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Messages - MSE_Karen

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Hi, Raiders and Antagonists!

We run our Killfest special event last weekend, calling all Raiders of the Broken Planet to action to check who was the deadliest character in the game. We promised to grant a new Character Card to the three Raiders who scored most kills during the weekend, but it was such a close call that we ended up giving away four Character Cards!

Even though Hans was not among the top 4 Characters during the Killfest weekend, he performed really well providing close air support to his teammates. We have learned a lot about this well-liked character this week, with the reveal of his interactive comic and the latest #DevShout video, where our Gameplay Programmer Dani explains the best configurations for the deadliest chef in the galaxy.

See you on the Broken Planet, Raiders.

Ship's Log / New Ban System + Antagonist bug fixed!
 on: November 17, 2017, 06:01:40 PM 
Greetings, Raiders!

As you know, we have been gradually introducing some changes to Raiders of the Broken Planet having all your feedback in mind. One of the most addressed issues was related to the ban system and some users abandoning the matches.

Leaving a game in the middle of a mission is a frustrating experience for the remaining players so we are taking actions to discourage this behaviour.

From now, all players who drop off the match and fail to reconnect, will be banned for a few minutes. If banned players persist on this conduct it may result on a lengthier ban period. We would like to thank all the fans who have reported this unsporting behaviour.

In addition to this, we have detected that, on occasions, the algorithm responsible of balancing Antagonists appearances was not working as designed, causing a lower than desired rate of games including the Uras-Beherit agents.  With the latest hotfix, live now, the algorithm is now properly balanced and the chances of Antagonists trying to foil the Raiders’ mission has increased. Watch your backs!

Please, let us know what you think of these changes and see you on the Broken Planet!

Ship's Log / Han's animated comic is out!
 on: November 16, 2017, 06:50:04 PM 
The Broken Planet's bravest chef!

Hans was a ranking Hades Division officer, with a passion for cooking, but he fell from grace during a decisive battle and decided to join the Raiders. As part of the Raiders, he soars the battlefields with his jetpack providing close support to his teammates, and keeps them well fed with his culinary skills when off-duty! Want to know the whole story?

Check out his new animated comic:

Ship's Log / 10.000 Gold for everbody!
 on: November 15, 2017, 06:10:31 PM 
Hi, Raiders!

You may have noticed that we have gradually been introducing several changes to the Raiders of the Broken Planet’s economy over the last few weeks, based on user feedback. Today, we are introducing a brand new measure that will help players progress in the game. Now, all new Raiders of the Broken Planet players will start the game with 10.000 Gold. This will allow newcomers to start unlocking lore, building weapon blueprints or unlocking characters after just a few games. But what about existing Raiders of the Broken Planet players, we hear you ask? Well, everyone is getting 10.000 extra Gold! Just check your wallet next time you enter the game. A small gift from us to you!

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Video Faction Guide for new players
 on: November 15, 2017, 11:51:00 AM 
Hi guys!

Thank you very much! This is always useful for newcomers to understand the characters and the lore around them ;)

Ship's Log / Re: Reward System Hot-Fix Update
 on: November 15, 2017, 11:24:51 AM 
Hi Argentil,

You are right. This a short term action, transitional, before we aply the long term plan. Thank you, as usual, for your thoughts.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Overall Feedback from a Returning Beta Player
 on: November 13, 2017, 08:04:04 PM 
Hi VengefulCheezit,

We really appreciate your suggestions, but you have to understand we are an independent studio and, even having a budget, the options in advertising are limited without a publisher.

The most immediate changes we are making are related to the reward system and they are based on your feedback and the most adressed issues. You can read it here:

Spacelords Universe / Re: Countering a Hans Antagonist
 on: November 13, 2017, 07:54:36 PM 
Hi Argentil!

Thank you very much for making this guide and sharing it at Steam. Those are really good advises for people who play against Hans, specially new players  ;D

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Xbox One Server Connection Issues
 on: November 13, 2017, 07:47:58 PM 
Hi guys,

We understand it's been a few days without being able to connect to the server and some of you missed the Killfest event because of this problem. Our QA Team is working to provide a solution as soon as posible but it's taking some time because it's an intermitent issue, difficult to track down.

Once we find a solution, we'll let you know through our social media and the forum.

Thank you very much for your patience,


Hi Gizun,

That is a strange issue. Please, send us your problem to It's important you specify the platform (PC, PS4 or XBO) and your username in the email.

Thank you very much!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Can't enter the game (PS4)
 on: November 13, 2017, 07:31:40 PM 
Hi, Nordwest_89!

As Argentil commented before, we have a support email for this kind of issues:

Please, describe us your problem and tell us your username/ platform so we can investigate it along with our QA Team.

Thank you!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: server problem
 on: November 13, 2017, 07:25:24 PM 
Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you all for reaching out. We are aware of the Xbox One issue but is proving to be difficult to track down because is an intermittent problem, not experienced by the whole user base, We are working to fix it as soon as posible and, of course, we understand some Xbox One players missed this first Killfest event, so we are doing more events the next weekends and we hope to see you all playing with your favourite characters.

Once our QA team has provided a solution, we’ll let you all know.

Thank you, as always, for your patience.

Ship's Log / Ginebra Now Available for All Alien Myths Players!
 on: November 08, 2017, 05:49:28 PM 
Ginebra, the graceful and deadly Fifth Council huntress, is now available for all Alien Myths campaign owners.

Ginebra is as a force to be reckoned with, armed with the Sturzenegger Bogen C-A00 crossbow and wearing her armour-plated “Sabretooth” Model Chassis. When adopting her apex predator form, Ginebra’s speed is dramatically increased, allowing her to run up walls and evading even the peskiest Antagonists -or to chase down the Raiders to the last man by the Uras-Beherit mandate!

Ship's Log / Re: Patch 04 Notes
 on: November 08, 2017, 12:41:31 PM 
Hi Chokabloc,

Can you please send a message to telling us the platform where you play and your user/id. If you play on Steam, please, specify also your hardware configuration.

Thank you!

Ship's Log / Patch 04 Notes
 on: November 07, 2017, 07:13:55 PM 
The following changes, fixes and upgrades have been applied to Raiders of the Broken Planet’s Patch 1.04:

-The tutorial is no longer mandatory and can now be skipped.

-New menu options appear after playing the tutorial, offering the player to choose between

 “Solo” or “Co-op” matches.

-The “Prologue” mission has been renamed “Eternal Soldier” Campaign.

-Several reported bugs have been fixed.

-Stability improvement for a better gaming experience have been implemented.

With the full cast of Raiders available for the Alien Myths Campaign, we have put our focus on balancing and stabilizing mission difficulty.


   Slightly reduced bonus enemy spawn rate during Survival phases.

   Adjusted time and death requirements for scoring on all missions.

Hanging By a Thread Mission:

   Reduced the rate at which engineers spawn at low difficulty levels.

   Reduced the rate at which enemies spawn during the second phase when playing against an antagonist.

In Shock Mission:

   Increased the rate at which enemies spawn during the first phase when not playing against an antagonist.

   Slightly increased Dr. Kuzmann's weapon damage.

   Increased Dr. Kuzmann's health.

A Breath of Hope Mission:

   Slightly increased the rate at which enemies spawn during the second and third monolith phase when not playing against an antagonist.

   Increased the rate at which enemies spawn during the boss phase when playing against an antagonist.

A Fistful of Sand Mission:

   Slightly increased the rate at which enemies spawn after the Protector is discovered when playing against an antagonist.

   Decreased the protector's health when playing against an antagonist.

The Enemy Within Mission:

   Reduced the rate at which enemies spawn at the beginning of the first phase.

   Increased the rate at which enemies spawn as the Raiders get closer to finishing the first phase.

   Reduced the time it takes for the Drones to scan the Protector's position.

   Reduced the rate at which enemies spawn during the boss phase when not playing against an antagonist.

   Reduced the number of Aleph charges needed to activate the Uras-Beherit when not playing against an antagonist.

   Increased the amount of time the Uras-Beherit stays activated when not playing against an antagonist.

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