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Messages - Wuzaor

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / Re: Limited XP is bad design
 on: July 03, 2019, 07:07:38 PM 
Even if the game sometimes looks great, I know devs will find a way to fuck up everything. That's why I'll never change my negative review for this game.
Oh. And I kinda forgot. Welcome to free2play mobile gaming, lads and lasses.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: i am not clown anymore
 on: May 19, 2019, 06:11:22 AM 
I hate asymmetric pvp. Especially in this game.

Gameplay Feedback / Life Support - Aneska's card
 on: February 01, 2019, 08:45:22 PM 
Less than 5 meters from the Mech feels like 1 meter. For healing you need to stand exactly under the Mech. What makes this ability useless.

Suggestions / Re: Quality of life chances
 on: October 22, 2018, 05:40:07 PM 
Not to mention the waiting time for game.

Suggestions / Re: Quality of life chances
 on: October 22, 2018, 05:38:19 PM 
There will be a form of chat system when guilds arrive.

The new "Identity" system also will likely have many cosmetics to purchase and use.

Last time I checked Doldren was 180k(maybe it went up?) and you can get about 4-5k gold per match with a max bounty hunter weapon. At roughly 10 minutes a match, which is a good time to shoot for if you want 9+, in one hour you would have have roughly 15% of him unlocked. If it did increase to 280k then it would be about 11%. Either way at 4 hours a day getting on average a score of 9 you should have him totally unlocked in just a few days. If it takes you months are definitely doing it wrong.

Also, 10% of 280k is 28k. It took you several days to make 28k? Playing 4 hours a day? Come on, now.

In 3 hours I usually earn 20k. What an ideal world are you live in with ten-minute matches, constant victories and bonuses to the awards?

Suggestions / MMR
 on: October 20, 2018, 11:58:34 AM 
Before the third campaign, MMR system worked more or less normally, but after adding the forge everything went somewhere wrong. And above 50 mmr is better not to meddle. Difficulty now increases in a geometric progression. With forge you can increase damage by 36%, increase individual damage by 65% ​​or greatly increase critical damage. So why this has led to the fact that hp of enemies increase by three or four times? It would be logical if their hp were increased by 50-100% compared with old system. And enemy damage? Forge increased our damage, but not our hp. What led to a situation where mobs send us to our knees with one punch of butt of the rifle, and the second blow send us to the forefathers. Enemy damage shouldn't been change at all. Here's a situation for you: you have a weapon that can kill an antagonist in oneshot, but can't kill an ordinary mob in three. This is imbalance. Damage will be nerf = mobs laugh at you. Many people have problems at 35%. Then why not change the system so that 35% will be 70? I want all percentages from 0-100 to be playable.
And even before, matches against antagonist were having bonus reward. Why not return it? For example, 500 bonus points to gold and faction points for fighting vs antagonist would be good. And. There is a situation if antagonist mmr is below group mmr by 10 percent, then it seems like mobs came from (group mmr + 10%) mmr without antagonist. And vice versa. It's better to make enemies based on raiders mmr (make them a little easier), rather than antagonist. Antagonist mmr shouldn't be counted at all.
I made my suggestions. But to take them into consideration or not is up to devs. Sorry for my english.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Low-Blow
 on: October 19, 2018, 10:24:18 PM 
And on 1-4 (49 MMR) octopuses travel to the point at a speed of cheetah.

Spacelords Universe / Low-Blow
 on: October 19, 2018, 08:50:28 PM 
After the last patch on missions 3-1 mobs have become incredibly strong.

Spacelords Universe / Invulnerability exploit
 on: October 16, 2018, 10:46:41 AM 
On some characters with five alephes you can acquire full invulnerability. Need rebalancing. For example, on Kuzman with Firewall and Shield Replenisher cards. Or on Konstantin with Firewall and Low-Pass Filter cards. etc. Many possibilities.

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