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Messages - Ebisu_rkz

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Unlock everything for beta
 on: July 30, 2017, 06:59:45 PM 
It would be nice some weekend to have everything unlocked, but not each beta weekend. I think that the feedback and data on the progress it is important. In fact, I am more worried about being able to rush the content in the first week.

Most cards seem like they have little to no impact. The weapons are nice and they have an impact. I would like more differences between different rarities, so the rare ones would be stronger.

I don't think you would notice a big difference between going without cards or with cards. I played some games without any of them because I was shuffling cards and a match message popped up so I couldn't select cards for that game. No difference playing with them or without them, lots of cards are really situational and some cards help and some others help too little for being able to select only one of them.

Maybe the devs want the cards to have little impact, but when you have to collect tokens and you can pay to lock cards and all that, it looks like the cards system should be much more important and they should have a bigger impact than they have. There is hardly any theorycrafting with the current system.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec weapons
 on: July 20, 2017, 10:00:38 PM 
Seeing the answers I will try Ignis again and report back, but I am not sure that it is that good. Vindictus already had some problems to one-shot (kill, not wounded) some players so I still have my doubts, bu I will try again.

Last beta I tried more the aura mortis, and charging the weapon before shooting can work because you never lose your bonus no matter the time you keep your weapon charged. Although I am not sure that this weapon was suposed to be used like this. There is an obvious lack of mobility playing like this.

I would like to know what cards the people are using with Harec. I use the one that give more damage bonus if you are X seconds without shooting, the other one I don't remember.

I understand the bar just fine, but I would say that having options to adjust the HUD would be great. Whether it being able to move the bar, or break it into the sections and move the, to different parts of the screen since different players have different preferences.

That would be really nice.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: July 16, 2017, 07:55:39 PM 
I don't think I would like a proportion rewards on your performance, you will only make the difference bigger between good and bad players. Most good players will play more than the bad players, as they are often more casual.

I second the part to get a small base reward always, I think the biggest problem is to be able to go without rewards for a long match, that can be pretty frustrating.

I like how it works the blueprint now. I think that if you give the blueprint to everyone then the content of the game can be rushed in a week without much problem. And less value to replaying games. Although I am used to that type of rewards.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist
 on: July 16, 2017, 05:56:34 PM 
Is god awful. I expected some sort of advantage, some cool order abilities for the AI on my team, maybe earning a currency per kill and upgrading my incoming units... anything really.. I just felt like it was a 4v1 with bots on my team and got stomped / spawn camped after waiting almost 30 minutes to get a game. I'm not ranting, I expect these things from betas, but in its current state I wont be playing anymore because I found the best thing about the game to be its interface and menu, which is very nice looking. Other than that, gameplay was a drag, and I forced myself through one game of each mission just to give it a chance. I learned the upgrade system, it's cool, but with gameplay so bland I'm just not interested..

IME, you don't need an advantadge. Maybe AI orders would be nice, but I guess that will be  complicated at this stage of the game to implement.

if you can get the raiders focused on you and get them swarmed by the minions, then it's much more easier to win, the minions keep interrupting their grapples and molesting them, making it easier for you and the AI to beat them.

if you play in slow pace then it will be much harder to win. IMO, you need to keep pushing, even if you die.

There was a point in the last betas when most antagonist were winning games, now it's the opposite, most raiders win games. They never added or removed any abilities to the antagonists.

They only need to keep tweaking each mission separately when an antagonist is playing to get more even results.

Alicia and Hans are pretty easy to solo, great mobility and dmg.

The key to solo the guardian is to kill the minions first, then it's pretty easy. At least inmy experience.

I haven't tried to solo that misson with any snipers, but both Alicia and Hans are really easy to solo.

Gameplay Feedback / Harec weapons
 on: July 15, 2017, 05:19:03 PM 
I like the lottery system and the blueprint hunt. Different mechanics for different weapons and all that.

My only problem is the fact that some weapons are underperforming for what I would expect of them.

I have all weapons of Harec and Hans, most weapons of others characters.

Hans in my opinion is well designed, a default weapon and an obvious upgrade with the new ones, maybe the USU is too OP for PvP IMO.

Harec, IME, is the opposite. I have all weapons, but the weapon that works better for me is the first one, and that is a little disappointing when you try them becuase I was hyped when I got the weapons.

- Aura mortis: the only one that I had some succes, but it take so long to charge. I understand that it does not increase your aleph, but as Harec I am most of the time hidden, so no problem for me when I am visible little time IME.

- Ignis fugit: that weapon lacks damage IMO.

- Vindicta Anima: Nice charge time, good enough damage to one-shot (That is why that weapon trump Aura mortis IMO, no need to do an overkill and faster than Aura mortis).

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Matchmaking
 on: July 15, 2017, 05:06:49 PM 
It is still long, but way better than some of the last betas IME.

Suggestions / Re: Seriously need a chat
 on: July 15, 2017, 04:55:57 PM 
I find all 4 options useful. I use them constantly.

I use them for that, maybe someone has more uses for them.

- Need Ammo: Useful to know someone need ammo so you can let them kill someone on melee or to know why they are not shooting.

- Come here: Obvious reasons, I also use this one to mark if the antagonist is on me.

- Need help: That one is really useful, and IMO should be used more. I have been saved and I saved people that has used it when wounded.

- OK: probably the less useful, only feedback or as "gg"

I second the use of a chat in the lobby, in game I think is different because you have cross-platform and it's hard or them to use a chat while playing.

Gameplay Feedback / Visible archievments for Raiders
 on: July 09, 2017, 06:01:50 PM 
Will there be some visible archievements for the raiders on the release date? I would like to see something like this as IMO it gives some sense of useful to replay the game a lot of times, I have seen players farm for that archievments for months, even some years. Mostly on coop games.

The Antagonist has the league of antagonist and their title. What have the Raiders once they have maxed their build and completed the adventure?

Gameplay Feedback / Shae
 on: July 09, 2017, 05:53:49 PM 
I have tried to use her as I like the model.... but fuck... I can't get used to her in any way. I have used all the other characters with a decent succes.

Special skill needs to charge to blind, if there are a lot of objects in the middle is hard to use this skill with succes, much less against an antagonist that go behind covers constantly, I could use her skill maybe 10 times in a game? compared to the other special skills that you are using them constantly....

Weapon need to charge like 2 or 3 times more than Harec only to do less damage than him. I don't know if the other weapons will fix her as I can't buy her to unlock new weapons.

I can see that she doesn't need to reload as much as Harec, but with the time she need to charge Harec end up shooting faster than Shae and doing more damage. Maybe it's only me, bu I feel like Shae is like 1 or 2 tiers behind any other character.

If someone had success using her I am open to listen some tips about her.

She is a sniper should do a lot of damage IMO, but she doesn't, in close combat she is dead, her weapon and special skill is a little useless and she has the same health as Harec.

What is supposed to be her advantage over harec? She is the character less played by far IME, maybe it's because she is bugged, although that doesn't help her tbh.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Matchmaking
 on: July 09, 2017, 01:15:44 AM 
So far, the only solution I've found to the slow matchmaking is by making a group with other players before trying any amount of matchmaking

I second this suggestion, if you get a group of 4 the matchamaking is really fast, with 3 you will have to wait some time maybe, but not eternal queues.

Here is a link for the unofficial server of the game, you can find some people to play there. Group with anyone if you don't find anyone of your region, we were a mix of NA and EU players and there wasn't anyone with lag.

I like the difficulty, It's not that hard but not super easy.

What I would like to see is for the footsteps to make more noise, it's really easy to be ambushed from behind by some monsters. Some games have a higher sound and IMO it was a nice feature, really helpful. In this game is hard to listen to the footsteps.

For the OP, try to hold the shooting button if you are not doing it already, some weapons have a better performance like this IMO, for me it was something that I had to adapt as some shooters I played were different in that regard.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Whose your favourite beta char?
 on: June 20, 2017, 05:42:04 PM 
For me it's Konstantin because of his firepower, ha can easily kill the minions as soon as they spawn and his special skill is incredible usefull against other players.

I also like Hans because I like how his weapon work, it's the weapon more similar that I found to an assault rifle but I need to get used to his shooting first.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 20, 2017, 05:29:07 PM 
This is very interesting feedback!

Allow me join you and see if I can add some perspective to the debate by defining the aims and goals of the reward-sharing system:

The driving force behind this system is player choice. Raiders of the Broken Planet has very different rewards that the players may want to unlock. We want the players to be able to focus on their own goals. We also want them to have to take interesting decisions in the process:
- Which mission awards more of the thing I'm interested in?
- Given the choices of the other players, is there a better option left out for me? Is there a big reward that I can snatch?
- Do I have great synergy with these players that are not interested in the same reward as me? Maybe I can invite them to my squad and play a couple more games with them.

The blueprint raffle is a cathartic, memorable moment. It can be as much frustrating to lose as it can be ecstatic to win. Note that the reward system forces no random outcomes on the players. They can choose not to participate in the blueprint raffle. There's 4 rewards for 4 players, so there's at least one guaranteed full reward awaiting the player who chooses not to participate.

Loot sharing is a common game mechanic in dungeon-based cooperative games. It creates dynamics between the players and a soft offer-and-demand system. Note that rewards are given out for losses as well as for victories. The only factor governing the quantity of the rewards is the speed and advance in the mission.

Even if a mission is completely impossible to beat, and Dr. Kuzman has got the Raiders on their knees, it's still worthwhile to fight until the end, because any amount of progress made on the boss' HP bar will reflect on the rewards. This is a very important message that we want to send to each Raider: No matter how impossible it seemed, every little push you made to make it to the finish had it's reward.

I think that your idea is nice, as I said before, I like the part of the blueprint. I have played a long time in dungeons games and I liked that.

But I think that the part that falls apart is that one:

- Given the choices of the other players, is there a better option left out for me? Is there a big reward that I can snatch?
- Do I have great synergy with these players that are not interested in the same reward as me? Maybe I can invite them to my squad and play a couple more games with them.

That idea is from an ideal world, something that probably won't happen IMO. While you are expecting cooperation for the best reward, I have experienced frustration for having to switch to another reward. And what will happen when there are metas out there or cards that are much more important than others... then everyone will be looking for this reward.

Also there is another problem IMO. The fact that each map have a different reward distribution I find it cool and I like that feature, but it's a double edge blade. If I am doing X mission because it is the mission that drops more X tokens, there is a high chance that the other 3 raiders are here for the same reward, so at the end we all end with less rewards or someone has to sacrifice himself and switch to another one, the last part is the one that I have seen more in the betas, but I don't think a lot of ppl are testing the cards tbh.

I would be interested if there will be a beta where we can try any card of the progression system to test them. I am not used to progression systems so small (only 1 active card with small bonuses and little differences between the rare card and the common one), so maybe my opinon is biased.

I think that the whole reward and progression system need more testing and maybe change some things if necessary.

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