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Messages - Vector

Pages: [1]
Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 25, 2018, 05:54:20 PM 
It is kinda bad that a crossplay game would do this for only one part of its playerbase.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 25, 2018, 05:11:10 AM 
yeah for 48 hours anyone can get the first 3 campaigns for free on Steam and keep them forever, no limit. I tried to claim them myself but I'm not getting it to work on my laptop, clicking the DLC on steam just launches the game so idk

Oh wow!... I have to think about this for a minute.

EDIT: This is bad news. I think they're hurting. This sucks, I want this game to last. I'm getting Evolve (Turtlerock) PTS emotions now. :(

Keep that same energy u had before, if it really sucks u cant just change topics and breeze over it lol. ;D

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 25, 2018, 01:01:28 AM 
Nah u cant say that, everyone is important and deserves their opinions heard. I value your point of view, but  this move makes me feel like im being punished for taking a chance on the game . If this is ok to do then whos to say every skin wont be free in a week ? Even when they reduced skin prices they compensated players for it because its not right. This situation is simply not comparable to a game going on sale or a game being free because it undermines a previous obligation that hasn't been fulfilled yet. I'm not mad that they're trying to increase theyre player base, i'm mad because i got tricked into buying something they knew was going free in a few weeks. When fortnite first dropped openly the devs told people that the game was planned to be free within the next year, and here i am having to explain why week to week bait and switch tactics arent how you gain trust or celebrate those that believed in you.

Basically you're saying, "To hell with the growth of the game!" because of 48 hours. That's the sum of it, really.

Well I don't think your objection to 48 hours is WORTH hurting the game. So many games have done this to. "Free weekends", "Trial offers", etc... you must be new to gaming. It's only 48 hours, man. They will lose it all soon enough and it will all be yours again.

i dont think you understand what happened. Its not a 48 hour trial, they can download all of the campaigns and own them FOREVER, its not anything like a free to play weekend. I know you love the game but please try to understand the issue before hand.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 25, 2018, 12:38:33 AM 
Nah u cant say that, everyone is important and deserves their opinions heard. I value your point of view, but  this move makes me feel like im being punished for taking a chance on the game . If this is ok to do then whos to say every skin wont be free in a week ? Even when they reduced skin prices they compensated players for it because its not right. This situation is simply not comparable to a game going on sale or a game being free because it undermines a previous obligation that hasn't been fulfilled yet. I'm not mad that they're trying to increase theyre player base, i'm mad because i got tricked into buying something they knew was going free in a few weeks. When fortnite first dropped openly the devs told people that the game was planned to be free within the next year, and here i am having to explain why week to week bait and switch tactics arent how you gain trust or celebrate those that believed in you.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 24, 2018, 10:31:55 PM 
The integrity of the campaign cost was comprised before we even got fully to enjoy the season pass. A season pass is a lock in for the customer saying "i will pre-purchase the dlc content at a discounted price because i have faith in your product" Once that good faith is violated by giving away the content you just bundled for 60$ a few weeks ago is absolutely insidious. Also you cant cut up someone else's purchase by placing your own standards on it. I bought the Ultimate Edition not for the skins but because i felt the style and character of the game was amazing, i wanted the purple tickets to promote the game to my friends,and i wanted to support the game because i felt amazing games deserve support.  The skins were just a nice bonus because i only like shaes and harecs. I got 5 people in total to purchase the various campaigns and the ultimate bundle, how do you justify gutting other peoples purchases ? If this game was bigger it would be crucified for this move.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 24, 2018, 03:00:57 PM 
This is actually one of the most insidious things i've ever seen done, i think you are not taking into account the specific time frames, the season pass that hasn't been released, and the implication for the future. This is not comparable to content going on sale after a year of two of its full release , they admittedly just recently exited the beta stage like a month ago. Everyones purple tickets and the bonuses that come with it are completely invalidated. This is a beautiful and fun game but this is unacceptable.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Free Campaigns
 on: May 24, 2018, 05:16:53 AM 
I understand that subjectively people assign value very differently, but part of the Ultimate Edition Bundle was that you recieve all of the campaigns for free contingent upon your purchase. If the campaigns were going to be free anyway, then i simply bought 5 skins for 65 dollars which completely alters the structure of the agreement. For a moment try not to purely think of what you've experienced, take into account what was objectively done. The Final campaign has not even been released , the promise of the season pass has not even delivered. How is this fair treatment ? Imagine pre-ordering a game for 60 dollars only for it to be free a month later , then imagine people telling you that the month of play time was well worth the money.

Spacelords Universe / Free Campaigns
 on: May 23, 2018, 08:32:46 PM 
So, i got the Ultimate Edition for 65 dollars about a month ago before it went away. I understand that i got the value of the 5 skins, but the biggest draw was getting the added value if the campaigns. If you give all three campaigns away for free a month later, then how is that even remotely a fair thing to do ?

Bug report & Technical Support / No Rock & Roll Blueprint
 on: May 12, 2018, 07:37:01 PM 
I didnt recieve my blueprint and my friend didn't get his gold from this game we just played. Should we keep playing to fix it ? Or would we like overwrite it ?

According to Iunes lore, is there a benevolent force like the Aleph to counter act Uras-Belhit?  If so could Iunes mind be healed later on ? Also how do Harec and Shaes adaptive exosuits work  , they should be unstoppable with something like that. One more thing, when Shae bewitches people in the cutscenes do they feel what we see , like did harec experience the kiss and did Lycus feel the kick in the bells ?

Spacelords Universe / Re: all my progress are deleted!!
 on: May 11, 2018, 10:19:53 AM 
Im om Xbox and It just happened to me. Im not playing a game , damn i really wanted to play for the weekend too :(

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reporting cheater
 on: May 07, 2018, 10:17:29 PM 
Is there any way to avoid this ? Every game i get into he's there. Please, is there any way to stop this ?

Gameplay Feedback / Reporting cheater
 on: May 07, 2018, 09:56:20 PM 
Please ban this guy, all he dies is afk. PLEASE

Pages: [1]