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Messages - boni_fan_gith

Pages: [1]
Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Ammo and spawn bug
 on: April 28, 2018, 02:07:42 PM 
the ammunition bug is because there are raiders who wear skin they do not give it to you and the spawn is a garbage if you are an antagonist

This has been my experience too.

I've had this happen to me a lot lately. In fact, I've seen many strange things happen since the latest patch. A coincidence perhaps.

Please fix this glitch!

Suggestions / New HUD elements since latest patch
 on: April 28, 2018, 02:02:54 PM 

It seems that the latest patch added new weapon/ammo info to the main HUD.

I think this new addition is ugly, distracting and even unecessary.

You can already see your ammo type from the small icon next to your ammo counter so I don't understand why you would clutter up the screen this way?

Just my opnion but I don't like it.

Abilities that provide added mobility are the best in my opinion. Characters like Alicia, Ginebra, Hans and to an extent, Harec all have this sort of extra dimension to them because of their added movement options. This makes them more versatile, stronger and most importantly... more FUN.

I'm not too sure about Doldren however... His has too many drawbacks.

Mikah's Decoy does give her some pretty interesting mobility as well, but it's not as flexible as the other ones I just mentioned.

I'm sort of exploring Mikah myself at the moment so it's very possible there are things I haven't discovered yet.

If I had to name the better character I would say Alicia. But I think Mikah has a lot going for her, too.

Edit: I suppose the POINT is that Alicia and Mikah are different enough from each other that they provide different playstyles. Just becausee Alicia MIGHT be the better character in general doesn't mean that Mikah is bad or any less fun. A lot of people probably prefer Mikah!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Schlueder needs a nerf
 on: April 21, 2018, 05:04:43 PM 
As someone who likes to play Antagonist, Ginebra has been a pain in my ass since her release. I complained about her on the forums a long time ago and nothing has changed. She still tilts me like no one else.

The Schlueder has exacerbated the problems with Ginebra and I now consider her to be a dominant character. At least on the Raider side (vs antagonists). Facing her and expecting to win as antagonist... Well, let's just say a lot of luck will be involved. Match-up matters too of course...

I think Ginebra needs a serious look-over balance wise.

Suggestions / Re: Too Many Antagonist Now
 on: April 15, 2018, 05:45:02 AM 
Many people are imagining (hallucinating?) a separation between "PvE players" and "PvP players" that simply is not meant to exist in this game.

If you play Raiders of the Broken Planet you are expected to participate as both a Raider and Antagonist. This is how the game is designed.

I agree that the problems with this system are very unforunate. However, I believe it is possible to fix these issues and create a more fair and rewarding system that most people will be content with.

I also think that, to an extent, the anti-Antagonist people will need to suck it up. To lobby for the complete removal of the Antagonist is not reasonable, nor realistic.

The playerbase is so small right now that creating seperate queues for Antagonist and Raiders is basically removing the Antagonist all together. It is not a solution at all.

Next time I post I'm going to write a whole list of the problems I see with the PvP right now.

In my opinion the people scaring off new players are the ones spreading this Antagonist doom and gloom all over the internet. Making the game sound like a complete nightmare. There is one thing deadlier to a game than lower player numbers and that's a widespread negative, and defeatist attitude amongst the community - and THAT's what I'm seeing all over the place. I'm not doing any harm in suggesting that people either reavaluate their relationship with the game or stick around and offer some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback and advice to the developers.

I think we should be very careful not to put words in each others mouths. Or twist the meaning of what we are trying to say.

If I came off as being arrogant or unsympathetic to the PvP-haters I'm sorry. It wasn't deliberate. But to be honest, I think you are kind of missing the point of the game.

Suggestions / Re: Too Many Antagonist Now
 on: April 14, 2018, 07:09:44 PM 
Everywhere I look I see people complain about Antagonists. Often in this very strong, almost abrasive tone. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person who likes the Antagonist part of this game. I think it adds a lot of depth and variety to a game that would otherwise be fairly shallow and straightforward to be honest.

Of course it has problems. Of course it needs more work done to its gameplay balance and rewards.

But to anyone that absolutely cannot stand the antagonist system I say, maybe this game isn't for you? Mercury Steam obviously views it as an integral part of the experience. It's not going anywhere.

No offense to anyone who doesn't share mu opinion but there is too much negativity surrounding this game. Especially the PvP part. I think there needs to be a lot more constructive criticism offered for MS to work on and respond. Not just a bunch of vitriolic complaining and frankly, whining.

Let's be positive and help make this game as great as it should be.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra seems a bit too strong.
 on: November 04, 2017, 06:26:23 PM 
I think Ginebra is, for the most part, in a pretty OK spot balance wise. However, her cougar form confuses me. Why can she stay transformed indefinitely? Hans needs to recharge his jetpack and Alicia needs to touch the ground in-between wall jumps. Ginebra can just keep running, keep climbing and stay hidden for as long as she wants. This is a HUGE problem if you're playing as antagonist and Ginebra is the last raider standing. She can prolong the match for as long as she wants!

Perhaps she should only be able to stay in cougar form for a set period of time (perhaps 7 seconds?). And introduce a character card that extends that time (to maybe 10 seconds?).

EDIT: I just realized many of you have already made the same points. Sorry if my post seems a bit redundant but at least many of us all agree!

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