Mercurysteam's Hangout

SPACELORDS COMMUNITY => Spacelords Universe => Topic started by: alma41 on January 02, 2018, 11:17:23 PM

Title: Order of rewards?
Post by: alma41 on January 02, 2018, 11:17:23 PM
Greetings, new player here so apologies in advance if this has been answered already in detail, however upon searching through the forums for a while, I was unable to find a thread explaining.

Question:  is there a preferred/optimal order of picking rewards for leveling up characters?  Slowly (and I mean slowly) I am just evenly picking between faction, character or gold, but I see the higher level players always picking gold.  Is this because they no longer need the other two across the board for all players?

Additionally one mini question, when you draw a new card, do you then need to buy it after too?  I see i have cards, but then it wants 25k after.

Huge thanks in advance for taking that time to read/answer. 

All the best,
Title: Re: Order of rewards?
Post by: Quanrian on January 03, 2018, 05:57:54 AM
Once all card slots for Faction or Character are unlocked two options become available for them. First option, is to reshuffle and 'potentially' get some different cards and maybe even a rare! Second option, you now have the ability to lock a card for 25k in the associated currency to keep it from being replaced 'when' you reshuffle to try for new cards. Thus, you reshuffle to get some different cards and you lock to keep from losing a card you like. Between those two types of cards and your weapon you're going to have a loadout that is essentially your build for that character.

As for your curiosity about Gold Rushing it is exactly what you may believe it to be in that they are just trying to get a bunch of Gold. One might Gold Rush for a character or a weapon but most likely for a character since they tend to be quite expensive in Gold. Should the economy of the game change in a way that has characters unlocking in oh I don't know... maybe Faction points instead or a combination than you will likely see less Gold Rushing and more of people just jumping on whatever is the larger number. However, currently Gold has no real parallel in worth to the other currencies though they 'are' trying to balance it out.
Title: Re: Order of rewards?
Post by: alma41 on January 03, 2018, 08:04:04 AM
Quarian, extremely helpful, thank you so much for taking the time to answer in detail.   Much appreciated!!
Title: Re: Order of rewards?
Post by: Quanrian on January 05, 2018, 09:43:57 AM
I try to help when I can but mostly just stick with it! There's plenty to learn by playing and even watching others. If you just want to chat about the game there is a Discord as well.