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Messages - Butterbuff

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Will this game survive?
 on: February 09, 2019, 11:04:15 PM 
As much as i know this feels like deja vu with my time with Battleborn whom i've stuck with on release til the end where the Devs just didn't put much effort or they simply couldn't keep it up against Overwatch and just gave up.
one striking moment that made me realize this was when in Battleborn most people were complaining about being matched up with noobs even though they had a system which matched people of equal levels and eveyone could see your level, and how did Gearbox respond? by hiding the level so that nobody can know that you're a noob or pro and not fixing that said issue. and so as soon as a saw MercuryStream get rid of showing the player levels and put in tiers i just thought, "here we go again." (it's not as bad but still).

Fan Corner / Re: What's Your Favorite Faction and Why?
 on: February 09, 2019, 05:48:59 AM 
I'm split between Locals and Wardogs due to the my playstyle as an antag to keep my self safe by picking out specific targets and those perfect HEADSHOTS while Wardogs it's more hype factor like football just, "GET IN THERE AND SHOW EM' HOW WE PLAY BALL!." just charging at them as Alicia with the speedy hover card (rare) at Max in constant fear of landing right on them as i pull drive-bys on the Locals

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Buff Aneska's Default Wep
 on: February 09, 2019, 05:25:19 AM 
well then again it kinda sucks when characters have similar capabilities since the whole point is that each of these have unique play styles. Aneska can do the Mine laying with the bombardment flare but with the Atlas it's more negative than positive.

on changing the Atlas though, why not change it into a simple charge weapon? just charge the sphere and release the sphere will do more damage, have a bigger explosion, heals the robot more, maybe explodes quicker at max charge, and fits well for being a weapon with only two shots since you can use a fully charged  shot on someone closing in and in case they're still standing then you use a low charged shot to wound them and finish them off with melee.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: What is "Reaction"?
 on: February 08, 2019, 11:36:44 PM 
Thanks for clearing it up :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Card suffering… um shuffling
 on: February 08, 2019, 01:53:51 AM 
Have you tried leveling up into an antagonist? in order to get the card into the draw pool you need to have the correct affinity (raider or antagonist based on who you've gained more experience for during leveling) since he vial card is for antagonist

Spacelords’ Advice / What is "Reaction"?
 on: February 08, 2019, 12:45:49 AM 
when i was looking though the faction cards, i noticed that some off them boosted "reaction" and i can't tell if it means some sort of knockback or stun. please advise what it actually means.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Life Support - Aneska's card
 on: February 07, 2019, 11:54:40 PM 

The idea is to support your mech shooting the enemies, not let it die... i think prevail is more for new users with this character, but as I said, I´m going to review the numbers, thanks for the feedback

it's hard to support a Mech that doesn't move. the player has to constantly summon and desummon the Mech to collect batteries since it's a more effective way to heal it and be able to move from objective to objective in which the only reason that they would summon it is to cover themselves when they feel pressured by Mobs or summon it at spawn or far away from enemies so that they can make use of the bombardment ability to improve their own damage output. the Mech IS meant to support the player. during the boss fight, the raiders wanted to kill Aneska, not the Mech. the Mech is a shield for Aneska that allows her to achieve her missions. so cards like Prevail work well at keeping Aneska alive long enough to revive the Mech again and again until Aneska falls herself.


Suggestions / How can we change Aneska?
 on: February 07, 2019, 06:55:26 AM 
Well for starters redo the Atlas G-620, obvious things include getting rid of the self damage, increasing the range, increasing the initial hit damage of the gun due to the fact that in the description of the gun says,"The Atlas G-620 fires anti-proton spheres that are devastating against anything that comes into contact with them." yet you guys put most of the damage into the explosions that are said to have a "very short lifespan," of 3-4 seconds (sarcasm) and not the Sphere itself. more bad things about the gun is that of the combination of the very slow explosion and slow projectile speed makes it impossible to hit any moving targets (not including enemies and bosses that she can't even hit in the first place due to the small range). more problems including the fact that you only have two shots to work with, yeah some might say that you can upgrade it's reload speed but it's still just 2 terrible bullet/explosives that will most likely miss for stated reasons above so really you just making yourself run out of ammo faster.

now on changing the gun itself...

some ideas include increasing the amount of projectiles that come out when you fire, kind of like a double barrel plasma shotgun that does great damage when the enemy stays in contact with the spheres and good crowd control when each sphere explodes, Another idea for the gun would to simply turn it into a charge weapon, the sphere will have increased damage, and explosion size and projectile speed based on the charge duration.
 have the bombardment no longer have knockback for enemies and yourself along with the self damage. add the function that if enemies are in the initial area of the flare (alternatively if a player hits's an enemy directly with the flare) then they are marked and the Mech will fire it's homing missiles (you know the kind), but if no enemies are in range then it will fire the usual inaccurate bombardment. one minor opinion would be to change the the projectiles from blue to black since when i heard "anti-proton sphere," i think black holes and with the  main projectile colors (red, yellow, orange, and blue). i feel that adding some different colors would liven things up a bit.

The Invictis carry's some of the Atlas's problems due to that in order to in order to do damage you must fire off a sphere and use another shot in order to detonate it, eventually making it another two shot weapon since the gun only has four bullets. the unique problem is the mix between operating Ginebra's C33 SU-Schleuder and Valeia's Little girl where you have to bounce the sphere off of something and be quick enough to shoot the sphere in time in order to do damage which is somewhat difficult due to that you can't shoot the sphere through a person like Valeria can shoot hers  (especially through the giant mech that we all use as a meat shield) and you have to be in a specific distance from the sphere in order to cause it to explode. but this weapon is better than the Atlas on damage output on the gun and on the Bombardment modification (even though it still has self-damage) once you get used to timing the shots.

The Mech itself has been through alot even after it's destruction during the Destroyer of Worlds Mission and it's revival (through unknown means but i'm betting that aneska had help from the Hades Division or maybe a nice connection with the other characters with help from that one garage place that Mikah went to or Lycus's gunsmith) but it still deserves to keep some aspects that made it great for Aneska during he boss fight.

the Mech should have reduced damage taken as a passive and not as a card (Laminated Armor). during the boss fight, the Mech had armor on and when it didn't was when the Mech's head opens up as shows Aneska as a weakpoint. using that same logic should have applied when you guys made her as a playable character since Aneska herself is the exposed weakpoint for the Mech thus it should have still have it's armor

the blade should act like strikes, the blade has a enough range to act like a strike for it's size and the ground pound looks like it was supposed to have knock back but strangely doesn't. it also should have an attack for enemies that are barely in it's strike range, i'm not talking about the other hand firing those electric sphere i mean more like when in the boss fight, the Mech would slash around really quickly then those slash marks would suddenly erupt from the ground, this altogether add for more complexity with each layer of the areas around the Mech, the outer layer (the quick slashes) serves with the as crowd control not meant to kill but wound (like in the boss fight) allowing the players to finish them off with strikes or their weapons. the second layer (the slashes that act like strikes) is meant for when you're trying to protect yourself from multiple elites or player (if your antaging) that should deal more damage than your quick slashes but less than your actual melee damage so that it can be a bit more fair for your opponent (but then again who thinks about running directly into a giant Mech with a heated blade) along with that they can also be able to dodge the strikes allowing the enemy player to avoid damage with the risk that the Aneska can simply grapple. and finally the epicenter area (ground pound city Pop: your face) is more used for defending objectives and occasionally your wounded corpse from enemies looking to take your aleph. by this point you're probably thinking, "mate, this seems so overpowered that i'm imagining myself playing against an antag Aneska with a robot that can 360 no-scope nanoblade my butt from acoss the reasonable distance that a large blade can be swung by a robot constantly experiencing PTSD, robo spasms, and probably oil withdraw at the same time how will i every engage in CQC against her now?" well here's an idea, NOT engaging in CQC against what is eccentrically two Players alone. Most of the raides have weapons and abilities that can allow them to shoot at the Mech and avoid it's attacks (Harec's stalk, Alicia's Jump, Loaht's transformation, etc) you either take out the Mech itself since it still has a small healthpool it's just slightly bulletproof or you can kill Aneska herself by shooting at her. She's basically a Fifth Council-Hades Division mix.

and for cards i already made some ideas for cards in my Character Card ideas Forum

But that's just my idea on how to change Aneska. unlike most people i wasn't partically excited for her becoming a playable character, i'd rather of had whatever Sooma was bringing to the table (maybe a wardog sniper (basing this off of the fact they brought stefanie joosten A.K.A Quiet from MGSV) that would be a cool idea). but none the less i'm pretty stoked that we got a new character and with that, cool guns and maybe cooler skins (maybe one where it's Krausher's head on the body and Aneska's in the jar).
anyhow tell in the comments what other ideas should be implemented on Aneska and her kit   



Spacelords Universe / Re: Antagonist Main
 on: February 07, 2019, 04:01:07 AM 
it sucks being antag on any map due to the limited spawn locations that everyone knows by now, they really expect you to be able to manage yourself on destroyer of worlds when they set all the spawning locations on one side of the map and then through the boss fight on the opposite side with no real choice if the enemies just camp out next to those spawn locations looking to get their fill on farming you for aleph. not including the fact that you spawn in with a "hey i'm over here guys!" glow that everyone looks for when hunting down the antagonist.

Suggestions / Re: Character Card Ideas
 on: February 07, 2019, 03:06:24 AM 
in continuation of Aneska Card Ideas

(1) Aneska's Mech does an Aleph Explosion on Death. at Max the Explosion doesn't affect Aneska herself.

(2) enemies hit by the Mech's blade are dealt  15% increased damage from all sources (strikes, shots, etc).  at Max the damage is increased to 20%.

(3) the Mech shuts down Aneska's stress meter when she's within 5m. at Max it turns to 15m.

(4) Aneska Fills/Heals the Mechbar overtime whenever Aneska's Stress meter is full. at Max the rate of the heal is quicker.

(5) Aneska gains increased reload speed for 20 seconds after she has used Bombardment. at Max it will last for 60 seconds.

(6) Aneska takes about 20% less damage when she's 5m from her Mech. at Max the damage reduction increases to 30% at 8m.

Suggestions / Re: Character Card Ideas
 on: February 06, 2019, 02:32:37 AM 
Another idea would be for Lycus's Shield to improve Lycus's strikes or Shot's as soon as it's destroyed or when Lycus is running with the shield out (with the shield bar full) he'll gain invulnerability until he stops running or performs any other action and at max aleph he'll gain it even if the shield is charging.

Suggestions / Re: Blueprint Changes
 on: February 06, 2019, 02:24:43 AM 
(1) alternatively they should have it that a player can get any gun in the game through gold and that blueprints giving discounts on those specific guns making it worth it to repetitively collected the same blueprint to the point where you can get the gun for a measly 2000g. This can help Merc's idea due to players being able to grind with any character and be able to purchase weapons for another

(2) Yeah i dislike the RNG aspect since i usually got every blueprint for most of my characters (due to this games economy making it absolutely difficult to get more characters) and i rather have the gold instead (to get said characters).

Suggestions / Re: Character Card Ideas
 on: January 25, 2019, 01:23:39 AM 
Another card idea would be for Alicia in which her wall-jump refills a portion of her magazine or when after she lands her Aleph meter turns off for a couple of seconds

Suggestions / Re: Character Card Ideas
 on: January 24, 2019, 07:38:21 PM 
Another idea would a card that allows Harec to stalk again while stalking to a new location in which once the ability ends he’ll go back to his original destination, this card will allow Harec players to stalk for longer without running the risk of being instantly seen stalking and promptly headshotted and allows harec mains to find better stalking spots that were out of visual range for the first stalk. On Max Aleph stacks they player get’s an additional stalk along with the first two.

Suggestions / Re: Character Card Ideas
 on: January 24, 2019, 05:29:18 AM 
There could a rare card for Doldren where he can fire one amplified shot while in wraith form at an enemy. Or one card that boost shots that are silenced.

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