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Messages - Geisty

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Gameplay Feedback / Current Events and How They Effect Raiders
 on: November 14, 2017, 08:26:48 PM 
Once again I'm back to talk about the in game pricing of heroes, this time it is a post directed towards the developers, since you claim you are always listening, I wouldn't want to be ignored. :)
If you could answer my questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

If you have not been following current gaming news, Star Wars Battlefront 2 recently received tremendous backlash on social media for locking characters behind a gigantic grind/paywall. The argument is that many people paid for the game and should not have to pay hundreds/grind hundreds to unlock specific characters. I consider this also to be the case with Raiders and that the team uses a similar economy. We have now seen EA, who is objectively one of the most corrupt companies with the practices of microtransactions, somewhat patch the problem by reducing in game costs for heroes by 75% because the backlash is so tremendous.
From this situation, has the Raiders team learned that such practices are immoral, or will the pricing remain the same, such as charging 10 to 60 dollars for single characters when the game itself only currently has 5 missions, and in the end will only have 12 missions? Does the team working on the game deem this price point fair? If EA steps back from such practices, does Mercury Steam have the same intention or will they continue the current course because it is such a small IP, that any negative backlash remains under the radar of major gaming outlets?

Also, you guys post the same stuff way too much on social media. I had to unfollow.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
 on: November 09, 2017, 05:22:30 PM 
Shae, you have to rotate positions a lot against Antags and Raiders. One trick ponies get snuffed fast against competent players. Her gold gun is the best Raider weapon imo as it can really f**k up Antags. She requires a lot of situational awareness because it's easy to catch her in a bad spot. Abuse her Bewitch power. As an Antag especially, you can use it as almost an area scan to keep tabs on all the Raider's positions. This is really effective on In Shock or Fistful of Sand. She is terrific if you use the card that reduces that range at which people can see you while bewitched because it really gives you a huge surprise element that she otherwise lacks. Her base gun is still my favorite for Antags. Less targets to crowd her shots and she can one shot easier than Harec.
Also, if you get Bewitched by an enemy Shae, Bewitch her back while behind cover and you now have the advantage. She wrecks slower characters, and as an Antag, don't feel bad about targeting the weakest in the group often, it will ensure victory.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
 on: November 09, 2017, 05:08:39 PM 
I prefer Harec's base gun as a Raider. It has good charging power, and with solid aim can clear mobs fairly quickly. With his blue gun, you don't have to fully charge it to get kills, it's simply that powerful. Headshots are basically instakills, so go for that. Using his ability is all about line of sight, you want to figure out which spots are the safest and provide the most view of the battlefield. This is really easy on the Prologue as there are towers and high spaces that are hard to reach. He is also super effective against Kuzmann, just jump from pillar to pillar.
Avoid melee as much as you can, only rely on suprise in this regard. Like if an Antag moves near your return point while you are Stalking, return to it for a stealth grapple. My favorite card of his is the one where you get immunity after every kill while stalking. It helps you bide time against large mobs that discover you or even antags. Just stay calm and keep killing mobs.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra costs 360000g??!!!
 on: November 09, 2017, 04:57:05 PM 
In business management, I learned that to win over consumers, you must appeal to them by being fair, or at least what is perceived as fair. Price gouging will gain you only resentment, in time. But they began with the rot already set in because the lack of experience with a big title, I believe they may be nervous. This need for instant gratification is pouring into the prices of skins and causing them to act recklessly. They may garner short term gain, but at the price of overall failure. If they don't change course, they probably will not be able to make the last bits of this game. Unless they have a good amount of "pocket funding". Honestly this game should have been a game preview title, as it is unfinished in many ways. From a professional standpoint, the risk the took was too great, because the model has nothing based in the familiar, which is essential to draw in a reliable market. Their risk management was very poor, and without proper funding, we are seeing this knee jerk reaction. As a person, I feel bad for the team, I can tell that someone put their heart and soul into it, but things did not pan out. This is an aggressive market for gaming. Three questions must be asked: Why should you play Raiders over other similar games? Why should you play similar games over Raiders? Is the price point competitive?

Let's take Paladins and Overwatch.
Paladins still exists and thrives in this market despite it being saturated with hero shooters and dominated by Overwatch. Why? Well, it is free to play, familiar, and has competitive pricing for skins and in game content. You can purchase all existing characters for a flat fee., which is less than Overwatch. So despite it being a smaller game, it can still survive because of what it does right. They will have long term gain.
Raiders does not and will not, with the current business strategy. That is my analysis.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
 on: November 08, 2017, 10:36:29 PM 
I stopped playing the game but those two are among my favorites. Need tips on how to play them? And which weapons/cards are the best for them?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra costs 360000g??!!!
 on: November 08, 2017, 10:31:58 PM 
Founder pack characters SHOULD be expensive or EVEN exclusive for all its owners! You should be grateful that you still can grind these characters.
Next released characters should be at normal price though.

Grateful? Do you hear how you sound, m8? I own the FP and I'm mad as hell for the Alien Myths players. Some guy probably bought this game and expected it to be a fun little experience only to have MASSIVE pricetags shoved in their face. I don't play this game anymore because of the pricing of things. Bah, grateful???? I owe the studio nothing, I payed for an incomplete game in good faith.

Ship's Log / Re: Reward System Hot-Fix Update
 on: November 08, 2017, 09:37:55 PM 
How about you all hotfix these skin/character prices?

Ship's Log / Re: Ginebra Now Available for All Alien Myths Players!
 on: November 08, 2017, 08:37:48 PM 
OMG I'M OVER HERE LAUGHING SO HARD! YOU ALL ARE SELLING GINEBRA FOR $60?! Bahahahhahahahahhaha! This game has now become a joke to me.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra costs 360000g??!!!
 on: November 08, 2017, 08:24:23 PM 
They are trying to get you to pay for her. They don't care about the experience, only the money.
Actions speak louder than words.

Ship's Log / Re: Ginebra Now Available for All Alien Myths Players!
 on: November 08, 2017, 08:20:40 PM 
360 000 G? Are you serious??

I AM SO DONE πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Ship's Log / Re: Ginebra Now Available for All Alien Myths Players!
 on: November 08, 2017, 06:03:27 PM 
Out of curiousity, since I stopped playing but own the FP and can't find out, how much gold/Mercury Points does Ginebra cost for Alien Myths players?

Ship's Log / Re: Ginebra's animated comic is out!
 on: November 03, 2017, 04:39:19 PM 
Kon weighs 837kg? Jesus no wonder he can't sprint lol.

Also is that a preview of his next skin? Looks really cool. Pants and chest armour seems to be the same as his default but with a different colour scheme + the red cables. The whole arms are completely different though.

Bet it's going to be $60. Lmfao
Lol. Thankfully the ones that are mostly reskins with minor differences are cheaper.

Oh true, $20.

Ship's Log / Re: Ginebra's animated comic is out!
 on: November 03, 2017, 04:24:07 AM 
Kon weighs 837kg? Jesus no wonder he can't sprint lol.

Also is that a preview of his next skin? Looks really cool. Pants and chest armour seems to be the same as his default but with a different colour scheme + the red cables. The whole arms are completely different though.

Bet it's going to be $60. Lmfao

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra seems a bit too strong.
 on: November 03, 2017, 04:20:17 AM 
But I really want to see boosted/reworked heroes, like again, Harec, could have a pistol at least for CQC situations, where you too close for Snipe attacks and to far for melee.

As a Harec player, I have to disagree with this. Any type of melee with Harec and Shae are going to be stealthily. You're gonna pick people off, not run head on. They are terrible in melee so generally you should avoid it. Like a sniper in any game, you rotate positions.

Also, another point, saying every other character should be boosted to keep up with one character... means that character is overpowered.
Lmao like it's not even funny how ridiculous she is, and people thought Hans Antags are bad? Ginebra is not only easy to play but in the right hands, unkillable. You can transform in melee combat if timed right after successful punch during the knockback animation, by the way.
It's actually funny because she is the most mobile character in the game and has more kill potential than the less mobile characters. And she has damage reduction.
You could say her downside is not being able to handle large mobs, but, grunts in this game like to group up. And her primary crossbow specializes in knocking foes together. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

As soon as they fix literally everything else, they should fix her. Because if she is the most powerful character for a while, convinces more people to strive for her gear. Which means more money. Same as making Kuzmann like the only character with really good mob control.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Weapon Blueprint Requirements
 on: November 03, 2017, 04:06:02 AM 
Hopped on the game just to look at the info for ya, friend


Granny: Rank 6
12,500 Gold


Su-Schleuder C33 (Rare), Rank 12
37,500 Gold

Javelin Ursa M-02 Rank 5
10,000 Gold

(Don't have pricing on K&K because I own it)

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