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Messages - Hiero_Glyph

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Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Pro antagonist missions?
 on: September 06, 2018, 04:29:20 PM 
The last phase of The Enemy Within heavily favors the antag as well since not only do you need to watch out for the insta-kills from enemies, have to focus the boss during the limited damage phase, but now you have to watch for ambushes from the antag. Overall it felt very cheap instead of challenging.

Suggestions / Re: Passive bonus' for character specific Skins
 on: September 06, 2018, 04:22:37 PM 
In my idea, you would also be able to put an attribute on the default skin so no, not p2w.

Players who buy skins would just have more choices but not "better" attributes free players can't get.
Again, not p2w
With cards affecting builds this would make skins a form of min-maxing. That makes it P2W depending on the build.

Part of the fun in Spacelords is playing different characters.  While is does suck when another player picks the character you want to play they also put time/money into unlocking that character so it is only fair that they get to play them. Also, consider that these are characters with names and not just classes so it would be weird for their to be clones in the same match. Sure, you could have color variables and have Alicia and Felicia, but that just cheapens the lore and personalities that Mecurysteam has given to Spacelords.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tired of babysitting
 on: September 05, 2018, 09:12:45 PM 
if the game supported voice chat via xbl, it would be a LOT less of a problem. sure, there would be some toxicity (there always is) but at least experienced players would be able to explain to new players what to do.

i'm shouting at dead air over here "STOP TRYING TO PUNCH THE SNIPER ELITES!!!"

The game does support voice chat, it is just off by default. You need to go into your settings and turn it on. Needless to say this does not help for teaching new players because you have very limited options for communicating with them.

Suggestions / Re: Gold for Duplicate BP
 on: September 05, 2018, 08:30:56 PM 
Just giving the player some gold for a duplicated blueprint would be fantastic compared to what we have now. Just today I ran Alicia and got another Smoking Daisy when I still haven't had a  single RocknRoll yet. At the very least getting some gold would make it feel like I didn't waste my time on that mission.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tired of babysitting
 on: September 05, 2018, 05:23:37 PM 
The game just released as F2P and players are trying it despite Mecurysteam giving it absolutely no advertising. All new games go through this learning curve at some point and either you accept it and help the community to grow, or you can whine about it and let the game stagnate. I guess we know which one you want to happen.

Suggestions / Re: Forge needs a rework
 on: September 05, 2018, 05:20:10 PM 

Your idea is interesting but it would force players to build a weapon 30 times to get it to max level which would cost a lot!

An idea I had for the forge would be to allow us to build at any level below or equal to our current one.
For example, I'm currently at forge level 5, so I would be able to build my weapons at a forge level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

This would allow me to test new weapons by building them at lvl 1 or 2 for instance, and if I like them (and get a new blueprint) I could build them at lvl 5.

I clearly agree with OP when saying that the current system hurts the player.
I've simply stopped building weapong because it costs too much for a weapon I don't even know (17k gold for a normal, 66K for a rare).

It's really a shame and I would love a system that encourages players to test weapons and to be happy when they get a blueprint or when their forge level increases; currently, I'm not happy when my forge level increases and I don't build weapon since forge lvl 3 so ...

I'm aware that I am proposing a serious grind, but the gold cost would be severely reduced as a result. Also, the blueprint drop chances would also be changed so that they occur more frequently or could even be guaranteed on a victory. The goal is to give Mecurysteam a grindy progression path that also rewards the player every time they play, unlike now where you just get frustrated as you make no real progress for days/weeks.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Suggestions/Feedback...
 on: September 05, 2018, 02:28:55 AM 

Something tells me this blew up as a big misunderstanding, due to skyline's english being kinda rough.

But I think he was initially complimenting you, because you "still believe" in this game, and make calm suggestion posts, where others just scream like babies.

Agreed. I read Skyline's reply as a compliment as well. I think both of them are frustrated at this point and since Mecurysteam isn't acknowledging the issue they are just taking it out on each other.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Card system
 on: September 05, 2018, 12:17:57 AM 
I disagree, trying new cards and different tactics and different maps all require an adjustment. The gold cords aren't necessarily the best for every mission  free to play games thrive on player customization. It would be extremely interesting to experiment with different cards at will and as far as "longevity" I don't see how that  trumps  game experience

Don't mistake my reply as what I want, but Mecurysteam have made it clear that they value extensive grind walls over open gameplay experimentation.

Not only do we need to grind for weapon blueprints, but we need to pay gold for them and forge costs continue to increase. And then you have to upgrade the weapons and repeat the entire process over again, including the exorbitant gold fee.

Do you really think the developers that would use this crafting system actually want you to play their game easily? Instead they will use the most obtrusive RNG mechanics possible to force players to grind literally everything the game has to offer hoping to wear them down eventually and encourage the use of Mercury coins, which is ironic considering that they only have 2 things you can actually buy with them (gold and skins).

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Overpriced Skins
 on: September 04, 2018, 06:21:17 PM 
What's sad is that even with the high price of skins the real problem is that you have no way to spend your leftover Mercury points. I understand that Spacelords recently went F2P but this was a deplorable practice 10 years ago and has no excuse in today's video game market.

But yes, I agree that the pricing for Spacelords is rather outrageous. I mean has someone added up how much everything in the game would cost? I mean these are World of Tanks type prices for a game that doesn't even have a stable community yet. I really enjoy Spacelords but Mecurysteam has given the game a horrible progression curve and backed it with badly implemented microtransactions and overpriced skins. Hopefully they can at least smooth out the game's progression since it can takes days/weeks of grinding to make any real progress, especially with crafting weapons.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: did they just raise the forge price ?
 on: September 03, 2018, 09:26:52 PM 
That's still outrageous considering you need to spend that every time you want to redistribute your points with a higher forge level.

Suggestions / Re: MVP Mission Results
 on: September 03, 2018, 06:30:46 PM 
The problem is that having too many stats leads to blaming others when things go poorly. And in Spacelords things go poorly very often. So no, I don't think having public team stats is a good idea.

That being said, I see no reason why personal stats could not be listed. If you want to share those numbers with your friends and compare them that would be your choice. At least that way the players are protected from being blamed/shamed but still have a reference point to let them know how they did.

Suggestions / Re: Forge needs a rework
 on: September 02, 2018, 11:22:08 PM 
So I wanted to detail how to improve the current forge because right now it punishes players for building weapons before upgrading the forge. Instead make it a weapon leveling system.

Each weapon starts at Forge 0 with no upgrades. The cost to build this weapon is minimal but it does require a blueprint. The next upgrade requires Forge level 1 and another blueprint but the cost is lower than the current system. This continues to the max Forge level, each time it requires a blueprint and costs some gold. No step can be skipped so the gold costs would have to be greatly reduced since every player is paying for every step from level 0 all the way up to the max Forge level.

In addition to this, blueprints can only be acquired once per Forge level. So if the Forge caps at level 20, that means you could only acquire a specific blueprint 21 times (once at rank 0, and 20x for each Forge level).  After that you would never get that blueprint on that character ever again. This provides enough grind, but doesn't punish players for not crafting/upgrading a weapon.

So let's say a new player loves Lycus. They play him for a while and eventually get Spinning Coin. They can craft it and try it out to compare it versus Dolores. Eventually the get Pepper Pot and they want to craft and try it too, except now it is level 0, while Spinning Coin is level 4. They keep playing and eventually get all of the possible blueprints for Dolores even though their Forge is not level 20 yet. This means that any future blue blueprints will be either Spinning Coin or Pepper Pot.

If that player eventually collects all 62 blue blueprints then any time they run Lycus and would get a blue blueprint, they instead get a chance for a 1.5x experience booster. That way treasure hunter works the same and they could fail just like with a blueprint.

This system would accomplish a few things. First the grind would be defined and players could work towards a weapon even if they got the other one since that is one less drop in that blueprint pool. Second, it would give players a better sense of progression as they would constantly be upgrading weapons as they acquired blueprints and their Forge level increased. Third, the cost of the upgrade would be more appropriate for new players since the cost would only increase each time a weapon was upgraded. So it would start out cheap and increase as the item leveled. This would also allow players to try out various weapons before deciding which one to invest in.

Anyway, I'm all for a long grind with some RNG, but eventually a player should max out a weapon and never have to get that blueprint again. It would be nice if players could track their progress and see how many Dolores blueprings they still need and know how many more times it could be upgraded though.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Major frustrations about rewards system
 on: September 02, 2018, 03:27:04 AM 
I completely agree. A friend and I played In Shock last night and we are both level 20. We were paired with a level 1 and a level 48. The 48 dropped instantly and the level 1 made it about 2 mins before quitting as well. Needless to say my friend and I finished the entire mission with only the two of us and what did we get for the 40 minute mission, 300 extra gold per desertion so 600 total. I could have finished that mission in 15 mins max with a full party so I lost gold. I just couldn't bring myself to fail and lose my 1-time reward.

The game is fantastic but the time gates, forge/weapon progression, and reward structure are all poorly designed. I want Spacelords to succeed and will teach all of my friends how to play but the rest of the game needs some serious help.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Card system
 on: September 01, 2018, 11:16:19 PM 
Because making it random adds longevity. Think about it, if a meta revolves around a handful of best cards then players would just purchase those cards and ignore the rest.

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