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Topics - gearedbeast

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Spacelords Universe / community split between grinding?
 on: December 18, 2017, 06:16:57 PM 
Is it me or is the community split on the grind in this game? A topic may start of with hate for it but ends up with people defending it. I think we really should agree unanimously on something like this.
Personally i HATE grinding. I think it's an artificial way of keeping a game alive so I usually avoid it in games and games that revolve around it, so I don't have a lot of experience with it. 

I didn't know Raiders of the Broken Planet would revolve grinding and now I'm getting an eye full of the experience I try to avoid so much. My question is did Mercursteam do it justice and we haters are just crybabies that should play a different game or is it actually poorly implemented. A shitty way of keeping us coming back for that one game or character we so want to play.

Things that I consider shitty grinding and why I'm not having fun: team pool, long waits (which is a topic all on its own), high prices, not totally fun difficulty ( bullet sponge enemies/ weak weapons/ crazy waves) not every level but they're there, and really bad drop rates ( some people luckier than others apparently)   


Spacelords Universe / From founder to normal
 on: December 14, 2017, 11:58:58 PM 
New character drop and I saw the price. I now see what people be going on about. hahaha

Not even that salty about it. I don't really plan to play the game until I get better wifi and the game get the much needed fixes. 

I'm more than ok with viewing the character and weapon model,  and reading her character logs since those are super cheap.

Glad she's first; thank you MS!

Gameplay Feedback / Devs, speak to us!
 on: December 06, 2017, 05:27:19 PM 
There is too much silence from the developers. Weren't they going to make the game with us along side them? It's hard to tell because we don't see them in forums. The most recent ones have been in post related to bugs (which is good to see them in) and post praising and loving the game. that's not cool!

I understand that it must be very frustrating and simply hard for the developers to deal with gamers. Gamers can be crazy and hard to work with. Too many childish remarks and blatant disrespect. That's not something people should have to read or deal with when coming from adults, but I don't see that here in this forum. I see a lot more passionate players who are giving decent advice and suggestions almost always ending in a reminder that they love this game and want to see it improve.
Seeing almost nothing but criticism in the forum might not be the most motivating thing to read but we do it out of love and respect for what you have, and should be given the same amount of attention to the post giving simple praise for the game.

I ain't gonna lie, I don't know how the community manager's job work. I don't know if you're free to reply to any and all post at your leisure or if there someone that tells you what you can and not comment on. I guarantee she can't talk about micro transactions or the like, but what about discussions? Joining us about common topics and issues beyond "we're listening". How about the developers feedback, hm? tell us why things work the way the do or why the choices that where made made.

If that's too serious then gives small updates on development. A screen shot of what's to come, artwork hinting at future or past development. Make a joke; say something! Don't just leave us hanging.... by a thread. See what I did there   :D

A game like this should have way more interacts with both developer and gamers for both serious and fun topics. We should really communicate. thanks for reading!

Gameplay Feedback / Can new players play solo first?
 on: November 24, 2017, 04:24:27 PM 
 recently all my antagonists games have been on Hanging by a thread and every time I dominate purple quit forcing the host to change wich pretty much make the game unplayable, at least for me.
It is very obvious that they only played the prologue by went in matchmaking there after. It's irritating.
And no,  I don't believe I should go easy. It's a crappy way to play that feels janky and overall not fun for the antagonist. I don't take pleasure in crushing noobs which is why I'm even writing this.

Spacelords Universe / hope there are more comics
 on: November 09, 2017, 06:58:08 PM 
no matter what happens to the game I hope they make more comics either on there site or published physical copies. the game is in a really rough spot but they have this awesome world and amazing cast of characters.  I would gladly buy character specific or ones where we see the team together. whatever happens, good or bad, keep making comics!

Spacelords Universe / A potential problem with individual rewards
 on: November 09, 2017, 01:35:58 AM 
If rewards because individual people will probably play more selfishly. People who want the rewards based on personal performance have consider how you will get them: high kill number? Personal survival? Slept gain? Objective played?
Some of those will force selfish choices like getting the most kills when most missions don't even require killing to conplete the objective.
This is a team base game after all.  I want a better system but i don't if individual rewards is the way to go when playing mutliplayer.
Would like to hear other people fights on this.  I could be missing a lot of details

Spacelords Universe / when's a good time to play?
 on: November 02, 2017, 05:02:32 PM 
having a really hard times finding other players matchmaking. I know the community is really small but wondering if there's a time window that has a good amount of people playing.
I play on PS4  but if the community is better on pc I'm willing to transfer.  I like the game enough that I might also re-purchase the founder pack too

Spacelords Universe / how much differences do we make?
 on: October 24, 2017, 06:30:18 PM 
As a community, how much do we actually effect the game? Is it just call out on bugs and way of life fixes, or could we ask for more voice acting or animations or things like that? I ask these because I sometimes wonder if Raiders of the Broken Planet should have been in development longer with all dlc in game at release.
I know the biggest reason is for community feedback but wouldn't that have worked in a few (very few) betas? Like, shouldn't the 4v1 system been looked a little more? Ever people seem to agree it's not very balanced.
Also, wouldn't the longer wait have drummed up more of people's interest? Releasing more trailers and gameplay footage at varies events to catch more eyes?
I don't ask these questions out of spite. I'm loving most of the game, don't dislike the episodic style of releases and prefer smaller communities to watch for toxicity, but i'm currently not even playing the game with it being really small and the only adjective is to grind for blueprints and antagonist points, mostly for lore.
I'm just curious on the business mindset of this. Depending on the amount of effect the community has on the game, are we playing a "beta" and would it have been more optimal to wait for all dlc to make one game.
also, I know this first one is a full game.       

Spacelords Universe / character predictions
 on: October 23, 2017, 08:42:59 PM 
If you've seen any poster, concept, or video you've seen hints of new characters not even announced!  One thing i absolutely love about this game is the character designs!  I also love characters in general, and can't stop thinking about future ones so I decide to my thoughts in a tread and read what other raiders might be thinking when looking at these characters.
These predictions or analyses don't need to be long or indepth; they can be about separate subjects like relations to others, why they joined Harec's raiders, weapons and abilities. Also, have fun with your ideas.

first up for me is the woman in the COUNCIL APOCALYPSE poster. First off, I love her design. her outfit is real simple but i like simple, also that could be subject to change maybe. What's really striking is that facial expression. She looks kind of crazy, or might just be enjoying herself.... enjoy being with Konstantine? i really like the idea of her having some kinda relation with Konstantine; she could be a really close friend, family, she could have a crush on him but he just ignore it. that be pretty funny. That could also be a reason to why she'd join Harec. I see her weapon as being a pulse rifle maybe. that's all i got on her.

Gameplay Feedback / do you like rock,paper,scissors?
 on: October 23, 2017, 06:22:26 PM 
I don't think anything's been said about melee combat in a while, probably cause it's been resolved, but I want to talk a little more on it.
I think the melee system works as intended, but is that a good thing? Is it fun? Personally, I don't find it thrilling playing a guessing game in the middle of a fire fight, especially as the antagonist. Making assumptions or educated guessing is a tad stressful when you don't have time to think about it. There's no "count" like in rock,paper,scissors giving you time to think. You either have to know your opponent or hope they can't make good guesses themselves, less someone just button smash, which actually make the cqc a bit clunky and not very fluid. 
what do ya'll think? Do you kind of agree or do think it's broken? You think there shouldn't be a melee system at all, maybe? Or could it be a bit more complex like a fighting game?
would reall like some opinions on this.     

Gameplay Feedback / Focus on single player
 on: October 20, 2017, 12:54:47 AM 
I know this game was promoted with the focus on 4vs1, and even though it was, we still got solo (unlike evolve) but it's barely worth!
It sucks to admit but player base is small and match making isn't great. Looking for a match sucks! Epically in game all about grinding/farming. To a lesser extent, someone just have bad connections.
Do I even have to talk about rewards? If focus goes to solo mode, it should all be focus on balancing rewards earned in matchingmaking.
Also, has local ever been thought about?

Spacelords Universe / General information collection
 on: October 11, 2017, 08:49:25 PM 
Until we get a better tutorial or log explaining key parts of the game, I think there needs to be general information thread here.
I don't do this kind of thing really so sorry if it starts out poorly constructed but I'll start off with ranking and correct any misinformation
Something I did not know when starting this game was that ranking increase difficulty.  Granted you have to be in a team of people with rankings close to yours. I don't know if it effects rewards cause I haven't gotten into a good team but i Imagine it does.
Please add anything you may know,

Spacelords Universe / When's the next dlc?
 on: October 07, 2017, 01:56:59 AM 
 I'm starting to hate the current missions but really  want to keep playing. 

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