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Messages - Imperium

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I don't know what changed but I've never gotten this before. Once or twice per game the entire game will crash and close out. I then have to restart everything and join up.

This is in conjunction with the fact the game still crashes in the post-game screen for me every. single. time. I never see the post-game cutscene because the game ALWAYS crashes after the rewards screen.

Spacelords Universe / Re: How much would you spend on skins?
 on: June 02, 2018, 11:12:50 PM 
If all skins were $5, it would vastly increase the likelihood that I would buy more than a couple.

If they're $10-15, highly unlikely that I will buy, but if I do it will only be skins for my absolute favorite 1-2 characters.

If they're $15+, I'm never purchasing them.

And the presence of extremely expensive skins makes me not even want to buy the cheapest skin. Because, again, it feels super shady and opportunistic. You're trying to take advantage of people with $20-60 skins.

And just because other games have done it doesn't make it any better.

Considering you get charged for the campaigns, I don't even think cosmetic items should be for sale. It isn't as if this game is a MOBA, where you get access to everything (the game modes) EXCEPT all the skins.

Smite has way more characters than Raiders, and waaaaaaaaaaaay more skin variation. They also have premium skins and alternate colors, as well as mastery skins.

If Raiders could ramp up the skin variety, and include a bunch of skins you can buy with tickets or gold, then have real money skins for cash (but then those skins should be more special than just looking different. They should, at least, change the way your character ability looks.

Similar to how Poseidon, from Smite, will have different versions of the Kraken ultimate appear depending on the tier-4 skin you're using.

That being said, I think those skins should stay within the realm of $5-8 US. Why? Probably because the ENTIRE DLC, THE CHARACTERS THEY UNLOCK, AND THE FREAKING WEAPONS THEY ALLOW YOU TO UNLOCK cost $10.

I also think $10 per DLC, considering what you get, is fairly reasonable. Since this isn't exactly a long drawn out game with a lot to do and explore. You're forced to do PvP or at least co-op to make any progress and are tethered to queue times, shoddy MMR mechanics, dealing with antagonists, RNG, and repetitive objectives.

A game like SFV was charging like $3-5 US per skin. A game like Injustice gave you all the customization items for free, but sold character packs or characters themselves for cash. A game like Paragon had skins for $5-15 US, but was also giving them away for free in loot boxes you could win all the time from playing the game.

I think the solution is to add alternate colors of the default skins, make them purchasable with gold/tickets, and then bring down the price of new textures to $5-8 dollars. I'd be tempted to spend money that way. There is no realm where I would spend $20 or $30 for a damn skin. That is insanity. I don't give a shit how much work it took to do. One skin costs more than all DLCs and the 3 characters you unlock - as well as all the weapons you can get from the DLCs? Nah.

My guess is they keep the skins that high because someone will invariably buy it. There are always people with tons of expendable income. But it looks really greedy and opportunistic to players that exercise caution when companies look like they wanna pull a fast one on you.

Then they have sales to bring the price down to more reasonable levels and capitalize on sales-mentality, where people opt to purchase skins because they're normally so damn expensive.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New Steam Users Whining
 on: May 30, 2018, 02:12:50 AM 
Interesting game feedback. I wonder how the mods feel about telling potential customers to leave.

Nevermind that this is a game feedback forum. So any feedback, even feedback you don't like, about the game is fine.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: What fun is this?
 on: May 30, 2018, 02:09:11 AM 
I complained about this weeks ago and was told basically to "git gud" and that my feedback on the matter wasn't the type of feedback they wanted.

Even though feedback about a mechanic feeling unbalanced IS feedback, regardless of whether you agree or not.

I totally think it's kind of ridiculous for a bunny-hopping character to play carpet-bomb simulator all game, but some people don't give a crap (or Alicia is their bread-n-butter character).

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 25, 2018, 07:52:39 AM 
I'm also getting the impression that MSE may be trying a last-ditch effort to pick up some steam (no pun intended), before maybe calling it quits and thanking everyone for their support and the journey (blahblahblah).

Although I highly doubt they'd give refunds like Epic Games did with Paragon.

I think if the numbers don't pick up substantially (Steam numbers are still pretty weak for a game giving away what I bought for free), we might see this come to an end before the end of the year.

It'd be cool to know what their numbers are on consoles and Windows 10.

Although Epic Games was supposedly sitting at tens of thousands of players and still thought it was insufficient.

I think it's a mix of having players come on board and selling AFFORDABLE skins.

The $30 or $25 skin has to be a huge turn off to some people. Even if you don't have any plans to buy it, it FEELS like the company is waiting to catch suckers or whales. Or purposely giving them high prices, so when they do sales the cost is closer to what they actually should cost.

New players continue to sabotage the objective by destroying the pads instead of putting aleph in them.

There is no in-game text feature or comms, so you literally watch this person do the opposite of the objective over and over and over again.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 24, 2018, 06:28:44 AM 
I understand the need for a playerbase boost, but for people who literally bought the bundles a week or so ago this feels like pulling a fast one.

Considering I have the damn game on Steam, I basically wasted money on the campaigns when I could have gotten all that shit for free or bought some fucking skins.

The move is especially bad when you sell these $65 packs, then we're told to buy them up quick because they're only available for a limited time, then the DLC goes free.

Gameplay Feedback / High level antagonists + MMR
 on: May 21, 2018, 06:38:20 AM 
This has been noted before, but why are antagonists that are almost level 200 getting paired with powerful AI against lower level Raiders (less than 50).

MMR boosted AI + Antag with stat buffs and max Forge weapon. How is this a healthy thing to have in a PvP game that wouldn't just discourage people from going to something like Fortnite?

Grabbing the canister and jumping off the cliff (to your death) to restart the bomb is a pretty silly strategy that should be looked at.

I've seen antagonists practically ignore everything else going on and focus on grabbing the objective and jumping off the platform with it.

From a mechanical standpoint, it looks stupid to constantly spawn and kill yourself over and over because you don't run out of lives.

If anything, the antagonist should be able to throw the bomb away - but then we should get rid of the cliff - keep everything enclosed, and just let the antagonist be able to chuck the bomb back at the Raiders for some easy kills.

Additionally, the Raiders should be able to toss the bomb, too. It would speed up the mission (considering you're going back-and-forth 4x).

So yeah, I think the antagonist should have some way to engage the bombs, otherwise they have no way to defend against it and are really just stalling until phase 2. But the inability to toss the bomb, and resorting to constantly killing yourself is just silly looking. It also looks like the antagonist couldn't care less that you're even on the map, because all they're interested in playing is grab-the-bomb-and-run-off-the-cliff simulator (with a side of blueprint at the end of the mission).

TL;DR: Short-Fused would be better with a bomb-throwing mechanic for the canister and without the cliffs.

Just played another game, Hanging by a Thread, where on the 4th phase (putting aleph in the generators) the AI had a ridiculous amount of elite AI spawn. More than I've seen on that level before.

Yes, antagonist was getting destroyed all game, but so were our new players. Between antagonist and AI, they exhausted our lives once during the second stage (shooting those things out of the sky).

But I guess antagonist was dying too much or MMR was too high or I don't even know what. Next thing I know my teammates are getting grappled by back-to-back elite enemies.

Since my teammates were already doing poorly in hand-to-hand the whole game, pumping the map full of grapplers basically stuffed them in a box indefinitely. They barely understood that you can't melee electrified elite unit (aleph boosted).

So now the game AI overcompensates to increase the antagonist's chances of winning by throttling our weak point and putting more enemies on the map than I (or the other guy who was doing well) can deal with.

Again, feels extremely unsatisfying to play a game that punishes you for doing well.

It feels like the system is trying to force certain outcomes.

I queued up for an antagonist game and just threw the game to lower my MMR.

Maybe after I force myself to lose, like the game seems to want me to do, I'll be able to get some decent games.

Just lost another game to MMR, not antagonist. Antagonist was getting stomped all game, but more and more enemy AI would spawn to the point that you can't reasonably take cover from everything and advance on the objective.

It ended on The Enemy Within. Those one-hit kill green guys overran the map to the point that nobody could do the objective without exiting the 1v1 fight into either a herd of those green things or enemy was waiting for you to exit.

We ran that whole round, then enemy AI completely overtook any skill gap and trivialized it for the antag.

Hugely unsatisfying matchmaking when MMR decides to compensate.

For a game about PvP, it sure does feel like a lot of shit is going on that has nothing to do with player skill and 'testing yourself' against the odds. It seems like a true test of skill would be to have no help against the Raiders.

Playing antagonist mode feels like a damn lottery. Pretty sure that antag thought they were done, since they spent more than half the game looking at a respawn screen.

It continues to feel wholly unsatisfying to play when MMR is doing this crap to the game and, you as the antagonist, feel like you're just some extra jackass running around the map taking advantage of MMR spikes and getting pounded when the AI goes to sleep.

Balancing feels way off and my desire to play Raiders is offset by the chance that I'll get destroyed by overcompensating AI. 

I think it also needs to be said that a "harder game" is not necessarily a better game. Especially when high MMR means bullet sponge enemies with high damage (knock you down or kill you in 2-3 seconds, or set you up to be finished by the antag).

That isn't a meaningful increase in difficulty that feels rewarding and challenging. It feels like a chore, where your options are limited and you have to play the game in the most inch-worm manner, fighting tooth-and-nail for the same rewards.

It isn't rewarding from a challenge perspective because the AI becomes a greater contributor than the players or their skill. You can be as good as you want, you're gonna run into difficulty when a swarm of enemies focus-fire on you, down you, and the antag calmly walks up and kills you.

I know MSE has acknowledged the game isn't balanced and that it's a work in progress, but this MMR system definitely feels like a band-aid fix.

As OP noted, it is also difficult to understand why the game has enforced MMR (longer queue times) when the population is so sparse.

You want to get in the game and try it out, make progress, get exp, unlock stuff. You don't want to sit down and hope you can squeeze in a match or two, assuming the MMR holds up, the playerbase is in the right ballpark, and you aren't shafted with AFK teammates or ultra powerful AI.

I'll say it again, the fact that antag mode can result in some hugely skewed matches against Raiders (with a low level antag getting pinned against high level and/or experienced Raiders) is largely a flaw of the antagonist system as it is presently structured.

Many people have constantly noted their dissatisfaction with the antagonist system, particularly the "you're gonna play this mode and like it" attitude that MSE promotes by locking blueprints behind it.

Antagonist mode seems like a mode for the type of people who would like antagonist mode. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. There isn't much effort to get players comfortable with the game, all the characters, the weapons, and then give them the option to do antagonist mode to really test themselves.

It feels like antagonist mode should be played by people who are inclined, of their own free will, without having rewards kept from them - or reserved for high level players with many options/weapons and experience at their disposal.

As it stands, antagonist mode can very quickly, and frequently does, turn into 4v1 beatdown that leaves many players either quitting the game or not liking the mode at all.

Figures that being thrown into a mode where you could potentially encounter people who already have the maps memorized, know all your spawn points, have stats buffing their characters, cards unlocked, weapons all stat'd out, and coordinating together would be exceedingly frustrating and serve as a impediment to enjoying an otherwise fun and interesting game.

Cutscenes? Characters? Style? Mechanics (ehhhh melee is really wonky)? Content? Good stuff.

Balance? MMR? Skin prices ($30, as much as all 3 DLC - just no lol)? Antagonist mode? Blueprints locked behind antagonist mode? No meaningful PvE? Come on, dude.

The AI already factors into matches far too much. They're either too weak or way too damn strong (spawning in huge clusters and suddenly none of their guns jam and they shoot consistent medium to high damage shots).

Or the AI is butterfingers and can't find the front end of the gun or too busy reading their training manual.

It's not like MOBAs, where the AI is there to be guided to the goal and is relatively inconsequential on its own.

The forced PvP is a huge deterrent, and the people who keep saying "git gud" are pushing money and players away from the game who might one day warm up to PvP.

There aren't enough players to be picky about who joins as long as it ultimately adds to the likelihood of finding a game.

You can also queue for antag game and just quit lol - it will auto lose the game.

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