Author Topic: 3 Dailies, 3 X T2 R6 teammates and 3 T1 Antags & lost rare BP.  (Read 10929 times)


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hey cyber hunted, long time no see.
still used to intervene in topic with nothing to tell i see.
good night baby boy, until next time, i won't take your time trying to explain how this phrase is utterly absurd

the antagonist system babying him.

since, when someone plays antag, he has no-one to rely on (except when difficulty leveling bugs, and usually he just has to sat and eat popcorn while raiders are wiped by monstrers), whereas bad raiders can rely on good raiders to carry them.

nor i won't try to explain you again that i play more raider than antag since i let the game decide for me...
because no matter what stubborned children never understand anything.

not really, you know these kind of persons are not only pveist.
you can find them on every mobas too.
just leeches, all flame and rage when their team can't carry them and who harras to surrend or quit as soon as a difficulty shows up in the game.

i stated long ago that the game sould have a full AI mode.
with no possibility of BP obtention and at least all rewards halved.
in a word a coop training mode, as there is in all mabos too. =)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 01:13:15 AM by sonofoz »


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Oooo must of made the wittle antagonist  mad. look it's so plain and clear to see, every topic that has to do with someone complaining about the antagonists you blow a major gasket. it's fine if love Playing as one but don't get so bitter and mad lol over someone's opinion?

Ontopic: it does get pretty annoying especially when you get a blueprint that is crucial to you. an antagonist comes along and ruins those chances. I've had only a couple but not back to back like you did marcus. 
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 01:29:09 AM by Cyber_hunter026 »


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i stated long ago that the game sould have a full AI mode.
with no possibility of BP obtention and at least all rewards halved.
in a word a coop training mode, as there is in all mabos too. =)
Basically a mode where no one can progress and therefore won’t be able to be much of a threat, forcing them into antag matches anyways, if they want to progress, how laughable and convenient.


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as in any moba.
but at least, if you think you don't have what it takes to play with grownups, you still can have your AI mode. like in any moba.
and you shouldn't despise it, it's pretty usefull to get use to the game.

and i don't really see your point... you want to be better to what ?
once you have a forge lvl 10 you're at max strength, there is nothing more to gain to be better except skills, wich you deny to the game...
so progress in what ?

you can't win against cheating AI no matter what and regardless you forge lvl.
and when AI is not crazy you can easilly achieve mission without a max forge weapon.
so the forge lvl is mostly only usefull against other players...

consequently, if you just want to play the game in coop, training mode like in other mobas should be enough, since you don't want to play against other players and therefore doesn't need as much forge lvl.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 03:03:15 AM by sonofoz »


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as in any moba.
but at least, if you think you don't have what it takes to play with grownups, you still can have your AI mode. like in any moba.
and you shouldn't despise it, it's pretty usefull to get use to the game.

and i don't really see your point... you want to be better to what ?
once you have a forge lvl 10 you're at max strength, there is nothing more to gain to be better except skills, wich you deny to the game...
so progress in what ?

you can't win against cheating AI no matter what and regardless you forge lvl.
and when AI is not crazy you can easilly achieve mission without a max forge weapon.
so the forge lvl is mostly only usefull against other players...

consequently, if you just want to play the game in coop, training mode like in other mobas should be enough, since you don't want to play against other players and therefore doesn't need as much forge lvl.
Forge levels are overkill in pvp if anything those stats should be completely removed. Maybe then pvp would actually have some form of balance instead of everyone just one shotting each other. The only reason why anyone would need these 300+ dmg crit weapons is for the Ai, when they start getting over 400 health in high difficulty matches.


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and i don't really see your point... you want to be better to what ?
once you have a forge lvl 10 you're at max strength, there is nothing more to gain to be better except skills, wich you deny to the game...
so progress in what ?

Like most normal ppl I’m just looking to chill and play a game, purely for enjoyment, I’m not here to prove my skill to anyone, nor could I care less about what others think my skill is, I just want to progress, farm resources and enjoy myself playing with badass, entertaining and unique characters, and have fun killing mobs.

consequently, if you just want to play the game in coop, training mode like in other mobas should be enough, since you don't want to play against other players and therefore doesn't need as much forge lvl.

I have no issues playing the game with others (when I can enjoy an antag free match), but there has also been many ppl, especially in the steam forums and reviews asking for a single player mode, with actual continuous rewards, I see nothing wrong in this, let ppl have fun with the game and be rewarded for it, matches should also be allowed to start with less than 4 players, for those ppl that want to play matches sometimes only with friends. Both these things are reasonable and should not be hard to implement, since they can already occur in the game, hell apparently the Cortez bros can now even deposit aleph, in all these cases ppl are investing their time (and possibly money) and should be rewarded, so all modes should allow for obtaining blueprints and all resources.

Ppl that want to PVP should do so because they enjoy it and they should not expect others be dragged into their mode. If I was you I would take your own advice and start behaving like the “grown up” you say you are, and stop crying like a child when some ppl don’t want to play the mode you do…
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 03:53:21 AM by Whitebleidd »


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Like most normal ppl I’m just looking to chill and play a game, purely for enjoyment

well i'll say it once and for all. i just think this game is not made for you.
no one came on a pvp game to relax... just no-one. =s
you obviously know it will be stressfull.
and in this game it will be worst again cheating AI...
so no way to chill in any circumstances... =s
there has also been many ppl, especially in the steam forums and reviews asking for a single player mode, with actual continuous rewards, I see nothing wrong in this"

well i don't know the proverb in english, but from my point of view, "you want the butter and keep the money for the butter too"

Ppl that want to PVP should do so because they enjoy it and they should not expect others be dragged into their mode. If I was you I would take your own advice and start behaving like the “grown up” you say you are, and stop crying like a child when some ppl don’t want to play the mode you do…

i do.
that's why i have already suggested a full AI mode in one of my first post here. =)

but all the fistfull of no antag here who think their point of wiew is the only one in the world, HAVE to hear that NO.
there is players who do not share it.

and as you are shouting louder than others, i have to make noise too, in order mse understand you are not necessary the majority, just the louder ones.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 06:29:28 PM by sonofoz »


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As the title suggests.
MSE, I believe I'm speaking for the overwhelming majority here - WE DON'T WANT ANTAGONISTS IN OUR DAILIES.
Three teams in a row, with beginners, fighting high weapon build and bonus stats antagonists is not only not my idea of enjoyment but incredibly unfair and dreadful matchmaking.
Since the (No) Prizes Galore update, 24 days ago I've received 2 rare BP's. Today I lost my first chance at winning one. What's worse is, I won't be able to use my bounty weapon bonus character to maximise payout in tomorrow's pot.
Pre Prizes Galore patch, I would have had AT LEAST  24 rare BP's by now. And, depending if I played all thee 8 hour rotations, around 48 common advanced.
Thankfully my daily pot had a beginner antagonist who I destroyed, even on a low build weapon, but the last antagonist destroyed my team, before Cortez got back from his first aleph run.

Think about everything I've stated?
2 rare BP's in 24 days compared to 24? That's a 2,200% decrease! You think this is acceptable?
Again pre Prizes Galore you had gold, faction points ( and xp multiplier) specific missions where you were GUARANTEED the award provided REGARDLESS of score attained. Now you have 'this is what you can win with a perect 10 score' dailies. And unlike pre update you get one chance to win.

MSE, your gaming community are not happy. I was very lucky to win 27k gold and 8k faction points in my daily pot today. but I had to work very hard to carry the team of beginners. I stuck to the antag like glue, locking him down instantly. Racking up around 14 kills. I never died and I was using a maxed out bounty & affiliation weapon. I also carried out objectives. This could easily have gone all wrong.

You need to drastically increase rare BP awards, at least by 1,000%! You need to guarantee BP acquisition as well, along with NO duplicates.

Four dailies played 3 losses - 11k gold & 5k talent in the pot.
MSE, will you please come clean? Do you actually have a match making mechanic or are you haemorrhaging players?

Fully agree, man. It's a shit system that gives no incentive for Raiders at all and even when you do win against an antag you are getting less than what you would have gotten in PvE.

Do what I do, lower MMR. At about 0-20 the chances of getting an antag iv very low. And even if you do, they will be low level antags who will not have much, if any, of an advantage with forge and passive stats and/or they will not have the AI advantage. It's now the current "soft switch" for PvP. Until they can get WAY better rewards for Raiders in a PvP situation or until they make a hard switch for PvP this is the most optimal path of success. I have every character and every weapon maxed forges in the game and can tell you that much of my progress was done by lowering MMR.

The ways to lower MMR come in two different forms (3 technically, but one is unethical):
1. Surrender/Suicide Squad: Get a team of at least 3 players and surrender in every match you get. Try and only suicide if you have a full 4 man squad, otherwise it's unfair to the 4th player not on your team and he doesn't get a vote. This is the quickest way to lower MMR.
2. Peaceful Antagonist: This is the most peaceful way to lower MMR, but it takes forever. you queue up as antagonists and then just don't spawn and purposefully lose. this lowers MMR by about 2% each loss. Just be sure to nudge the controller/keyboard from time to time as you will incur an "idle" timer that will boot you from match if you don't refresh it. If you keep your MMr low and trim it up before it gets too high Peaveful antagging isn't so bad. Just keep shaving it back down to at least 20% when you reach no more than 305, otherwise it will take you forever to lower it back in this way and then you may need to get a surrender squad.

Hope that helps out.

Extra tip: Stay away from the Discord. You aren't to criticize PvP, antagonists or, get this, Harec and his Ignis Rifle. they will actually punish you for doing so, no joke. There is a heavy bias there for antagonists, griefing and cheap weapons there and the "git gud" meathead logic. The Admin doesn't even play the game and a few of the mods are big time antagonists themselves. It's not a Raider friendly place.


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Thanks for that Level9Drow.

Yes, I've gone down to a low MMR in order to get much of what I have. I have every character bar Soma but not all weapons. Still a lot of work there.
I used the 'peaceful' Antagonist option a lot as well. I just never played and purposefully lost. I also quit a lot of matches, due to quite a few reasons, although I did often ask to surrender 3 times first.
There is no incentive to play against an Antagonist as you stated. You're not getting any bonus, other than score, which you can easily attain anyway and more so, you're not winning that much gold, XP and talent points when you do. However, there is EVERY incentive to play as an Antagonist, especially in 40%+ matches due to the insane difficulty of the enemy factions. Getting put into instant wounded, by a grunt and then grabbed by the Antagonist, is not my idea of fun.

I've simply come to the overwhelming conclusion that those people on here, waving the flag for the Antagonist, are simply S**t players, who like nothing more than bullying others, as can be seen on how they handle themselves in the forums. On a 40%+ match you're practically guaranteed a victory, far more than you are as a Raider. And because the raiders will be a high T1 player, then the Raider bonus will increase. You're already on 40% score boost, the minute the game starts. However, for the raider, if they do win, it will ultimately be a long game, losing the time bonus. You will also lose lots of team mates, losing the Raider survival bonus and end up with a score, somewhere in the mid 7's.

It's simply not worth playing against an Antagonist in 40%+ matches.


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As the title suggests.
MSE, I believe I'm speaking for the overwhelming majority here - WE DON'T WANT ANTAGONISTS IN OUR DAILIES.
Three teams in a row, with beginners, fighting high weapon build and bonus stats antagonists is not only not my idea of enjoyment but incredibly unfair and dreadful matchmaking.
Since the (No) Prizes Galore update, 24 days ago I've received 2 rare BP's. Today I lost my first chance at winning one. What's worse is, I won't be able to use my bounty weapon bonus character to maximise payout in tomorrow's pot.
Pre Prizes Galore patch, I would have had AT LEAST  24 rare BP's by now. And, depending if I played all thee 8 hour rotations, around 48 common advanced.
Thankfully my daily pot had a beginner antagonist who I destroyed, even on a low build weapon, but the last antagonist destroyed my team, before Cortez got back from his first aleph run.

Think about everything I've stated?
2 rare BP's in 24 days compared to 24? That's a 2,200% decrease! You think this is acceptable?
Again pre Prizes Galore you had gold, faction points ( and xp multiplier) specific missions where you were GUARANTEED the award provided REGARDLESS of score attained. Now you have 'this is what you can win with a perect 10 score' dailies. And unlike pre update you get one chance to win.

MSE, your gaming community are not happy. I was very lucky to win 27k gold and 8k faction points in my daily pot today. but I had to work very hard to carry the team of beginners. I stuck to the antag like glue, locking him down instantly. Racking up around 14 kills. I never died and I was using a maxed out bounty & affiliation weapon. I also carried out objectives. This could easily have gone all wrong.

You need to drastically increase rare BP awards, at least by 1,000%! You need to guarantee BP acquisition as well, along with NO duplicates.

Four dailies played 3 losses - 11k gold & 5k talent in the pot.
MSE, will you please come clean? Do you actually have a match making mechanic or are you haemorrhaging players?

Fully agree, man. It's a shit system that gives no incentive for Raiders at all and even when you do win against an antag you are getting less than what you would have gotten in PvE.

Do what I do, lower MMR. At about 0-20 the chances of getting an antag iv very low. And even if you do, they will be low level antags who will not have much, if any, of an advantage with forge and passive stats and/or they will not have the AI advantage. It's now the current "soft switch" for PvP. Until they can get WAY better rewards for Raiders in a PvP situation or until they make a hard switch for PvP this is the most optimal path of success. I have every character and every weapon maxed forges in the game and can tell you that much of my progress was done by lowering MMR.

The ways to lower MMR come in two different forms (3 technically, but one is unethical):
1. Surrender/Suicide Squad: Get a team of at least 3 players and surrender in every match you get. Try and only suicide if you have a full 4 man squad, otherwise it's unfair to the 4th player not on your team and he doesn't get a vote. This is the quickest way to lower MMR.
2. Peaceful Antagonist: This is the most peaceful way to lower MMR, but it takes forever. you queue up as antagonists and then just don't spawn and purposefully lose. this lowers MMR by about 2% each loss. Just be sure to nudge the controller/keyboard from time to time as you will incur an "idle" timer that will boot you from match if you don't refresh it. If you keep your MMr low and trim it up before it gets too high Peaveful antagging isn't so bad. Just keep shaving it back down to at least 20% when you reach no more than 305, otherwise it will take you forever to lower it back in this way and then you may need to get a surrender squad.

Hope that helps out.

Extra tip: Stay away from the Discord. You aren't to criticize PvP, antagonists or, get this, Harec and his Ignis Rifle. they will actually punish you for doing so, no joke. There is a heavy bias there for antagonists, griefing and cheap weapons there and the "git gud" meathead logic. The Admin doesn't even play the game and a few of the mods are big time antagonists themselves. It's not a Raider friendly place.

i knew you were a coward... XD
one more quitting suicider...
and thus all your argue falls down.
you said by the past that antag are only good to kill new players, but you lower your mmr to avoid fighting antags whereas you're no noob anymore...

like marcus you quits when a team seems a little weak for your taste ? or at 20mmr... with high lvl weapons, you thik you'll be able to do it even if they can't carry you...?

but anymay why all the noise ? you have your free antag mode, and you even gave marcus an always win solution. everyone is happy !
and discusion about nerfing and antaging is now closed forever.

i will never thank you enough lvl9


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As the title suggests.
MSE, I believe I'm speaking for the overwhelming majority here - WE DON'T WANT ANTAGONISTS IN OUR DAILIES.
Three teams in a row, with beginners, fighting high weapon build and bonus stats antagonists is not only not my idea of enjoyment but incredibly unfair and dreadful matchmaking.
Since the (No) Prizes Galore update, 24 days ago I've received 2 rare BP's. Today I lost my first chance at winning one. What's worse is, I won't be able to use my bounty weapon bonus character to maximise payout in tomorrow's pot.
Pre Prizes Galore patch, I would have had AT LEAST  24 rare BP's by now. And, depending if I played all thee 8 hour rotations, around 48 common advanced.
Thankfully my daily pot had a beginner antagonist who I destroyed, even on a low build weapon, but the last antagonist destroyed my team, before Cortez got back from his first aleph run.

Think about everything I've stated?
2 rare BP's in 24 days compared to 24? That's a 2,200% decrease! You think this is acceptable?
Again pre Prizes Galore you had gold, faction points ( and xp multiplier) specific missions where you were GUARANTEED the award provided REGARDLESS of score attained. Now you have 'this is what you can win with a perect 10 score' dailies. And unlike pre update you get one chance to win.

MSE, your gaming community are not happy. I was very lucky to win 27k gold and 8k faction points in my daily pot today. but I had to work very hard to carry the team of beginners. I stuck to the antag like glue, locking him down instantly. Racking up around 14 kills. I never died and I was using a maxed out bounty & affiliation weapon. I also carried out objectives. This could easily have gone all wrong.

You need to drastically increase rare BP awards, at least by 1,000%! You need to guarantee BP acquisition as well, along with NO duplicates.

Four dailies played 3 losses - 11k gold & 5k talent in the pot.
MSE, will you please come clean? Do you actually have a match making mechanic or are you haemorrhaging players?

Fully agree, man. It's a shit system that gives no incentive for Raiders at all and even when you do win against an antag you are getting less than what you would have gotten in PvE.

Do what I do, lower MMR. At about 0-20 the chances of getting an antag iv very low. And even if you do, they will be low level antags who will not have much, if any, of an advantage with forge and passive stats and/or they will not have the AI advantage. It's now the current "soft switch" for PvP. Until they can get WAY better rewards for Raiders in a PvP situation or until they make a hard switch for PvP this is the most optimal path of success. I have every character and every weapon maxed forges in the game and can tell you that much of my progress was done by lowering MMR.

The ways to lower MMR come in two different forms (3 technically, but one is unethical):
1. Surrender/Suicide Squad: Get a team of at least 3 players and surrender in every match you get. Try and only suicide if you have a full 4 man squad, otherwise it's unfair to the 4th player not on your team and he doesn't get a vote. This is the quickest way to lower MMR.
2. Peaceful Antagonist: This is the most peaceful way to lower MMR, but it takes forever. you queue up as antagonists and then just don't spawn and purposefully lose. this lowers MMR by about 2% each loss. Just be sure to nudge the controller/keyboard from time to time as you will incur an "idle" timer that will boot you from match if you don't refresh it. If you keep your MMr low and trim it up before it gets too high Peaveful antagging isn't so bad. Just keep shaving it back down to at least 20% when you reach no more than 305, otherwise it will take you forever to lower it back in this way and then you may need to get a surrender squad.

Hope that helps out.

Extra tip: Stay away from the Discord. You aren't to criticize PvP, antagonists or, get this, Harec and his Ignis Rifle. they will actually punish you for doing so, no joke. There is a heavy bias there for antagonists, griefing and cheap weapons there and the "git gud" meathead logic. The Admin doesn't even play the game and a few of the mods are big time antagonists themselves. It's not a Raider friendly place.

i knew you were a coward... XD
one more quitting suicider...
and thus all your argue falls down.
you said by the past that antag are only good to kill new players, but you lower your mmr to avoid fighting antags whereas you're no noob anymore...

like marcus you quits when a team seems a little weak for your taste ? or at 20mmr... with high lvl weapons, you thik you'll be able to do it even if they can't carry you...?

but anymay why all the noise ? you have your free antag mode, and you even gave marcus an always win solution. everyone is happy !
and discusion about nerfing and antaging is now closed forever.

i will never thank you enough lvl9

You're no one. You realize that? Just another instigator, a contrarian looking to pick fights with anyone and everyone. I don't have to worry about you little boy, you don't mean anything. I just have to make my arguments succinct enough for the devs. Yelling and screaming at players leaving their feedback all day isn't going to change the fact that they feel the way they do and that the devs will read them. It just makes you look like a troll.

You would probably do well in a communist society. I hears they like to stifle others opinions and shit on others ideas. Well this is the west, son. No one cares about your fascist little narcissism. And most of all, no one owes you an explanation. You are literally no one.

As for everyone else: Guys, just keep reporting him. Several people are already. The more the better. Trolls like this are ok on Discord, but no here.


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oh ? because you think you're someone so ?
you ? the poor baby who wants to own the forum because they don't like him on discord...
do you realise how smallish and frustrated it sounds...?  :)

it seems you badly want to be someone, as you are trying to offense me telling i am not, again and again...
well maybe, you should change the game so, because if there is a sure things, it is that's not with a 20mmr and antagophobia that you'll become someone in this game.

try in real life : cowards rules the word, since they are mostly the one who survives.

and why have you reported me by the way ?
for not telling your the great man you think you are ?  ;D
and reporting people because they don't think like you but on the same time calling them fascist, do you realise how ironic it is ? no ? no i guess not...
weren't you the one crying because people on discord were forbiding opinions ?

but as you think that here you have the power to do so, you are doing the same with people who do not share YOUR opinions =)

well i'm proud to say, i have reported no-one. i am clearly no-one, but i'm surely not a cry baby neither ;)
but... it seems you are both !
wich makes me half better than you AGAIN !
and as two half makes one, it makes me twice the man you'll never be. coward. ;D

well enough of this, first we are far offtopics and second you have no argument, no valid jokes, no interesting point of view... nothing.
it's always, "discord community is mean, antag are mean, and everyone don't think like me is a troll and should be banned and exiled to discord..."

marcus, whitebleeder, you, etc, you are such copycat i barely don't even no with wich one i'm talking to.
it seems that quitters are all the same in the end. it is all do what i say but not what i do !
selfish, cowards, hypocrits, useless leeches and unable to put themselves in question...
i'm sure MSE have all reasons in the world to give more credit to your opinions than to the rest of its community.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 08:46:24 AM by sonofoz »


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I highly recommend reporting this guy. He is incredibly toxic to this community. We don't need this type of person here.

sonofoz: Reporting is used against people who are acting like asses, toxic, demeaning, insulting, condescending, and insulting. These are all quality that you posses in spades.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 05:58:21 PM by Level9Drow »


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I highly recommend reporting this guy. He is incredibly toxic to this community. We don't need this type of person here.

sonofoz: Reporting is used against people who are acting like asses, toxic, demeaning, insulting, condescending, and insulting. These are all quality that you posses in spades.

I've ignored him for a while now but he's fighting with everyone now, deliberately turning posts into flame wars, resulting in the moderator locking it and stopping debate. Geez, I criticised the game, whereas sonofoz, people. I got a warning from Karen for nothing compared to sonofoz's behaviour. I think it's because they hate me me calling them out. I'm their conscience they don't have. I think they're showing tremendous bias for him because he champions their Antag system and almost all their changes. He's destroying debate on every thread. I'm angry the mods are clearly turning a blind eye. He's a broken record.


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Reporting is used against people who are acting like asses, toxic, demeaning, insulting, condescending, and insulting.
oh yeah, you mean the exact thing you did to me since the first post you intervene ? =)
and so... you still are unable to put yourself in question.
as you still don't unerstand that you are just doing other what you denounce from others doing to you.

so you are as toxic to me than i am to you. add, on top that, that you came on most topic just to criticize me, not even refering to the topic or giving arguments... and who's the most toxic hm ? ;p

like you'll have to make difference beetwin insulting and desagreeing, not liking.
moreover when i say that marcus or you are a useless quitters, it's not even an insult, since you both explained you suicide in games not to be banned 5mn or just to lower your mmr !

well seriously lvl9, you just want to be bossy, that's all and that's obvious.
you act as this forum where your domain to rules while discord is the ennemy nation...
but i have a bad news for you.
like everyone, you are no-one  ;) here or anywhere.
and thinking otherwise won't change this fact.
you are just frustrated because of your rejection from discord and want a place "of your own", where your opinions will be as fascist as you think theirs is.

but from the starts, you whiners are the only ones who are rejecting others opinions as stating them as trolls as soon as they desagree with you, and then coming on topics where you see them just to attack them, refusing to discuss and just forcing the thread to childish chatter.

see ? even now i'm still discussing and arguing with you, explaining my point of you with arguments, while you are just "bouhou sonofoz is mean with us ban him momy ! i want to be your only child !"
so who is refusing others opinions here, hm ?