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Topics - Jenetikz

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / High level mentor matches??
 on: October 24, 2018, 04:23:03 AM 
uhhhhhh So I unlock the 4th campaign and I'm I still having mentor matches on the High levels???? I work hard to get my level up all weekend to unlock the 4th campaign and a level 10 can just come to the party?? no disrespect but kinda fishy business... :(

Gameplay Feedback / HOARD MODE!!
 on: October 21, 2018, 06:04:09 PM 
How would you guys feel about a "Hoard mode"? Raiders vs waves of the factions. 4 different areans that represent the factions with really good terrain support for the players.

Example start the mode and pick the 5th Council arena, The raiders show up in a snow-covered arena made like an underground 5th council base( Something like a Hoth Base from star wars). Start the match fight through 4 waves, Raiders using the terrain and environment for support. (Support tunnels, Electric traps, rooms/halls computers for cover. On the 5th wave a boss fight which you have to come up to to the surface and do your thing OR 2 antags!! Antags can use the terrain to their advantage trapping raiders with their teamwork. Win the round get your reward pick another arena.

IF there's not antags available there you can put a boss fight. 

It would be interesting to see that type of mode in spacelords.

Spacelords Universe / Lycas antag 10.18.18
 on: October 19, 2018, 11:23:00 PM 
AYEEEE!! I wanna give a big shout to the antag who was playing with lycas on hanging on a thread on 10/18/18 I was on like between 8-11pm I was playing mad matches. Mannnnnn I respect you bro why?? because you were up against a well-oiled machine and at the end of the mission when we all extracted you waved to us and we all emote you back with respect... I rock with you bro!! you a good person in my book.

Keep antagging hope to run into you again! ;D

Suggestions / Melee
 on: October 19, 2018, 12:09:55 AM 
Is it just me?or have anyone experience when striking people you tend not to always hit the right person or When your in the middle of a combo and you know your about to use your finisher but your character for some reason goes and hits another person who has happens to be running by, leaving the guy you just beat up to be able to recover.

For some reason, it seems the melee been a little off.

Spacelords Universe / Come on Guys....
 on: October 17, 2018, 02:28:14 AM 
I know I just signed up to the community but man it seems every other hour there posts tearing this game down. There's players saying "Mercury steam abandon us, the game is broken etc" How?? A year ago when this game first came out as raiders you had to pay for everything!!! DLC's were 9 bucks didn't see you guys throwing 9 bucks otherwise it still would have been locked.

I have an issue with players who do not let a game breath. There are players complaining about the bp drops which yes are a pain but is that really the case?? I been grinding for Ayana Legacy for 4 days with 2 reward resets a day blueprints duplicates, failed missions, completed missions, ppl leaving but that didn't make me come on here or make a video why this game sucks. There's ppl complaining about in-game chat and it's in the options??!! like all other games.

I'm pretty sure most wasn't feeling that way doing raids in destiny hoping to get that icebreaker but get disappointed to get the hard light..or better have 4 icebreakers and you want the gallajarjhorn but all you get is the hard light?? People abandoning the raids/nightfalls when they don't go as planned. It happens in every game you can't have it your way all the time or have the same rng results from another game. There's a reason why F2P games have serious grinds warframe has a grind, paladins have a grind, overwatch had a grind learning how to color a coloring book properly has a grind everything has a grind.

I know this gonna fall on deaf ears but to all new players get to know the game, don't quit on the team this not one of those games where you quit and everything will be good, just like destiny in the strikes and raids teamwork is the best work. Don't have one bad game then jump on here and making crazy rant threads give it sometime be patience, We waited for a whole year for the game to be free now how about let Mercury steam do their thing so they can give us the updates we want.

PS someone on here compared this game to warframe and said it was the best F2P. One could agree but I'm sure you weren't playing it when it was a terrible and horrible game to get into and no one was paying attention to it which was like 2-3 years ago when Destiny 1 was blowing it out the water.

Keep raiding and antagging
See you guys on the broken planet.

Spacelords’ Advice / Ayana Kwena
 on: October 17, 2018, 12:37:30 AM 
Any good raider loadouts recommendations for my boo boo aka wakanda forever??

Gameplay Feedback / Level 500 antag
 on: October 15, 2018, 09:00:09 AM 
LOL really.... the mission didn't even last 5 minutes.

 on: October 14, 2018, 04:55:30 PM 
HI Guys!

I've been looking for this community and I'm glad I found it! I've been playing since it was Raiders and now I really enjoy the Spacelords makeover. I'll like to offer my thoughts and I hope they can help the devs for the next future updates and we can have more love amongst players  :)

 Again I hope this reaches out to my fellow Raiders, Antagonist and the Devs


Mentor Matches.

We vet players hate them with a passion. But at the same time, I don't mind quarterbacking new players in the missions. But there's a huge problem where the antagonist jumps in and it ruins the matches and gives the rookies a bad experience as most of us been vocal about. I think a good way to fix this situation is to...

NO antagonists should be able to jump in a mentor match UNLESS that antag's is a matching level of the lowest level character OR in the range of the party. That way it helps new antag's and new raiders.

That way you can still keep the surprise element of the antag jumping and  if it's at a manageable level the party shouldn't have a problem having a rookie raider in the group with a manageable level antag.

Just to share an experience I had a party with a level 1,3,10 and me being 54 and had a level 12 antag jump in. Now an evil person would just slaughter the antag and overtake the mission ;D But I made it a little worth wild I let the party engage the antag while I completed the tasks and support the group and if the antag and I crossed passed I would just dodge and evade the attacks but never kill. It became a point the antag recognized what was going on and noticing I was helping both groups and the match turned out to be a great learning experience.

So I'm saying its possible but......

Vet players also need's to get a little more love than 20% exp although I know it's just a starting point and I do appreciate the boost but...after doing everything above as noticed that's not going to be 10 min cake walk with w/o an antag. Not to mention when Vet players see mentor matches we're not interested at all and matchmaking takings forever cause we're cherry picking missions. But I'll think we'll be more interested in the mentor matches if we're to get say....

10% Gold
10% Faction points


Basic or Rare blueprint chances increase on the next blueprint mission drop.

I think that should be a win-win situation. We'll be more encouraged to groom new players and have quicker parties.
Rookie raiders, New players, etc

You guys aren't off the hook! lol. I know you guys get into games and  see a bunch of high-level players and your 5 minutes into the mission and your like wtf and disconnect. As a vet player and understanding the mmr I'm not mad at you guys honestly lol, but at the same time, you guys frustrate the party and which goes back the first few paragraphs. Also, keep in mind when the Raider Guild drops and you want to join Guilds and maybe get all the cool Guild stuff?? Players don't forget and there's a couple of players of players I played with over multiple times that I started new and level up but I just know from before they quit on my party to many times so just saying be careful not to ditch the wrong party....:-X


Only thing I have to say about antags is if you guys jump in mentor matches and know you can take the squad out how about not going hard lol. Also I think there should be a better antag system. Since Antags are basically pvp I do sometimes feel bad when a antag gets dogged by a random well oil machine party regardless of the mission. So maybe for those guys instead of quickplay, have an actual antag mode dedicated to being a antag, antag story lore and instead of 1 guy maybe 2? in that mode lol Have them be able to coordinate with each other against the group, maybe duo groups rankings.  I like antag mode but it gets boring.

other crumbs...

Ayana: Versatile Is a cool gun but..why all other guns have the options to drop mines where you stand but that gun you can't? I have to in between modes to manage the gun I find that to be very troublesome to her play style and it should work similar to Alicia painkiller if she can shoot heal/damage players/mobs why can't Ayana blow players/mobs up with some heals /damage and place mines instead of switching modes.

Also, her card where she shoots her anchor and able to runs faster should be for raiders as well she doesn't have enough cards towards her anchor ability

Ginabara: I feel she lacks a gun that gives her a wider projectile radius. I like her J wheel but I think the disc's should be wider.

If there's raiders in a party in from the same faction maybe there should be a faction booster ex.  Party with ayana lycas alica ginbara (2x hades boost)
Hearc, Alicia, Hive and Rak (75% Wardogs boost) etc etc

And I need outfits for her too lol Sorry I love ayana.

I think with those suggestions the harmony between new players, antags vets should be better and I look forward to the update and the new stuff on the roadmap.

Keep Raiding guys!

Gameplay Feedback / THOUGHTS AND TIBITS
 on: October 14, 2018, 04:48:14 PM 
HI Guys!

I've been looking for this community and I'm glad I found it! I've been playing since it was Raiders and now I really enjoy the Spacelords makeover. I'll like to offer my thoughts and I hope they can help the devs for the next future updates and we can have more love amongst players  :)

 Again I hope this reaches out to my fellow Raiders, Antagonist and the Devs


Mentor Matches.

We vet players hate them with a passion. But at the same time, I don't mind quarterbacking new players in the missions. But there's a huge problem where the antagonist jumps in and it ruins the matches and gives the rookies a bad experience as most of us been vocal about. I think a good way to fix this situation is to...

NO antagonists should be able to jump in a mentor match UNLESS that antag's is a matching level of the lowest level character OR in the range of the party. That way it helps new antag's and new raiders.

That way you can still keep the surprise element of the antag jumping and  if it's at a manageable level the party shouldn't have a problem having a rookie raider in the group with a manageable level antag.

Just to share an experience I had a party with a level 1,3,10 and me being 54 and had a level 12 antag jump in. Now an evil person would just slaughter the antag and overtake the mission ;D But I made it a little worth wild I let the party engage the antag while I completed the tasks and support the group and if the antag and I crossed passed I would just dodge and evade the attacks but never kill. It became a point the antag recognized what was going on and noticing I was helping both groups and the match turned out to be a great learning experience.

So I'm saying its possible but......

Vet players also need's to get a little more love than 20% exp although I know it's just a starting point and I do appreciate the boost but...after doing everything above as noticed that's not going to be 10 min cake walk with w/o an antag. Not to mention when Vet players see mentor matches we're not interested at all and matchmaking takings forever cause we're cherry picking missions. But I'll think we'll be more interested in the mentor matches if we're to get say....

10% Gold
10% Faction points


Basic or Rare blueprint chances increase on the next blueprint mission drop.

I think that should be a win-win situation. We'll be more encouraged to groom new players and have quicker parties.
Rookie raiders, New players, etc

You guys aren't off the hook! lol. I know you guys get into games and  see a bunch of high-level players and your 5 minutes into the mission and your like wtf and disconnect. As a vet player and understanding the mmr I'm not mad at you guys honestly lol, but at the same time, you guys frustrate the party and which goes back the first few paragraphs. Also, keep in mind when the Raider Guild drops and you want to join Guilds and maybe get all the cool Guild stuff?? Players don't forget and there's a couple of players of players I played with over multiple times that I started new and level up but I just know from before they quit on my party to many times so just saying be careful not to ditch the wrong party....:-X


Only thing I have to say about antags is if you guys jump in mentor matches and know you can take the squad out how about not going hard lol. Also I think there should be a better antag system. Since Antags are basically pvp I do sometimes feel bad when a antag gets dogged by a random well oil machine party regardless of the mission. So maybe for those guys instead of quickplay, have an actual antag mode dedicated to being a antag, antag story lore and instead of 1 guy maybe 2? in that mode lol Have them be able to coordinate with each other against the group, maybe duo groups rankings.  I like antag mode but it gets boring.

other crumbs...

Ayana: Versatile Is a cool gun but..why all other guns have the options to drop mines where you stand but that gun you can't? I have to in between modes to manage the gun I find that to be very troublesome to her play style and it should work similar to Alicia painkiller if she can shoot heal/damage players/mobs why can't Ayana blow players/mobs up with some heals /damage and place mines instead of switching modes.

Also, her card where she shoots her anchor and able to runs faster should be for raiders as well she doesn't have enough cards towards her anchor ability

Ginabara: I feel she lacks a gun that gives her a wider projectile radius. I like her J wheel but I think the disc's should be wider.

If there's raiders in a party in from the same faction maybe there should be a faction booster ex.  Party with ayana lycas alica ginbara (2x hades boost)
Hearc, Alicia, Hive and Rak (75% Wardogs boost) etc etc

And I need outfits for her too lol Sorry I love ayana.

I think with those suggestions the harmony between new players, antags vets should be better and I look forward to the update and the new stuff on the roadmap.

Keep Raiding guys!

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