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Messages - Ebisu_rkz

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Opinion on Beta.
 on: September 20, 2017, 12:25:18 AM 
I think that Nekopool is right about those things, i played vs him and it's a good player ^^ but he just missed to speak about a thing : controls.

I love to use the sidemouse buttons for the mêlee and the fact that "a" and "e" are so near from the directions controls disturb me.

I wish that we will can change it when game will comes.

I like the melee controls so close to the move controls, I am used to key controls on 'q' and 'e' because they are so close.

Either way, you can change your controls in the settings so they suit you better.

That has been constant bug on the betas

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Queue Wait Time Nightmare
 on: September 17, 2017, 12:05:45 AM 
Today was pretty bad, I had times where I had to wait long queues as the others said. Right now it seems to work much better, but no squad queues yet.

I agree with the lack of activity by the staff. Even a we are looking into it would be nice.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Weapons require antagonist ranks to craft
 on: September 17, 2017, 12:02:46 AM 
I agree with that. I can understand that they want you to play as antagonist, but not everyone like this playstyle. I have talked with lot of ppl that come from coop games, most of them like the antagonist feature, but they like to play as raider. They don't like playing as antagonist.

I would suggest to add an option to get the weapon/whatever with raider rank too, even if it is a much higher rank. Star wars style, dark force is faster to get things, but you can get it playing the light side in the long run.

Antagonist can be a really frustrating mode for ppl that don't like pvp. If they can't win a match in 3 or 4 trys I think some ppl could leave the game for good if they can't progress in any way.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Stuck with rejoining mission
 on: September 16, 2017, 03:36:21 PM 
My brother also got this problem yesterday, we tried to enter a game together but we disbanded bc no game. Then I joined a game and he tried to join another game but got the same issue as you.

For him, restarting the game from steam after doing a solo game fixed that. I guess that maybe the game finished while he played the solo game and restarting the game fixed the problem.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Different Matchmaking Options
 on: August 26, 2017, 04:05:41 PM 
I have to agree there.

It is much easier to find a match going solo than in a group of 2. I played with my brother a lot, and we always have longer queues when we are together.

I think that the biggest problem of kons is with Ogon (Was it named like this?). That weapon has a really big dmg, and you can make tricks to preload the weapon if you play smart.

The hornet IMO needs some changes with his ability. The rebounds are too impredictible.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Send messages to a specific Raider.
 on: August 22, 2017, 04:01:28 PM 
I would like that idea if it is fast enough to use them.

I think it would be usefult to try to communicate with some specific player like newbies, without messing with the others.

A simple "X, come here/whatever emote" would be enough.

Suggestions / Re: Make gestures interruptible
 on: August 22, 2017, 03:59:16 PM 
I have a bind on my mouse on the 'v' key because I use it on another games.... I died a few times doing an emote in the face of the antagonist or some grunts.....

Some way to cancel that animation would be really nice.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New content is a total crap
 on: August 13, 2017, 03:05:29 PM 
I have seen that mentioned in the discord before. More people have said that already, the last part of this mission is really in favour of the raiders if they can reach there.

I don't think that saying "He is OP, so take him too" is a good excuse. All characters should be balanced and equally countered IMO.
I don't think that he is really that OP, but he is one of the best characters to use individually, so maybe he may need some tweaking.

BTW, I am a little surprised that so many players said that this part of the mission is hard for antagonists when this mission IME is the hardest to win against an antagonist. IMO, there are other mission that should be harder than this one.

Yes, the last part is easier, but in general this mission is the hardest one because of the first part.

I think it would be easier to wait if we could do something while we wait, like a solo match or some practice zone. Right now the only thing to do is to spam on the discord chat lol.

What TehMud said it is true. I have made queues for only 2 maps before because I was looking for 2 blueprints that I was missing and the queue was much longer. IMO too much, maybe it was coincidence that they were longer. Although If that is true, IMO that needs a review, I am not an expert on queues, but if most ppl picked all maps then I shouldn't be that much longer, even if I only choose one or two maps. BTW, a friend of mine and me queued for the same maps and we got together 2 of 3 matchs, so that make me think that the missions you select are considered in the matchmaking too. Maybe it was simple luck, I know that the data its not that big to jump to conclusions.

At release I don't think everyone will queue on all maps, as they will have to unlock the new maps and then you will go hunting rewards or maybe you won't like some maps.

Even if the queues are much better than some weeks ago (they really improved a lot) I think that they need some stress test. If the queues keep being of 5-10 mins, and I know they can be longer by experience, I think a lot of ppl will leave the game before trying, so better to fix that before the release.

Konstantin counter is Harec. That is why I always try to keep Harec and Konstantin in my team whatever map I go but the third one (The second from Alien), Snipers dont do that well here IMO.

You can play against him, and he isn't the antagonist against who I had more problems, he is the one that is the easiest to do a decent-good job. His slowliness is his biggest weakness and why I dont put him as the hardest antagonist. Even if I lost against a lot of Konstantin's antagonists.

He has an incredible dmg and good defense abilities, so maybe he needs a nerf, but if he recieve a nerf too big I think he will be useless. There are characters that have a damage close to Konstantin, so you can't put him behind that ones.

Maybe same damage mid range but less dmg on close range. That would keep him playing in mid-large range as he is designed (I think?) but he wouldn't be that lethal in close range. Where Lycus and Alicia should be the best IMO.

BTW, I hate playing as konstantin and Harec :(

Edit: I don't put Konstantin as the hardest one because his slowliness dont let him play as aggressive as others chars. I save the first spot for antagonists with high mobility chars that play really aggressive and know how to play well.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Should there be more to the tutorial?
 on: August 01, 2017, 03:53:34 PM 
  • Learning about melee combat by fighting a grunt in close combat

+1000 to that one.

The melee system was one of the reason I almost left the game at the start, it is so different from any other game and so easy to die by that.

I tried the game thinking it was a shooter, but the melee system makes the game really different from any other shooter, now I really enjoy the game. But an easier introduction to the melee system would be nice for new players.

IMO, the tutorial doesn't focus on the melee system enough at all. It only look like an extra way of killing enemies, when in reality it is the core of this game.

BTW, the way the tutorial end, it looks like it could continue after taking the lift, the first part of the tutorial is really basic simple mechanics.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Unlock everything for beta
 on: July 30, 2017, 07:34:28 PM 
I like it that not everything is unlocked. It's thanks to that that multiple players have already voiced their opinion about the blueprint drop. Most players don't like that you're fighting for it, and if you don't get it, you don't get anything.

Thanks to that kind of feedback we'll get a better experience at release ;)

Most players didn't like that you could go without any type of reward if you lose the lottery. There were some of them that liked the current system. The more I play the more I am ignoring the rewards, I have most weapons and the cards I got the ones I wanted the first beta weekend. I think the people is overreacting about that matter only because it is a RNG system.

The only change that I would do is giving a base reward and maybe giving a bonus for the next roll on that weapon if you fail, so you can't lose the roll forever by bad luck.

I have played maybe 4 beta weekend and I have almost all weapons, that is roughly a week.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec weapons
 on: July 30, 2017, 07:18:17 PM 
Reporting after some games.

I had a much better experience with the Ignis fugit that I had the first time I used it. It is easily becoming my most used weapon for Harec, more damage than I though it had the first time I used it.

Reporting a bug too. Aura mortis is generating stress now. (IIRC shouldn't generate stress from last beta)

About the cards of Harec, I mostly use Concentration and Methodical. The Harec's cards are hard to use some of them or look less useful, although some of them I haven't tried them yet. Not really in love of any of them for any weapon honestly. Concentration is nice as that is more damage and it is easy to be 10s without shooting. I personally prefer damage over reload speed on a sniper.

I don't really like the others alien cards, an 8% of dmg look like a joke to me. The reload ones, I prefer more damage so I can oneshot characters with more health.

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