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Messages - Ac3_f4ce

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Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 21, 2018, 10:02:31 PM 
They could change the reward system couldn't they? Wpuldnt it be easier to just change how much gold and faction points we get at the end?

Now I'm no white knight I just legit like the mechanic. It adds spice to the game. The reason I don't see a need for a toggle is becasue it's not like an antagonist shows up on every mission you have good day and you have bad ones. You can play a whole day and only get 3 Antags missions and then some days you get like 10. The PVEVP model has something for everyone. You got on missions you fight against the enemy and every so often you get a mission with an Antag. It's not a horrible experience. You are just upset becasue you lost or maybe you won but didn't get that blueprint you wanted. You're frustrated I get it. But are you honestly saying you wouldn't get bored of this game if all you did was play the same missions over and over, always winning. I know I would. I feel if they changed the Antag mechanic it would be a different game from what they originally set out to make. And don't think Antags have all the fun. We get frustrated too. The imbalance goes both ways


Gameplay Feedback / Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 21, 2018, 09:31:28 PM 
Im noticing A LOT of players expressing their dissatisfaction with the Antgonist mechanic. Most people often complain that he shouldn't be on mentor matches that players should be able to opt out of the match with Antags.

For everyone who supports this mechanic please express it here.  Tell them your stories. Tell them about your success tell them  how you  obliterated the raiders. Tell them about your failures tell them how you have had your ass handed to you by the raiders. Let them know the community supports it.

PVEVP is some thing for everyone. There s no need to change. There are balancing issues but there is no need to to make it optional. I honestly believe if MSE makes it optional the Antagonist mechanic will die.

Fix the balance issues, keep the mechanic.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 21, 2018, 08:43:39 PM 
You guys honestly need to stop complaining about the Antag system. It's not always balanced in the Antags favor. There have been numerous times where the AI has not beneficial. Playing as an antagonist I have seen the AI be as dumb as rocks and not do anything to players or be so few that it's a ghost town. I have played as a raider with no Antag and been demolished by AI becasue they were so coordinated. I then play the same mission with an Antag and it be significantly easier.

If you choose to switch off the Antag system you should get reduced rewards than a player willing to go into an Antag match.
This system has been around since the beginning of the game. I honestly believe if they gave the player a choice, more than half of the player base would leave it off. Something with mentor matches. But suspect that 75% of player would opt out mentor matches.

This game was based on a pvevp model its like Destiny Gambit or Left dead Vs mode. I honestly hope MSE doesn't give players because some of you don't like losing or don't like changing ypur playstyle. This game is about teamwork if you are off by yourself expect to get picked off by the enemy or an Antag.

Again I speak from experience. I'm lvl 116 in game. I have witnessed from both sides of the equation. I have been an Antag and have been completely obliterated and plenty of times returned the favor. I have played matches where players have pulled victory right out their asses. Becasue at some point they learned how to work together and watch each other's back.

I'm not debating there are balance issues but not all of the blame should fall on MSE. There are scrub players out there then  there are skilled ones. And in between that we got trolls. Learn how to play this game correctly, learn from your mistakes and change your play style.  I promise you won't win all ypur matches but you will win most of them. Nobody likes losing but don't go to the game devs telling them that their game is too hard for YOU and tell them to change it to better suit YOU

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Fith Council not feeling like Tanks.
 on: October 21, 2018, 09:50:35 AM 
Well i think they're a bit tanky. Full charge with a aura mortis to the body doesn't down them . But if I shot anyone else it would down them

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Bewitch
 on: October 19, 2018, 10:33:45 PM 
Ok a little Bewitch 101. Bewitch blinds the enemy to her presence. 1 Great for long range combat. Loses its affect the closer you are. You wont be detected until about 10 meter radius theres a card that can cut that range in half.  2 Bewitch also loses its affect if youre stress meter is up. So when you fire your gun you can be seen. If you are reloading your gun you can be seen. If you are currently fighting you will be seen (from afar). If you are wounded you will be seen. once the stress meter goes down you will go back to being invisible.

i think Ginebra needs another skin.

Suggestions / Duplicate BP for gold.
 on: October 19, 2018, 02:15:00 PM 
Hey could it be possible to transform duplicate blueprints into gold? I have s so many duplicates for aura mortis and Kon's storm but I can't do anything with them.

Suggestions / Re: Melee
 on: October 19, 2018, 01:09:12 AM 
Thats happened to me twice recently  for the first time (been playing since late August and im level 111 now)

Suggestions / Re: Better Prompts.
 on: October 18, 2018, 11:50:36 PM 
In my experience, ive dealt with  players being killed with 5 aleph. Aleph that could have been used to overload a generator or something. And they were killed no where near said generator just off gallivanting getting kills. 

Suggestions / Re: Doldren's Astral Form needs to be tweaked
 on: October 18, 2018, 11:44:26 PM 
I am a wonderful Antag lol even friendly at times. I have destroyed Antags and raiders alike with Doldren. But i have also destroyed Doldren Antags. It depends on the player and the teams

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Space lords is not fun anymore
 on: October 18, 2018, 11:33:24 PM 
You ever run into a high level holding onto 5 aleph ignoring mission tasks and still killing elites or being killed by elites. They usually have aleph when no one else does.  Those are usually good signs

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.1 Patch Notes
 on: October 18, 2018, 08:42:36 PM 
Draco with the Discord screenshot.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.1 Patch Notes
 on: October 18, 2018, 07:29:17 PM 
Your hard work is appreciated MS. Keep up it. We look forward to more updates changes and fixes. Thank you.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback from a random player
 on: October 18, 2018, 06:17:59 PM 
Topic 1: i dont think there is any problems with the card system. Have you played as an Antag to the point where your emblem changed to an A instead of an R and back again? Because thats how you pull specific cards. Some cards are marked with an A or an R you need to bounce back and  forth between being an Antag and Raider. It all has to do with the Aquelibrium wars. And the 4 factions are more like classes . I dont feel any one is barred, its supposed to incentivize you to play with different characters.

Topic 2: Antags on mentor matches sucks i know maybe they will find a middle ground but barring Antags from matches with blueprints is ridiculous. Just because you dont want to lose isnt a valid reason to change the system.

Topic 3: seriously they gotta do something about that gold.

Topic 4: MS is sticking to their guns on this one and i believe making it optional would be the same as getting rid of it.  It needs to be balanced to the rookie players MMR not the vets.

Topic 5: nothing need to be said

Topic 6: I dont think they should add any of the things you said. I believe it would distract from the mission.  A lot of people then will focus on killing enemies and not the missions. Kill count isnt what is important in this game, its the objective.  If you killed 10 enemies the whole match and were dropping aleph and moving the mission along i wouldnt care. But if you killed a 100 enemies and didnt drop any aleph and was holding onto it, i would a have a problem. And this is a problem that i have come across many times.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Completed all 4 campaigns!
 on: October 18, 2018, 05:30:36 PM 
Shamash is beast.

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