Author Topic: Support for the Antag mechanic.  (Read 6364 times)


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Support for the Antag mechanic.
on: October 21, 2018, 09:31:28 PM
Im noticing A LOT of players expressing their dissatisfaction with the Antgonist mechanic. Most people often complain that he shouldn't be on mentor matches that players should be able to opt out of the match with Antags.

For everyone who supports this mechanic please express it here.  Tell them your stories. Tell them about your success tell them  how you  obliterated the raiders. Tell them about your failures tell them how you have had your ass handed to you by the raiders. Let them know the community supports it.

PVEVP is some thing for everyone. There s no need to change. There are balancing issues but there is no need to to make it optional. I honestly believe if MSE makes it optional the Antagonist mechanic will die.

Fix the balance issues, keep the mechanic.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #1 on: October 22, 2018, 04:10:04 AM
Listen, i honestly think that making antag optional will only improve the odds of this game surviving, would you rather play a dead game with no one to antag or a game where the community id going strong, all be it split? There are alot of people who enjoy antaging and being  antaged but that said it is a problem being with noob players and an antag at the same time


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #2 on: October 22, 2018, 01:04:59 PM
The Antagonist mechanic is meant to cause chaos within the game. Antagonists on mentor matches is a bit much. And. I guess should stay off of them. So here's my solution if you toggle Mentor matches it possible you will match up with rookies and There will be a no antag guarantee. But if you are not placed in a mentor match all is fair. NOW you need to determine where the rookie lvl ends and the player begins


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #3 on: October 22, 2018, 01:26:08 PM
… PVEVP is some thing for everyone. …
I honestly believe if MSE makes it optional the Antagonist mechanic will die. …

So, it's obviously NOT for everyone. Why else would it die?


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #4 on: October 22, 2018, 02:49:57 PM
If it dies simply because it's made optional it just means it's not a good game mode.. Very few people enjoy it and this game will keep going down hill if this keeps up.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #5 on: October 22, 2018, 04:24:26 PM
The Antagonist system isnt a mode. It's the game. This is a PVEVP game. Not a game where they have 2 separate parts one PVE and one part pvp.  And I think a lot of people enjoy it. It's just that more people are willing to express dissatisfaction than appreciation. That's the gaming community.

Now I'm all for barring Antags from mentor matches but when you pass mentor levels it's hunting season. Now for my solution for higher level players if you want to play mentor matches you can toggle that on and off. If you have it on you won't have Antags on your missions And you will get an experience boost as usual and get gold and faction points. But if you toggle it off you will may encounter Antag on your missions and if so you won't get the experience boost but you will get better gold and faction points rewards.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #6 on: October 22, 2018, 09:51:03 PM
Yea tell them how you obliterated a bunch of low lvls, or some pve players that didn’t even want to fight and were probably throwing the match lol…

Sorry but there is no valid reason for it being forced, and it is also hurting the game, I want to see more campaigns, a future for the game, but with forced pvp you will always have less ppl sticking around, only a certain type of pve player that really and I mean REALLY likes the game is going to stay, and put up with the current antag nonsense, otherwise there is no reason to stick around.

You also contradict yourself, if the antagonist mechanic is so great then why do you need us pve players… if a lot of ppl enjoy it like you say, then those ppl should be the ones playing it, but don’t drag everyone into it, that goes for antags and MS, just give us a pve mode.

And about balance issues, pvp/antag is currently one of the main reasons for the unbalancing of weapons vs the ai, currently many weapons are peashooters, because the priority seems to be dealing with other squishy players.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #7 on: October 22, 2018, 11:11:18 PM
I am definitely in the should make the antagonist mode optional. It would make the game a lot easier to balance, and more people may stick with the game if they didn't get annihilated in their first few matches. The amount of new players that just quit is quite high compared to any other game I have played.

The mode can be quite fun sometimes, but when weapons like tolchok and levels like white noise exist it kills the will to play the game unless in a team.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #8 on: October 22, 2018, 11:39:15 PM
The antag mechanic shouldn't be optional, BUT it shouldn't be in mentor matches either. Mentor matches are already a big enough handicap on players, let alone dealing with the handicap + an antag.
The antag is designed to cause chaos, this is true, however this kind chaos in mentor matches is unnecessary as it's already chaotic enough as-is.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #9 on: October 23, 2018, 01:01:44 AM
@whitebleidd Nah how about i tell you about the time i was a obliterated by a team of level 20s with one level 91. He was Iune and he lead his team to victory on Low blow.  If you have good players its possible to win a mission and over power an antag.  Ive done it many times.

And yea i know PVP always cause balance issues with PVE.  But some how they co exist.

Now ive said this on another thread but i will say it again. Antags should be barred from mentor matches im am with you on that.  But mentor matches should be optional. If you opt to go into mentor matches then you will not face Antags you will get the experience boost as usual with the gold and faction rewards. But if you opt out of mentor matches you open yourself to Antag missions. when you participate in antag matches you wont get an experience boost but you will get better gold and faction rewards than you would if you were in a mentor match. If they could implement that i would be happy. They would just need to tell us what level a players needs to be for it to be considered a mentor match. Will it be lvls 1-10 or will it be higher.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #10 on: October 23, 2018, 01:05:01 AM
The antag mechanic shouldn't be optional, BUT it shouldn't be in mentor matches either. Mentor matches are already a big enough handicap on players, let alone dealing with the handicap + an antag.
The antag is designed to cause chaos, this is true, however this kind chaos in mentor matches is unnecessary as it's already chaotic enough as-is.

I find it amusing PvP supporters basically want to decide for others that PvP shouldn't be optional. Every other game this would be a ludicrous position, an invasive bossy position even, but in this game PvPers take it upon themselves to tell others how they should play the game and how they should enjoy it. Fucking amazing, and arrogant.

Keep in mind that it WOULDN'T influence how THEY would play the game. they could go on playing the game with PvP in it as much as they want, but somehow they believe how OTHERS are playing the game would influence them. Like Evangelicals and gay marriage, it's got nothing to do with you. You want PvP? Good, mind your own business and play PvP. But to say that those who want the option shouldn't ask for it or enjoy it is a bit totalitarian. Especially when many of us have already conceded that PvP should reward higher amounts of gold and faction. But we still heat these controlling types wanting to silence others and tell them to fall in line or get out.

NOPE. That just makes me want to fight for it even more. You guys put me in a fighting mood. You piss me off, get me all riled up inside and make it so that I'll keep asking for it even more.

I guarantee this game will slowly die if they refuse to make PvP optional. Warframe started slow and now thrives because they have exclusive PvE. Street Fighter 5,  For Honor, World of Warcraft, Dark Soul Series, etc... to list a few have optional PvP and PvE. Some they reward more for PvP, some they reward differently for PvP, but they have the option. And because of this they succeed.

Don't use the "But if they make it optional no one will do it" because that's just an admission to it being lame. You would want people to partake in a system they otherwise would avoid but are forced to have to do. They could incentivize PvP, that is the healthy way to go about it, but forcing people is ALWAYS bad.

PvP should definitely be optional. And there really isn't any good arguments that have been made against it. Just a predatory logic for those who want unwilling opponents to grief.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #11 on: October 23, 2018, 03:40:14 AM
The antag mechanic shouldn't be optional, BUT it shouldn't be in mentor matches either. Mentor matches are already a big enough handicap on players, let alone dealing with the handicap + an antag.
The antag is designed to cause chaos, this is true, however this kind chaos in mentor matches is unnecessary as it's already chaotic enough as-is.

I find it amusing PvP supporters basically want to decide for others that PvP shouldn't be optional. Every other game this would be a ludicrous position, an invasive bossy position even, but in this game PvPers take it upon themselves to tell others how they should play the game and how they should enjoy it. Fucking amazing, and arrogant.

Keep in mind that it WOULDN'T influence how THEY would play the game. they could go on playing the game with PvP in it as much as they want, but somehow they believe how OTHERS are playing the game would influence them. Like Evangelicals and gay marriage, it's got nothing to do with you. You want PvP? Good, mind your own business and play PvP. But to say that those who want the option shouldn't ask for it or enjoy it is a bit totalitarian. Especially when many of us have already conceded that PvP should reward higher amounts of gold and faction. But we still heat these controlling types wanting to silence others and tell them to fall in line or get out.

NOPE. That just makes me want to fight for it even more. You guys put me in a fighting mood. You piss me off, get me all riled up inside and make it so that I'll keep asking for it even more.

I guarantee this game will slowly die if they refuse to make PvP optional. Warframe started slow and now thrives because they have exclusive PvE. Street Fighter 5,  For Honor, World of Warcraft, Dark Soul Series, etc... to list a few have optional PvP and PvE. Some they reward more for PvP, some they reward differently for PvP, but they have the option. And because of this they succeed.

Don't use the "But if they make it optional no one will do it" because that's just an admission to it being lame. You would want people to partake in a system they otherwise would avoid but are forced to have to do. They could incentivize PvP, that is the healthy way to go about it, but forcing people is ALWAYS bad.

PvP should definitely be optional. And there really isn't any good arguments that have been made against it. Just a predatory logic for those who want unwilling opponents to grief.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #12 on: October 23, 2018, 03:51:05 AM
I'm on the fence on if it should be optional or not. I myself enjoy how they can spice up the mission I've ran three times just for my dailies, but I see merit in why people hate having them pop in, especially with how grindy the game is.

I do agree though that Antags shouldn't be in mentor matches. A few days ago I had a friend who was giving the game a try run into three Antags that were 100 plus, and it really killed his drive to play.

I understand those are the ropes, but losing players over something like that can kill a business.


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #13 on: October 23, 2018, 09:29:51 AM
It feels like a waste of time trying to defend playing Antag since people are so quick to whine and call you a troll who's killing the community but I still think it's important to know that there are plenty who support it.

So yes, I completely agree it shouldn't be optional. Just as using a gun shouldn't be optional, or boss fights, or... I'm sure you get my point by now. To me it's a core part of the game and I wish I encountered Antags more. They make the game feel different and new, it adds an exciting challenge no matter what side you're on. That's brings me to this, I hardly ever go up against Antags. I so rarely see them that it confuses me that people complain about them so much. And I'm tired of people carrying on like the Antag has some crazy advantage. It's 4v1 with the Raider's advantage. It's way harder to be an Antagonist then it is to be a Raider. And that's fine! It's supposed to be challenging.

As for any memorable moments... Had a pretty close game just yesterday as Shae on a Low Blow. I had such a good start that I thought for sure I would win. But when it got to the third phase it was really challenging. They had quite the comeback despite one of them unfortunately disconnecting. It was close but in the end they picked up the win. But I was fine with it because it was a really close game and I had fun. To me that's what Spacelords is about. A fun challenge whether you're a Raider or Antagonist. (Though I do love the story and characters as well :p )


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Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
Reply #14 on: October 23, 2018, 10:46:25 AM
If it was optional it would still be a core part of the game. If the incentive is there people will play it. If you want to spice things up you can opt to play against the antagonist, if fact every single match would be against one.
I would prefer this and would actually play it as it can then be balanced separately. As it stands now if your MMR is high and you get invaded it still pretty much a guaranteed loss.