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Messages - TehMud

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist Feedback
 on: June 11, 2017, 02:26:45 PM 
I know it's an old thread.

In the first map of the first mission if the raiders do that they will lose the mission because lycus will die. They are forced to push forward if they want to succeed.

The only thing you need to do is not to push that way and clear the main zone. That map is one of the ones I had more problems against antagonists. It is the map where I had the worst loses so far, and the map I find more difficult to pass from that mission, the next zone is easier IMO. Only because you can't let lycus die.

Yeah I'm noticing that too as Antagonist. I'll finally get into a match and want to try a new Character as Antagonist, buuuuut they don't know the mission too well and Lycus goes dead pretty quick before I can do much really.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: 2 Antagonist bugs
 on: June 11, 2017, 06:24:47 AM 
First bug happened again. Had to leave and rejoin a game in order to control my character.

After playing against a solid group of Raiders I can say there is and is not balance. If one is thinking and realized who they need to take out first and go from there an Antaganoist can demolish a team quickly.

But right now my main issue is the Sniper. Forget his name at the moment. But in a 1v4 there is really no counter other than hoping to spawn close and kill him.

If you spawn elsewhere, and a good sniper sees you, an instant flick head-shot and you're dead unless you're also a sniper. I try to dive inbetween cover but if they coordinate RIP

EDIT: Shae can counter the sniper via her Skill, but that's all I got. My only suggestion would be enemy snipers or something. I'm not a dev tho so beats me.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: MATCHMAKING FAIL
 on: June 11, 2017, 05:25:28 AM 
Well not to be mean but it may be Xbox One probably has an overall low userbase. To crossplay with PC I believe one has to have the Windows 10 Version but most of us are on Steam. So it may simply be the console base.

Bug report & Technical Support / 2 Antagonist bugs
 on: June 11, 2017, 05:23:16 AM 
Loaded game as Antagonist but no Keyboard inputs worked. I could still access the pause menu and reassign inputs thought but in-game it did not work.

I left and rejoined the mission. However I was stuck in permanent blurry vision. All the controls worked but everything was super blurry.

I left and rejoined one more time and everything went back to normal. Hopefully I don't get too penalized as it's a Beta, but that's how it went. No idea what caused anything.

I finished as Mission as Antagonist, lost, went to the results screen and it only showed the background and the usual items on the corners such as how much Gold or "Flags" or whatever.

Then my keyboard wouldn't work aside from random buttons here and there. Not sure what happened. Had to restart my computer to get the keyboard working again.

Don't have any other details though sorry

Gameplay Feedback / Re: NDA?
 on: June 10, 2017, 09:06:45 PM 
No Single Player does not work. As for as times they said "Our servers will once again open this weekend Saturday 10th from 09.00 until Sunday 11th at 19.00 (Europe CEST). Our US servers will open from Saturday 10th at 09.00 until Sunday 11th at 19.00 EST."

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My thougts on user feedback
 on: June 10, 2017, 08:21:46 PM 
Yeah it'd definitely a good balance. I like it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 10, 2017, 08:20:56 PM 
I just made an account to say this is why my friends and I will not be playing again after completing one mission. I can't fathom what you guys were thinking with this system. All I can say is WTF.

I can understand the frustration over the Rewards system, but that is a ridiculous thing to never play the game again over. after one mission.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: NDA?
 on: June 10, 2017, 08:18:37 PM 
As far as NDA goes I've gathered they encourage streams and recording footage. Servers as of now are usually up on weekends.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My thougts on user feedback
 on: June 10, 2017, 04:23:34 AM 
I rather liked the choice in the wounded camera. It felt different and also gave a sense of urgency and panic when wounded. I didn't have much trouble with it as I didn't really feel it greatly affected my overall gameplay.

However we'll have to wait until this weekend to see how it has been balanced.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist Feedback
 on: June 03, 2017, 06:10:01 AM 
Oh no I know that. The RAIDERS spawn at the start of a hallway. There is no alternate route behind them. If they choose they can respawn, and just camp the end of that hallway until they feel they are ready to press forward, or just wait out until they have Max Aleph again.

As an Antagonist I may be able to spawn wherever but if the Raiders spawn at the start of a narrow hallway with not alternate route to get behind them it's very frustrating.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback for PC
 on: May 29, 2017, 03:31:24 AM 
I almost forgot spawning needs some work as well, The antagonist can spawn and walk near you without you knowing it and sneak grab you which has happened multiple times. They need to spawn away from the players and not be able to close that gap while the invincibility and cloak are still on from the spawning. Raiders on the other hand can hide in spawn and wait for the antagonist if they are out of lives giving them a nice choke point to use while they wait. Putting a one way wall on the spawn would solve this as well as spawn killing from the antagonist.

I would argue that the Antagonist needs that, as a coordinated team will DESTROY an average Antagonist. As for the "spawning hall" for the Raiders I've said before but it needs to be changed. The Antagonist's real chance to win is when the Raiders are out of Aleph, and if they can just spit in spawn and spam down a hallway there's no point.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: If possible, we need more players
 on: May 29, 2017, 03:23:09 AM 
Hard to say for sure EXACTLY what the cause of the problem is, but I've definitely noticed that when I do get a game, it's with at least 2/3 of the same people I was playing with before, and that matchmaking takes upwards of 15 minutes sometimes.

It COULD be a problem with the matchmaking system, but it just seems like nobody is really playing at the moment, but I guess that's beta.

Welll I could be entirely wrong as well. Matchmaking works, but takes AGES.

I think alot of players also play through the mainn missions once and call it a day, rather than try multiple chars or try Antagonist. They could also just play everything Solo and be done. We don't have enough people playing multiplayer during the tests really.

As for this weekend, it was also Memorial Day Weekend so alot of people were also out of town

Gameplay Feedback / Antagonist Feedback
 on: May 28, 2017, 05:34:43 AM 
Something I found on the first multiplayer mission where you rescue Lycus.  It probably also applies to other parts as well. But in the last area the Raiders can just camp the spawn point against an antagonist and we can't do anything. It's just a hallway and there aren't any routes or anything to get past the spray of bullets.

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