Author Topic: The Disconnect between Discord and the Official Website Forums  (Read 22096 times)


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Re: The Disconnect between Discord and the Official Website Forums
Reply #15 on: April 19, 2019, 06:01:20 PM
I agree, the Discord is a cesspool right now and it's sad. I feel MSE should create an official Discord so we can have clear cut rules that have no biases there. Take the thunder away from the troll den over there.

If not that they need new leadership there. That's for sure. I feel they're are well meaning, but the leadership there have very clear biases and some are even part of this sort of tollish clique.


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Re: The Disconnect between Discord and the Official Website Forums
Reply #16 on: April 23, 2019, 12:15:05 PM
Hello everyone,

Sorry for the late reply. I have read all your comments and they are reasonable but I would like to defend a few points.

Please, remember Discord is not an official channel, we don't make the rules there. We reply both here and there, but also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or Steam since our community is present in all of them.

I insist, there's not such thing as favoritism. We have encouraged you to go to Discord to help you find a squad or to discuss something live with devs but we answer to all your questions and provide support here as well.

We understand your point but there are also a lot of players who enjoy playing as Antagonists. Spacelords is a 4 vs 1, we can’t offer the option to play with no Antagonist without prejudicing most players. We’d like to please both sides in the future, but this is the main feature right now.

Regarding Level9Drow’s questions, the Spacelords Identity update will introduce the Adventure Mode, but there will be also individual rewards whether you win or lose in a match.

Thank you very much,



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Re: The Disconnect between Discord and the Official Website Forums
Reply #17 on: April 23, 2019, 09:25:16 PM
Thank you Karen. Again, it's fantastic that you guys read and respond.

I never meant to say that there was favoritism with Discord. I meant to say that the Forums and Discord have polarized with PvPers congregating on the discord and PvEers staying here on the forums. Also, they have silenced PvEers on the Discord, we are not allowed to discuss certain topics (optional PvP, Ignis Fugit, Harec's Stalk) are the mutable offences of conversations there. So we kind of half to stay here and PvEers aren't really welcome on the Discord. Again, this has nothing to do with MSE.

But no matter. You news ie music to my ears. Looking forward to see what adventure mode is and the new rewards.


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Re: The Disconnect between Discord and the Official Website Forums
Reply #18 on: April 23, 2019, 10:47:04 PM
Adventure mode is coming to Spacelords.

It will be made on a team match with randoms and will require you to complete specific objectives with synchronized actions with your team to complete the adventure and all done with no way of comunication (chat).

But that is a theory....


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Re: The Disconnect between Discord and the Official Website Forums
Reply #19 on: April 30, 2019, 04:11:53 PM
Hi everyone & thank you for your suggestions and ideas! :)
Instead of quoting one by one, let me address all topics I saw in these threads in a more general matter.

When it comes to rewards, there are huge changes on the way:

Besides the new monthly rewards/new adventure mode + match individual score bonuses that are included in the inminent Spacelords Identity update, The Prizes Galore update will also feature a new rewards system in which losing matches won't be as punitive as it is now.

When it comes to mentor matches, there are some changes concerning new players' first matches that will be added to the game in upcoming updates. I'd rather not go into detail yet since these aren't as inminent, but let's say everything will be a bit more assisted/guided during people's first match. Let's not forget either about Spacelords Identity's new mission description menu that should help new players understand everything better:

About the whole coordinating within a Raider team issue, the Team up or die update will bring new options that will come in handy. Also please note that scores taken into for monthly rewards/new adventure mode matches are not a one-chance kind of thing, you can retry playing levels order to get the highest score possible so that your monthly reward becomes as big as possible.

I hope these upcoming changes improve the experience of playing both in PvE and PvP modes. :)

« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 04:18:16 PM by MSE_Ojuel »


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Re: The Disconnect between Discord and the Official Website Forums
Reply #20 on: April 30, 2019, 10:04:16 PM
Hi everyone & thank you for your suggestions and ideas! :)
Instead of quoting one by one, let me address all topics I saw in these threads in a more general matter.

When it comes to rewards, there are huge changes on the way:

Besides the new monthly rewards/new adventure mode + match individual score bonuses that are included in the inminent Spacelords Identity update, The Prizes Galore update will also feature a new rewards system in which losing matches won't be as punitive as it is now.

When it comes to mentor matches, there are some changes concerning new players' first matches that will be added to the game in upcoming updates. I'd rather not go into detail yet since these aren't as inminent, but let's say everything will be a bit more assisted/guided during people's first match. Let's not forget either about Spacelords Identity's new mission description menu that should help new players understand everything better:

About the whole coordinating within a Raider team issue, the Team up or die update will bring new options that will come in handy. Also please note that scores taken into for monthly rewards/new adventure mode matches are not a one-chance kind of thing, you can retry playing levels order to get the highest score possible so that your monthly reward becomes as big as possible.

I hope these upcoming changes improve the experience of playing both in PvE and PvP modes. :)


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CTRL-F "Chat", 1/1.

Really gonna need that chat option if the devs ever want any of their work to be relevant.


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Creo que va a ser muy divertido con la nueva actualización


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We understand your point but there are also a lot of players who enjoy playing as Antagonists. Spacelords is a 4 vs 1, we can’t offer the option to play with no Antagonist without prejudicing most players. We’d like to please both sides in the future, but this is the main feature right now.

I've never seen a developer crew so against the idea of catering to more players, especially when one of the reasons the game has died 3 times and is currently on life support is actually down to the fact that the antagonist system exists at all, if it wasn't forced on players then there would be more people playing and the queue times wouldn't be a horrendous mess, this game isn't going to pick up on players with what you've got going on your roadmap, at best it will help satisfy the current small playerbase and that's it.

Additionally, the antagonist only adds to all the other issues this game has, the long story short being there's a lot to learn and generally you want to play each map a few times before having a good idea of what's happening and how to go about playing efficiently, especially when you're playing a new character perhaps, but no, you only seem to want to cater to antagonist players which according to you is the apparent majority what with your "we can’t offer the option to play with no Antagonist without prejudicing most players" comment, is that why queue times are so long then? because the majority of the playerbase are trying to play as an antag and there's not enough raiders to go around? great game you got there if that's the case then, not flawed at all.


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I don't think it would be prejudice to allow people to choose what mode they want to play. I'm beginning to think that forcing people into situations they don't want for a chance at getting into situations they do want is the only hook they think they have.

You can't choose what weapons or perks you get. You functionally can't choose what stages you play(if you have less than 4 players). You can't choose the difficulty setting. You functionally can't choose to skip cutscenes. You functionally can't choose to end a match once it's gone for too long and you know you're not going to get anything out of it.

Holy crap, this game's whole oeuvre is "you're going to take what you're given and if you don't like it GTFO". So much so that the forum is filled with discussions where people are either telling others just that, or complaining that they were told that when trying to give feedback.

Crash said it best, "I've never seen a developer crew so against the idea of catering to more players". Well, I've never seen a game with so much incredible and unique potential where the devs are dedicated on burying it beneath layers of superfluous chaff.

The like it or GTFO, while anecdotally valid, is not a practical stance to take if you're going to get into the Games as Service arena. You are literally turning away willing customers at this point


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This game is mere months away from dying for a fourth and truly final time. My advice to anybody still here on these forums, which really isn't many people at all, is to just walk away. There are barely any players left and the few who are still vocal/active post 95% complaints with suggestions that have gone ignored by the devs for nearly 2 years now. The devs have gotten to the point where they literally lie about their past statements/promises and delete the comments of people who try to call them out for it. Don't spend the next few months hating 90% of the time you spend playing this failed game until it dies and make yourself angry enough to waste time on these pointless forums. Just walk away. Go outside. Make new friends. Be happy. This game is done, it's time to just move on to greener pastures. I gained so much peace of mind from finally accepting that no matter how much potential this game has to be absolutely incredible doesn't change the fact that the devs will never let it be. I just hope other people can let go of all that stress Spacelords has caused them and find the same peace of mind.

Thanks for your worthless post. The game is fine.


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This game is mere months away from dying for a fourth and truly final time. My advice to anybody still here on these forums, which really isn't many people at all, is to just walk away. There are barely any players left and the few who are still vocal/active post 95% complaints with suggestions that have gone ignored by the devs for nearly 2 years now. The devs have gotten to the point where they literally lie about their past statements/promises and delete the comments of people who try to call them out for it. Don't spend the next few months hating 90% of the time you spend playing this failed game until it dies and make yourself angry enough to waste time on these pointless forums. Just walk away. Go outside. Make new friends. Be happy. This game is done, it's time to just move on to greener pastures. I gained so much peace of mind from finally accepting that no matter how much potential this game has to be absolutely incredible doesn't change the fact that the devs will never let it be. I just hope other people can let go of all that stress Spacelords has caused them and find the same peace of mind.

Thanks for your worthless post. The game is fine.
The store, the cosmetics that came with it and the possibility it adds for visual customization for the future was a great addition, however other than that the game continues to go downhill, I would say the game is far from “fine”, now we have a TERRIBLE aleph collection system and Antags in 90% of matches, I don’t think its months away from dying, but it also won’t grow when you have a constant wave of children invading your matches.


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This game is mere months away from dying for a fourth and truly final time. My advice to anybody still here on these forums, which really isn't many people at all, is to just walk away. There are barely any players left and the few who are still vocal/active post 95% complaints with suggestions that have gone ignored by the devs for nearly 2 years now. The devs have gotten to the point where they literally lie about their past statements/promises and delete the comments of people who try to call them out for it. Don't spend the next few months hating 90% of the time you spend playing this failed game until it dies and make yourself angry enough to waste time on these pointless forums. Just walk away. Go outside. Make new friends. Be happy. This game is done, it's time to just move on to greener pastures. I gained so much peace of mind from finally accepting that no matter how much potential this game has to be absolutely incredible doesn't change the fact that the devs will never let it be. I just hope other people can let go of all that stress Spacelords has caused them and find the same peace of mind.

Thanks for your worthless post. The game is fine.

Vel what are you doing here? It's dangerous outside the echo chamber, you sure you want to be here?


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You heard em. Shut it down, the game is fine. The player base is strong and growing. There is most certainly not a forum full of vetaran and/or paying players complaining about unresolved gameplay issues. It's all in our imagination.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 12:11:29 AM by Placelord »


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You heard em. Shut it down, the game is fine. The player base is strong and growing. There is most certainly not a forum full of vetaran and/or paying players complaining about unresolved gameplay issues. It's all in our imagination.

Yea, they REALLY need an official Discord ran my actual MSE. The mods just mute and ban whoever for whatever. Quan warned me about that place and said he left it because it was a shit show. You can't really say anything without walking on eggshells. There is also certain cliques you have to kiss ass to and, despite their toxicity, are expected to take their shit and put up with. It's also an echo chamber where no opinion is allowed except the opinions of said certain clique and if you DO have another opinion they jump all over you and then complain to the mods and get you muted. It's REALLY bad there. I've seen them run off new players who had opinions they didn't agree with.