Author Topic: Gameplay, PvE, Antagonist feedback (good ideas, poor execution)  (Read 2755 times)


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I've played for 3-4 hours today, and my overall thoughts that I keep repeating to my self is "turdy gameplay".

The ideas of the things in the game are good in general, but the implementation is just so poor in that I honestly just can't stand most of it, if this game ends up as a buy game then I wouldn't dare buy it if these features and mechanics stick into the final product.

Antagonist is a good idea in concept, I remember having this in a game called Global Agenda in which is was an optional PvE mode and you got extra rewards for the added difficulty of having a player also trying to kill you. The problem here though is that you're forcing a PvP concept into a PvE mode that's already very difficult as it is, especially when you're playing with random people we have no communication with.

I have no idea if the Antagonist has infinite lives or what, but there's nothing more boring than being killed by someone pressing E, it's bad enough that some specific enemies do it to you in which you're forced to run away like an idiot and keep dropping some bullets behind you, but killing them is the most un-fun thing I've ever had to do, they charge at you for all eternity until they hit a wall or something to jump up.

Antagonist players on the other hand will be barraging into you when a bucket load of enemies have spawned (which is already far too often as it is and with no set areas after you've already cleared the area) and either meleeing you or just press E if its from the side with no time for them to reliably react, but even then when the game is lagging with a poor connection you can guaruntee that the person trying to grapple you when get you regardless.

When you run out of lives and need to survive the time limit to come back again, the huge problem comes in when it's possible to deal with the AI during the given period if you play smart, having an enemy player makes this virtually impossible to survive due to the map layout, how aggresive the enemy AI are, and that melee/grappling is impossible if they're starting directly at you.

What I honestly hope gets taken out of this game is grappling, it's 100% not fun to die to it, it's barely a little fun to actually pull off considering how the AI will always melee you if you're directly infront of them, meaning it's mostly an assasination tool from the side/behind, what I've found is if something is incredibly un-fun to die to and it's not removed, players will simply leave the game, this is even more of a given when Shae just makes her self virtually invisible to you and jumps you with a grapple, result? frustrating and not fun.

This brings me onto my second point here, Antagonist should be its own mode, there needs to be a strict PvE only mode, and a second PvE mode that allows players to come in as an Antagonist at any point in the match, you will be hard-pressed to find people like me that will play the game if Antagonist is there by default, because I don't enjoy dying to heavy cheese gameplay, especially when that cheese is lagging.

Antagonist needs to be in a seperate/optional PvE queue, many players do not like dealing with odd modes like this when the game is especially not balanced for that kind of gameplay.

Grappling should be reviewed and possibly taken out of the game, it's very un-fun to die to, by both Antagonist players and AI chargers, it's a no-skill ability that kills you while the enemy that grappled you is fully immune to damage while the animation is happening, leaving to counter play for an obviously stupid ability.

P.S I've been unable to find any difficulty selection, this could really be a problem when the AI are very aggresive and deal so much damage to players from both shooting and meleeing, technically speaking every individual AI has a very good chance to kill a player, average/casual players will not enjoy dealing with what I'm assuming is the default difficulty.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 05:50:06 PM by Crash »


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This game really isn't hard at all. In fact it's heavily in favor of the raiders, being the antagonist is extremely difficult. It's a little bit easier for them with the mission this weekend. But with the grapple literally all you have to do is melee then any time during it and be very aware. I will say with randoms it can be very difficult though since some of them waste lives. What bothers me most is the terrible loot system


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I just had a match where the antagonist respwaned in front of me, grappled and died, not a fun system imo


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Most of what I've read seems to reflect my match ups with PUGs. You don't take the time to learn the game then complain =/

If you knew about the game, you'd knew grapple can be countered with a melee punch, so fleeing against elites is like the WORST option. Shoot at them, if they try to grapple, melee them, a harder option is if they dodge, and you're not in melee (I insist on NOT IN MELEE) you have a very small window where if you press E, you're almost guaranteed a successful grapple ;)

As for your death to the antagonist Drozas, know that before respawning you'll see the "veins" of the player respawning, during which he can't do anything but move, so if you see him, best course of action is to wait (he'll probably chase you don' flee), and melee him just as he respawns. Best case scenario he's trying to grapple and you jsut parried, worst case scenario, he dodges, keep meleeing in case he grapples again, if he punches, then go for a dodge. The melee system is very much a mind game !

Also Shae shouldn't be a problem. She has very low health and can only bewitch one player, meaning your teammates should be able to down her before she can grapple you. Plus you should always be able to keep track of things like that at all time.

I don't understand why people want a non-challenge. I mean I really don't like getting anything easy in ANY aspect of my life. If I want to relax to something easy I'll just go to some fun and basic solo game.

Although I agree there should be a difficulty selection (although personnally it would be to increase it ahah), but only when proper chat and voice have been added, cause in creasing the difficulty will just make PUGs harder
« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 07:17:49 PM by DevilBlackDeath »