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Messages - Deetsitmeister

Pages: [1] 2
Bug report & Technical Support / Broken feature
 on: April 10, 2018, 06:45:32 AM 
The blueprint system/rolling sucks SO much to the point where I'd call it a glitch...

Suggestions / Re: Idea: No Antagonist On The Prologue
 on: April 10, 2018, 06:43:31 AM 
Definitely, Bllodborne is a hard game, but the initial area is esigned to ease you with easier enemies and less of them.

If it wanted to turn off people quickly, it could have easily thrown them into an endgame area with a ton of hard mobs, which is essentially  what Raiders allows to happen.

Hades missions are definitely  harder than "Hanging by a thread' but with early skill and levelled teams against  high level Antags, they feel the same.

I feel like the Antagonists objective is to do just that, Antagonize. They are there to "ruin their day" not necessarily 'win' so if you slow them down, lower their respawn pool or the best possible scenario, make them pay for Aleph? I'd say they've successfully completed  that objective and should get excellent rewards for doing so. I'm talking, 10k faction pounts, 15k gold or the choice of TWO bp's.

I'd be way more inclined to play antag, die a lot but ruin their mission and get great reward from it.

As it stands, I will never EVER play Antag.

Suggestions / Re: Antagonist Idea
 on: April 10, 2018, 06:23:25 AM 
The easiest fix I've said before. Raiders are able to obtain ALL blueprints, add the antag ones across the missions.

Allow Antags the access to the full blueprint pool, the benefit being you can get any bp you need without having to roll for it with others.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Exterminator for Antagonists?
 on: April 10, 2018, 06:12:28 AM 
Hi guys!

Remember that affinity is only important to build / rebuild a weapon, but once built, you can use it either Raider or Antago. That's why the weapon's attributes are not tied to one affinity, we wanted as much variety per character as possible.

So why force people to play Antag to get Raider Affinity blueprints? Yeah, you can use whatever weapon with either affinity, but I'm not going to get the weapon in the first place if I hate playing as Antag. Also, I noticed how the devs don't reply to any of the criticism posts even though it's clear EVERYONE HATES the blueprint rolling/system. "We are listening to the community" You are not though, are you? Because otherwise factually bad elements of the game would have been fixed.

I think you think the best way to keep your small playerbase around is to make them grind forever to get what they want. Trust me when I say, people will stay around if they feel rewarded for their time, this game will die if you don't fix the clear issues, I mean like, NOW, Like, this week, it's no good waiting until the release of the fourth campaign to put out the next patch.

I say this, because I (we) love this game and don't want it to go away,

Please actually listen!  (sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind)

I'm always on the right, (Deetsitmeister) but I think it's the second person that picks the blueprint is on the right (if only two choose it of course)

Although I highly doubt it is based on that and not just a 50/50, 33/33/33 or 25/25/25/25 roll, that would be a terrible business practice.

Suggestions / Character info
 on: April 08, 2018, 04:22:30 AM 
The characters need their stats displayed on their pages, cooldowns, health, speed, melee damage. Same for the bonuses of each faction.

I'd also like to be able to see all of this information before I buy a character, along with their inventory, outside of the basic screen I've got no idea what a character is like before I drop the gold on them.

I do agree with though, the forced PVP. I think the antag and everything locked behind it just flat out sucks

I personally LOVE weapon challenges in games, it's just something satisfying about using a weapon, completing a challenge then getting a "thing" for it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Daily and weekly Missions
 on: April 08, 2018, 03:58:54 AM 
Dailies and wellies are such an amazing idea for a Grindy game like this, maybe even incentivise people to play the antag or Raiders depending on the challenge.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Forcing Antagonist play...
 on: April 08, 2018, 03:53:27 AM 
I think Antag should just a game mode choice if you enjoy that.

The characters should be split into antags and raiders. Harec - Raider. Dr.Kuzzman - Antag, (e.g) and just level up independent exp bars. Then you would need to get a certain level with either "faction" to use a weapon and the affinity and A wars would still work.

How about they make all blueprints available to both Raiders (split across the missions) and the full list available to antagonist. I have to play antagonist if I want a certain blueprint? Absolute rubbish! Isn't their whole idea "choose to play either Raider or ruin their day as the antagonist"?


You should also realise that the weapon blueprints really don't make that much of a difference compared to the skill you have with the character.

The starting weapons are all good.

Suggestions / Re: Solo Challenges!
 on: April 08, 2018, 03:34:03 AM 
The option to solo is literally there just so they can have "This game can also be played solo" on the game page.

Frankly a game that has is better than forcing co-op. The story and characters are great, but you might aswell not play it, if you are not into playing games online, which is sad.

Suggestions / Re: Rewards
 on: April 08, 2018, 03:30:03 AM 
The changes to how the rewards are dished out at the end are exactly the same though....

You say this isn't a free to play game and yet it has a lot of free to play mechanics in it.

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