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Topics - Fireblaze

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Gameplay Feedback / State of the Game
 on: October 17, 2018, 01:46:11 AM 
Before i say anything else let me just start by saying as a veteran of this game i will continue playing this game but not as much as i have been which was literally everyday not stopping  to play anything else. So i guess to begin my rant The Problem that i had just figured out with the game and the development with it is that right after The Council Apocolypse campaign dropped with Valeria the games updates recently after that had not been as significant as it had previously been with characters and other new content had been dropping with the frequent very usefull YouTube videos actually informing you about the games current state like when Karen or other Employee's would talk about new content coming in following weeks with them showing you previews or them just simply talking to you with overviews of the new characters which is what i think is important in keeping active players like me and other loyal fans because it keeps you hyped and you feel that connection with the devs by knowing what they're up to like for an example before and after i had played "Raiders of The Broken Planet" i would still tend to revolve around other games that were close to their communities like Warframe and Smite which i still do play and look forward to even more because they Keep me excited because no matter how long i have to  wait for new content they will show me in their Dev Streams (Warframe) and Update Shows (Smite) on the new things we will be able to use in the future which is what i think is lacking from the game since it became Spacelords with little to no videos of the team showing you whats coming like the only thing they showed us was the roadmap which was pretty cool but not very informative and if you wanted more information it would only be viewable to dicord users like me which was only 2 devs(i think, but its been a while) talking about the first update in the roadmap which was very uninteresting to say the least which is why i bring up the point if they had a video on youtube between 10 to 20 minutes or streamed on Twitch and YouTube the Roadmap in more detail no matter if it took 2-5 months just to get a big update i woud still be excited for the new content coming like before the change going into "SpaceLords" when we had only got a campaign's artwork cover and a small description of what was in it because we only had the first campaign available to us and with such little information like that, i still stuck to the game just to find out who that beast in the cover was for the Wardogs Fury's campaign (Loaht) till finding out who that crazy lookin girl in he Councils Apocalypses cover was (Valeria) Soooo yeah this was originally intended to be much shorter but when i look back at this well i've already written here more than all my classes at school combined welp i guess i'll see yall later but gotta go check if Kuzmanns head has landed here yet Bye ;)

If yall don't know who he is check the universe tab under Uras-Behrit the story is "It Came From the Depths" and let me tell you after reading the whole thing he would be one of the coolest side type of characters that aren't in the cinamatics like hive, also i could already see his character model being amazing by the way he was described near the end

Gameplay Feedback / The Hatchet for Rak needs a buff
 on: September 16, 2018, 08:42:45 AM 
I would like to be using The Hatchet for Rak since his new skins design with the weapon is amazing and fits with his lore but the performance of the weapon is one of the weakest in the game right now just mainly because of its range so its unable to hit most bosses that are off the map a bit or flying in midair which most do plus the weapon does have a ricochet mechanic but its nearly useless since it barely even bounces of the walls or the ground which i would also like seeing a range increase on that and the fact that the weapon only 2 forge skills actually increases the weapons ingame performance (a couple other weapons have that to)is terrible since its only crit chance and crit damage increase which i have 14 point in both so i wouldn't really think those extra 2 points i need would really change much but yeah i guess the point is the gun just needs a buff

Spacelords Universe / Need a Characters name!
 on: August 12, 2018, 10:00:45 AM 
What's the name of the guy on the Post Credits Ending scene's for all the campaigns because his whole design is amazing

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