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Messages - XjabberwockieX

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Suggestions / Re: Plot and Character Design
 on: November 27, 2018, 03:58:49 PM 
Guys this person is not for real. The second he suggested reading only the first 400 pages of some obscure book I knew he was out to troll everyone. Spacelords has plenty of problems, plot and ESPECIALLY character design are not among them. If we stop talking to him maybe he will go away and he can write another video game treatment.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Rewards.
 on: November 26, 2018, 05:23:28 PM 
I haven't noticed the reward bump very much but then again 2 or 3k is nothing compared to the 7-10k gold a match before the Spacelords change. I HAVE noticed that the mmr system is completely broken now, my mmr has skyrocketed into the 80's after a dozen wins or so. It's moving much faster than it used to, but the enemies are presenting the same challenge they would with low mmr so I don't know.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: What SPACELORDS really needs …
 on: November 26, 2018, 05:11:05 PM 
These are great points everybody. Being able to set goals and focus on accomplishing them to ensure you get the blueprint you want knocked out would alleviate alot of the frustration of the grind. Hopefully MS listens to this feedback....

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec is a bad starting character
 on: November 20, 2018, 11:59:45 PM 
a bad starting character?? Wait til a lvl 600 antag harec pulls up and show's you proper skills.

dont sleep on any character

Baby Harec - Arguably useless
Lv.600 Harec Antagonist - Not common at all.

You are likely to see the former all of the time as opposed to the latter. Harec as a starting character is very hard to utilize correctly and almost anyone starting the game will add nothing to the team by choosing him. So it's not that anyone is sleeping on Harec as a character, but when new people select him because he appears to be the "hero" it hurts the team far more than if they chose Hans or Konstantin.

Mercurysteam making the game online only was one of the reasons I walked away from it a few months ago. I may be playing Raiders/Broken Planet again, but the move to online only was shady, and I wont spend another dollar on anything Mercurysteam touches again. Hopefully one day they make the game online/offline again.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ignorant Teammates
 on: November 10, 2018, 11:42:41 PM 
Hey Joe, what platform are you playing on? If this kind of stupidity your suffering from others hasn't made you delete this game from your system, the least I can do is lend a hand to help out. I'm on PS4, NA server, same gamertag as my forum name. I'm in the mid 400's and I would gladly help you get your rewards.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ignorant Teammates
 on: November 09, 2018, 05:27:14 AM 
I don't even know if Mercutysteam can fix that kind of stupid.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: November 06, 2018, 10:18:44 PM 
I would compromise on not letting Antags on newer players but the rest of you are free game. I'm coming for you all. Know that when I ruin your games and blow your BP rolls, and one time rewards I'm in tears laughing. I actually see a few of my victims on these "Optional Antag Games" threads.

Evil laugher intensifies

Personally, I LOVE a good challenge from an antagonist. Now, before anyone gets carried away, I used to be challenged from the antagonists that populated the game when it was Raiders of the Broken Planet. The 'Spacelords' antags have been unbelievably mediocre. So Flowone, I hope to see you on the battlefield. I have all the blueprints and cards, I don't care about the "rewards", I like making antagonists quit the game, thats what keeps me coming back.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disconnecting and other problems
 on: November 05, 2018, 10:15:34 PM 
I can't believe the amount of disconnects I have witnessed since the rebrand. Even when Im already carrying the team I have to just grin and bear it as 1 or 2 of these idiots take off almost every mentor match. It tanks my mmr but hey on the bright side I get a whole 300 gold and faction for the desertion. /sarcasm

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: MMR Glitch on PS4
 on: November 01, 2018, 04:35:02 PM 
Yeah I noticed this too, when I returned from a 'hiatus' from this game my mmr was at 60. I quickly realized the double edged sword of playing with randoms at 30 mmr that every loss would devestate my mmr by 2 or 3% and even winning a ton of matches inbetween barely moved the bar upwards. So im kind of stuck in a mid 40's purgatory.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: November 01, 2018, 04:35:30 AM 
All the rewards are low rewards since Raiders became Spacelords. I keep coming back for the gameplay itself which I find quite enjoyable.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: State of Difficulty: 11.2
 on: October 31, 2018, 08:43:32 PM 
Dear MS,

If the regular enemies take 3 headshots from Iune's Wisdom to kill, you are still not understanding the game isnt just too challenging, its ridiculous. You can put the little numbers into your computers and rebalance mmr all you want but at the end of the day if a single hades division soldier has over 300 health and shotguns that can crit over 200 damage and drop me with one blast then...then...oh nevermind..

Spacelords Universe / Re: Why attack Friendly Antags???
 on: October 31, 2018, 08:36:43 PM 
If an antag spawns and quickly hops around, i hop back and thats pretty much it, we are good. If they stand by an aleph generator and hop around, that means eat me, and I harvest the aleph. Some newer low levels just see red and attack on sight, but most high levels (100+) wont attack unless provoked.

unless they are a dick.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 31, 2018, 08:29:23 PM 
So I have been gone for a while, but really? Are people really throwing games when Antags drop by. I haven't had a single problem with the new 'spacelords' antagonists.  Thats whether I am by myself with low levels or the OG 'Raiders'.  How widespread is this because the only antagonists I  have come across are peaceful, complete pushovers or at the very least competent but by no means worth running in fear from.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Online Play Optional No More?
 on: August 24, 2018, 05:08:13 PM 
I vastly prefer playing with friends on this game. Offline mode does not offer rewards really or anything like that. However, it's no secret that for all the things that I feel are special about the game, Mercurysteam also made alot of mistakes in how they marketed the game and it never really found an audience. I admired the things I liked about it like the character design and variety in the ways you could use each of the characters and I knew that when the game inevitably died an agonising death that I would always have a version of the game that was mine offline, where I could still appreciate it from time to time long after it's online life had ended. I can't do that now apparently, you got me good Mercurysteam. You got me good.

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