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Messages - Ac3_f4ce

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Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 04:55:20 AM 
Funny how you blame the Antag for the host quitting the match. Not the host. The Host did more damage to your team by rage quiting than the Antag ever could. Funny how people choose to shit on others in this game by leaving them in the trenches instead of voting to surrender or actually trying to win. Considering the rework with blueprints now even if you lose you dont lose the blueprint. But yea it's all the Antags fault.

 Rage quiting has always been frowned upon in online games especially when it has a significant effect on the game and other players.  Despite how you feel a lot of us are actually playing the game as intended. Rage quiting is what disrupts the game and does the most harm to both player and game.

So my rewards have shifted before the reset. What's that about? Is that supposed to happen? I'm top tier and my rewards are supposed to shift every 8 hours. But sometimes they shift b4 hand and most notably it happens after I attempt to get a blue print and don't get a successful roll

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec is a bad starting character
 on: October 23, 2018, 11:32:46 PM 
Hmm idk. That isnt a bad line up. Yes none of them could hit Valeria but lets be real, Valeria isnt the problem on that board its the enemies.  Alicia Lycus and Loathe are great for taking out enemies. If they cleared the way and let you focus on Valeria i can see you winning that mission pretty easily.

A good example, i was on Mind over matter. My friend was a low level Kuzzman looking for a blueprint.  There was a Shae and a Doldren. 2 locals on that mission is pretty ridiculous. I picked Alicia.  My gun couldnt reach the boss. So i spent that whole mission focusing on enemies. I took down the elites i cleaned up miners i took out all the squid guys. i protected my team so they could focus on the boss. and we beat it.

Missions like those are pretty straight forward.  Mind over Matter objectives all entail defeating enemies. Mouse and snake only one part required aleph to be dropped. If it was White out it could be a different story. That missions has so many steps; defeat elites to get aleph, destroy cooling spiders, destroy miners, Put in 4 concentrators, Drop Aleph. White out is technical that requires a good amount of teamwork and splits  peoples focus. Unlike Mouse and Snake

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec is a bad starting character
 on: October 23, 2018, 10:55:45 PM 
I'm just being cautious. With MMR the way it is, there is a chance you could get thrown for a loop and end up on a very difficult mission. Harec is  useless on that board anyway. Also the Harec was a level 2 he most definitely has Harecs first gun. Which is trash in my opinion.

Now the Shae is not so much useless, as she can use bewitch enemies. There isnt much she could apply it to in this mission but it can be useful at the end. Also the guy was level 17 hes been playing for awhile, which means he has way more experience. Further more he may have acquired one of Shae's rapid fire guns which is useful and way better than Harecs single shot snipers. Shae isnt a good choice either but in this case she was the lesser of 2 evils. 

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec is a bad starting character
 on: October 23, 2018, 09:51:30 PM 
Nope, sorry, sitting on the Harec is for the good of the mission. Also It forces the baby Harec out of his comfort zone and he is forced to play another character. Another character that would beneficial for him. Plus, they make you recruit Hans almost immediately. 

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 23, 2018, 09:19:32 PM 
Wow. that is just horrible. So this is how you guys propose to "FIX" the game, is this how you show you care? You complain to MSE about the antag system and how its destroying the game but then you act like this. How exactly is this behavior beneficial for the game?  Some of these new players still want to play the game even with an Antag but they cant because of rage quitters and and players blowing missions. This behavior is robbing these new players of a legit experience.   You guys are actually creating a toxic environment within in the spacelords community.

Spacelords Universe / Re: MMR difficulty during antaganist games?
 on: October 23, 2018, 08:56:55 PM 
When an antag invades a mission their presence lowers enemy stats supposedly. But there are times where the enemies are the most efficient killers and the Antag didnt have to do anything.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 23, 2018, 03:33:22 PM 
@level9. Except the argument is this is a PVEVP game. Not game game that is PVE and PVP as 2 separate entities. And this is the game MSE wants to make.

Now frankly this set up only appeals to a certain crowd and I think that's who they are targeting. If a player is only into PVE then this isn't the game for them. If a player likes both PVE and PVP then this might be there game. I definitely like this combination. There is no game in the world that appeals to everyone and you can't expect to make a game that does. Not without bending over backwards for the community and sacrificing your game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: 5th Council Snipers
 on: October 23, 2018, 01:36:09 AM 
OMG dude yes. Hollowed one snipers are fucking beast. They have perfect aim with that damn handgun. Ive even witnessed them only using their handgun and not the sniper rifle.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 23, 2018, 01:01:44 AM 
@whitebleidd Nah how about i tell you about the time i was a obliterated by a team of level 20s with one level 91. He was Iune and he lead his team to victory on Low blow.  If you have good players its possible to win a mission and over power an antag.  Ive done it many times.

And yea i know PVP always cause balance issues with PVE.  But some how they co exist.

Now ive said this on another thread but i will say it again. Antags should be barred from mentor matches im am with you on that.  But mentor matches should be optional. If you opt to go into mentor matches then you will not face Antags you will get the experience boost as usual with the gold and faction rewards. But if you opt out of mentor matches you open yourself to Antag missions. when you participate in antag matches you wont get an experience boost but you will get better gold and faction rewards than you would if you were in a mentor match. If they could implement that i would be happy. They would just need to tell us what level a players needs to be for it to be considered a mentor match. Will it be lvls 1-10 or will it be higher.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist is too weak
 on: October 22, 2018, 05:36:55 PM 
Nah buddy Antagonist already has an advantage of infinit lives infinite number of team mates and mechanics to actually hinder mission progress. Your supposed to take advantage of the confusion. And pick them off one by one. Not charge in expect to take on 4 by yourself. You have to wait for your chance take out the one that strays from the pack. Trust me I play as an Antag. We sometimes have the advantage and sometimes we don't. Sometimes the Ai is lethal and killing the raiders and sometimes it's complete horse shit. You gotta pick your moments.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Game Difficulty
 on: October 22, 2018, 04:43:37 PM 
Damn Pohthedd you play at 50% MMR? Christ. I can barely play at 40% the Ai at 40% is already lethal. I can't imagine 50%. And if an Antag is on the board,  I spam that surrender button.  Lol

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 22, 2018, 04:24:26 PM 
The Antagonist system isnt a mode. It's the game. This is a PVEVP game. Not a game where they have 2 separate parts one PVE and one part pvp.  And I think a lot of people enjoy it. It's just that more people are willing to express dissatisfaction than appreciation. That's the gaming community.

Now I'm all for barring Antags from mentor matches but when you pass mentor levels it's hunting season. Now for my solution for higher level players if you want to play mentor matches you can toggle that on and off. If you have it on you won't have Antags on your missions And you will get an experience boost as usual and get gold and faction points. But if you toggle it off you will may encounter Antag on your missions and if so you won't get the experience boost but you will get better gold and faction points rewards.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 22, 2018, 01:04:59 PM 
The Antagonist mechanic is meant to cause chaos within the game. Antagonists on mentor matches is a bit much. And. I guess should stay off of them. So here's my solution if you toggle Mentor matches it possible you will match up with rookies and There will be a no antag guarantee. But if you are not placed in a mentor match all is fair. NOW you need to determine where the rookie lvl ends and the player begins

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 21, 2018, 10:56:21 PM 
Antags on mentor matches is a little unfair. I'm won't dispute they could ease up on the rookies. But I think streamlining communication between players would help a lot with rookies. Communication now is horrid. But I am completely against making Antag matches optional

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