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Messages - MSE_Laura

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Hi there, Jaguar0185!
It's a price to play to introduce all the Advanced Features. It's almost the same thing but with more crafting possibilities :-)

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Game absolutely broken
 on: January 17, 2020, 10:55:51 AM 
Hey, Lehi!
Let me help! Do you have a video of it? Let see if we can fix it ASAP :)

Oh wow  :-[
Thank you so much SniffaXxX! Both for your report and video (we really appreciate those). Let me send it to QA so we try to fix it ASAP!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Stop matching antags to raiders in abroad
 on: January 16, 2020, 04:19:49 PM 
Hello there, Lehi!!
Sorry you had a bad experience :( As you know, Matchmaking times and ping can vary depending on your geographic location and the time of the day you play. Being an antag, you can´t just form a squad with people with good network and close to you. But, what you can actually do is to check our "looking for a game" discord channel :

This way you can be in touch with people with a good network that want to play too!

Hey, Hopperorouk!
No panic. Now you have the Over-Reload Advance feature that allows you to have many more rounds if you reload with a full clip!

That's an interesting idea! Yeah, we used speed increasing cards in the past to balance slow-moving characters like Valeria´s Titanium Chassis" card. The issue could be that a really fast character + cards could be felt kinda impossible to catch and frustrating in the long term.
What do you think?

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Game absolutely broken
 on: January 14, 2020, 04:54:08 PM 
Hi there, Anszi.
There have been some issues with damage. We have just uploaded a server-side fix and working on a patch that will fix damage related cards, and the property "Caliber". We'll try to upload it ASAP.
 However, these quick patches have to pass third-party certification. So it may take a little bit more time than we'd like.
Hopefully uploaded this week!  Sorry for the inconveniences

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Genocide trophy
 on: January 08, 2020, 11:47:19 AM 
Hi there, jes1977,
You can still achieve the trophy by eliminating 5000 enemies!
Good luck!

As a tip, if you like velocity, I really like to play Alicia with the talent "Acrobatic". That really speeds the game up!

Cool challenge!

Hi there, Trickyha.
I´m sorry to hear you had a bad time playing "Fist full of Sand". As you know, you can't shoot a the turrets and destroy them. What you can do is to eliminate the engineers that control them.
As a tip, Mikah is a quite useful character to switch from one place to another and forget about the turrets' fire!
Hope you find it useful to trick some of those smirking turrets :-)

Hi there, Hopperorouk!
Being honest, it's up to you. If you don't want to spend a blueprint or money I'd choose the cheap crafting option. It takes more time, but fewer costs. It's all about how bad you want to play with the weapon of your choice!

Oh wow! We'll investigate it ASAP.
Thanks for the report, Lehi!

Please check out our website and Social Media channels to keep track of the state of the game and all the issues that have been fixed.

Suggestions / Re: New finisher animations?
 on: January 07, 2020, 03:35:38 PM 
Well, that's quite an interesting suggestion! With the events and updates to come, we'll sure introduce a quite different animation for the throwing mechanic :-) Thanks for your feedback, Evil Jill Valentine!

Oh, wow!  Makkari's design is really cool!  :)

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