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Messages - Ac3_f4ce

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Spacelords Universe / Re: Why attack Friendly Antags???
 on: October 18, 2018, 05:27:55 PM 
I play low blow as antag. I just like to pull the levers and fuck with people. Only when i am killed by a player do i get a revenge kill. Oh and swear to god if any player showboats or teabags me after getting killing me, your ass is grass i will become unfriendly and gun it for you. You and your team will lose the mission due to aleph running out because i killed that player so many times. lol

Spacelords Universe / Re: Come on Guys....
 on: October 18, 2018, 05:18:20 PM 
Im all up in that Feedback section haha. Ive posted some of my greivences. Now im all for vocalizing your problems with a game, but there are something you should just accept. A lot of players are complaining about the Antagonist and mentor systems. Wanting MS to make it optional or just get rid of it. I think its ridiculous to ask a game developer to change their vision for a game because you dont like it. MS wants to keep the Antagonist system and Mentor matches but everyone is out there saying change it change it. Its ridiculous. Now i can understand their frustrations but cmon guys you cant win all the time. Stop being sore losers.

Suggestions / Re: Antagonist system
 on: October 18, 2018, 04:34:53 PM 
I strongly disagree with this. To me the Antagonist system is a core part of the game and is what makes it really fun. It shakes things up and makes the missions more interesting rather than doing the exact same thing over and over. I also love there being a lore reason for it. Even as a Raider I get excited when an Antagonist joins as it just makes it more fun. It's not just me that feels this way. Loads of players love the Antagonist system and honestly I'd be devastated if they removed it. It's also worth noting that the Raiders have the advantage over the Antagonist, not the other way around. I find myself getting more frustrated playing an Antagonist rather than a Raider. But that's how it should be. It's hard! You have to think and play a different way as you just can't take on four players at once. You have to be clever.

I'm on the same page as you are. I like the Antogomist system and I can live with the Mentor matches. If you give the people the option to toggle mentor and the Antagonist system 85% of the time they will not participate in it.

This is MS's vision. They wanted to create a game that was in my opinion is spontaneous. Going into a match you don't know if it will be a mentor match or if you will  fight an antagonist. You might get both. Who knows. That's what makes it exciting. This is what makes it stand apart from other games. The Antogonist system adds a little something to the daily grind for gold and blueprints. It changes the flavor. I don't like the grind. Playing the same mission over and over and over with nothing different becomes boring. Antagonist adds a little fun to it. Not to toot my own horn but I body antags.

The Antags aren't the problem in my opinion it's the rookie players, the baby Harecs, and the mentor system.  The biggest problem being we can't communicate with other players properly. All we have is that prompt wheel. The 2 prompts on that  wheel most used are "ok" and "come with me". We need one to be able to let them know when they need to do something and if they're doing something wrong. Like killing elites when we need the aleph. Or dropping off their Aleph.

Antags on mentor matches maybe shouldn't be a thing. I've actually seen more high level players quit Antag matches becasue they got matched up with low levels. With that being said I think a good solution would be if you aren't a high enough level to be an antag you shouldn't meet one.

Suggestions / Missions prompts need to be updated.
 on: October 18, 2018, 04:02:12 PM 
We have for the 4 prompts "come with me" "help" "I need ammo" and "ok". The "I need ammo" prompt needs to go. If player doesn't know how to get ammo they will eventually figure it out. What we need is a prompt to tell players "we need aleph" or something a long those lines to remind people to drop aleph for mission progress. This will help rookie players with mission objectives, and get Vet players heads back in the game. (Maybe)

Suggestions / Re: Report Function
 on: October 18, 2018, 03:54:31 PM 
I don't think circles unless they're on No Reservations haha. But a lot of high level players are (in my opinion) tanking raider missions to lower their MMR. They hold onto 5 Aleph then continue to kill elites and never dropping aleph for mission tasks.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Space lords is not fun anymore
 on: October 18, 2018, 03:36:54 PM 
Yea in my experience pressing cancel on mentor match isn't enough. The next one that pops up is another mentor match becasue the same people are still looking for a match. And this happens when I need to play this specific mission for a blueprint. I never just quick play spacelords. I really want to murder every toddler level (1-10) player that picks a Harec.

The game is getting annoying. I'm either dealing with low levels who don't know how to play and I can't properly communicate with them or I'm playing with high levels who are tanking missions to lower their MMR so they can have it easier as an Antagonist. And I only started playing a month and a half ago.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Baby Harecs
 on: October 17, 2018, 11:33:41 PM 
Thanks guys. (He says with tears in his eyes)

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Pro antagonist missions?
 on: October 17, 2018, 04:10:20 PM 
Double agent is perfect for Antags. 

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Baby Harecs
 on: October 17, 2018, 02:51:07 PM 
Lol Baby Harec. Every time I see a low level in my line up I ll grab Harec to prevent A baby Harec. Just call me PlannedHarechood

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tolchok is still broken
 on: October 17, 2018, 04:37:37 AM 
This is a joke about the Dev picking the picture of Valeria knowing how crazy Valeria is. Haha

Good to know. Thanks for the information. Hopefully they can address these issues. That tier thing sounds like a very good idea but MS is sticking to their guns with the mentor thing but they should some how prompt you if a player has never been to certain missions b4

Thank you, Hellath. We appreciate the hard work you guys are putting into this game.

Gameplay Feedback / Anyone know the specifics to Mentor Matches?
 on: October 16, 2018, 06:20:19 PM 
What is the highest lvl a player at most could be b4 its not considered a Mentor match? Because i thought it was for players between the lvls of 1-10. I ask because i have been in matches with level 3,6,8s and the game didnt prompt me me saying i was going into a mentor match. And a level 10 in my opinion is still learning the game.

Thank you. Karen.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Rak has some questionable stuff
 on: October 16, 2018, 06:00:21 PM 
I have encountered a Rak b4 what i dont like is how the bombs push and hurt you then explode and hurt you again. Ive actually been downed by the bomb itself and not the explosions.

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