. You can't call a tutorial some text guide.

You only need to look at some new streamers that this game need a melee tutorial, and probably an aleph tutorial too. It is where most new players look lost.
problems of people who can not read in 2d17

You see, for this logic to work, you'd have to literally have never had any trouble in any game ever because you're implying people are stupid or lazy because a 6 panel melee discription wasn't enough for them.

Thing is, I know you've had trouble in games, so stop being a turbonerd.

To make another car reference, it's like telling someone how a stick shift works on paper, then thinking they'll have absolutely no issues doing it in practice. Additionally, learning HOW to use melee during a mission and possibly ruining the whole thing for yourself or your team is awful when you should be able to go to a tutorial or practice area to get it down first.

So skins can ONLY be purchased with real cash? We can't grind to get new items, we have to pay 9 bucks for in game currency? lol welp, guess I'm out!

It's a shame, cause I actually came to the forums to find out how much content's in the first campaign so I could buy. But thanks to this money pinching tactic, guess I might as well spend my money on Pyre or sundered. Thanks for the heads up, CremeBrule!

I don't get this? It's like saying you wouldn't have played Halo Reach if you couldn't fully customize the appearance of your character without spending money. Everything that matters and affects the game experience is available to you. What kind of toddler mindset is this?

You guys act like every dev is trying to completely rob you. Every forum I join for a specific game has this awful vocal minority of children being upset over literally nothing. This isn't a game backed by a massive publisher, so they're just trying to have as many sources of revenue as they can get. I don't mind spending money on skins. To me, skins are something that you use to show your appreciation and love for a game. If every shmuck that put 2 hours into a game has the "best" skin, it becomes extremely devalued.

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