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Messages - Placelord

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Gameplay Feedback / Cutscenes skip. Seriously.
 on: January 08, 2019, 05:00:50 AM 
We're how many patches in and the cutscenes skip option is still trash? Is this something that's too difficult or is it just not a priority? This is a seriously irritating problem, and the biggest reason I see new players quit.

When I antag it's for the sake of other players. I'm trying to help out my tier or assist people to get their rewards. But if I exit out of the game after the match concludes I get penalized. Some jerk wants to feel big and I just have to sit there and take it, regardless of how sporting I was being.

Why do I have to watch a cutscenes when I've lost? Why can't I just exit to menu? I only have few hours a week (if I'm lucky) to game and I spend the majority of it setting down my controller and doing something else. So many decisions in this game just feel like the developers don't have any respect for the players time or have to clue that it's even an issue anyone might have.

Make scene skip a vote. This is not doing anyone any good, newbies can watch the cutscenes on thier own time if they need to. The story is going to get presented out of order anyways, so it's not like they're going to gleam any sense of what's going on the first time through.


Spacelords Universe / Re: The Spam on these forums
 on: January 04, 2019, 04:05:23 PM 
The war is lost comrades. The forum belongs to the spammers. I do find it amusing though. I saw one post titled "join the illuminatti make thousands a day". Or "get 30 days of a dog's life for free 1000 vbucks". For real? Does that work for them? Who's actually signing up for this absurdity?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Speaking of dead horses...
 on: December 28, 2018, 07:33:20 PM 
Oh course he's not invincible. I'm not saying he's perfect just that he's OP compared to the other raiders that are relatively balanced. It's an unwritten rule in game design that a fast character cannot also be strong and tough, or that a healer cannot do massive aoe damage, ect.

That holds true for other characters. Alicia can do massive damage but only has a short range, Harek is a glass cannon. Valeria is a power house at crowd control but only after a set up, she is slow and her gun alone doesn't do much damage.

Yeah Hans is extremely well rounded but he's not one shotting ppl. Rak can do nearly everything but snipe with seemingly no drawback. I got no problem with the players and posters. The game is horribly unbalanced at this point and knowing that we're going to have to wait till they implement a new mode for them to work on these problems is incredibly frustrating.

Put out the fire in the room before you start building new furniture.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Speaking of dead horses...
 on: December 27, 2018, 03:56:46 AM 
True I did get lucky recently with Harek v Rak. It's just such poor design. All the other raiders have weaknesses to counter thier strengths. Rak is a DPS, healer, tank, crowd control, and scout. You can't have that on one character and call your game competitive.

Gameplay Feedback / Speaking of dead horses...
 on: December 27, 2018, 02:40:27 AM 
I'm done until the next major update. In it's current state this game is just a waste of time. Glad I spent 40 bucks to get smacked by a lv 300 Rak every time I boot up the game. Real good focus on balance MSE: a single character with truckloads of health that can down you in one punch with no drawback in speed or agility and rains down aoe from all ranges short of a half mile. Oh and he can heal/over heal. Why don't you just make him fly or go invisible while you're at it. Or would that be too OP? Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, I mean look at what he's up against he has to give it his all to survive. Oh wait it's just a lv 10 and 3 ads. Is this a game or a BDSM club?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Training Mode
 on: December 26, 2018, 10:14:07 PM 
When mechanics are nuanced andthe only way to learn is getting swarmed, players are more likely to assume the system is broken than to realise that they just don't get it. And the benefits for r&d are too good to pass up. Look at the speed running community. Do you think smash would be as active as it is if smart players weren't given the option to study hit boxes, I frames and animation length outside of competitive combat?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Make antagonist optional :)
 on: December 26, 2018, 10:09:30 PM 
Tekato you're totally right. It's the lack of balance that's the problem. I like a challenge  but dayum. Doesn't matter what side you're on anymore, whether there's an antag or not. The reward to time invested ratio is really getting to the player base.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Make antagonist optional :)
 on: December 26, 2018, 07:44:10 PM 
Making antag optional could bottleneck competition and cause more problems than it'll solve. It's been established that a well coordinated and prepared group of raiders trump most antags. If it's made optional only teams that are sure they'll win will choose to fight making antag victory even more frustrating and unlikely for mid lv's than it is now.

The real problem is the insane lv gaps. I never want to see another 300+ antag again. So I can relate to some extent. But invasions aren't so bad when you aren't being dunked on by a god.

As long as special seasonal content is obtainable or purchasable in future. I remember when final fantasy 15 did a holiday event. I found out later there are some sweet costumes that I missed that will never be available to buy or earn in any way.

I like how gta does it. I log on one day and I just get free money. Though I am still salty about never getting the fireworks cannon. Happy holidays y'all.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Training Mode
 on: December 25, 2018, 11:47:04 PM 
 Bump ++ yes that would be awesome. I would love to formulate tactics, familiarize myself with hitboxes and animation timing. I think this game has a huge potential for speed strats and a legit trainer mode would help facilitate r&d.

Over the course of the last week the difficulty has been consistently absurd. I've had two separate squads ragequit due to sudden week long losing steaks. The common ad fire was downing a skilled lv 120 in 2 hits. While we were also getting swarmed. Between this and my issues with ad spawns on antag matches being too easy; it's clear the algorithm for calculating difficulty needs work.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Cross platform matchmaking...
 on: December 23, 2018, 02:40:53 AM 
I dunno, they seems more like a general societal problem rather than a flaw of this game in particular. I like the cooperative aspect of this game in that if you are playing with someone who has better performance/aiming/ect, that's going tho help you win. Rather than fortnite where they just fodderize you and rub it in.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Squad problems anyone?
 on: December 22, 2018, 11:47:28 PM 
Is it possible that the team you were trying to join were already queued up or in a match?

Right, it's wierd how enjoyable it can be when your expectations are adjusted. Not saying that justifies it, but it is fascinating.

Ship's Log / Re: New "Tarasque" F-750 weapon for Hans
 on: December 21, 2018, 09:54:23 PM 
Wall of fire you say? Excellent. Is that primary or secondary?

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